
North* reports here-


Feb 14, 2007
The newest livewire section is bull****. It's uphill, and there's no physically possible way to jump all the tables on it. What a bunch of misdirected shovel work. I just wonder who really decides that the trail should go uphill, and repeatedly turn 180 degrees on a completely flat secton of the mountain. It's wouldn't even be steep enough to race 4x on. Here's to asses, and the heads that inhabit them.


Sep 20, 2004
In My '09 WRX STI
The newest livewire section is bull****. It's uphill, and there's no physically possible way to jump all the tables on it. What a bunch of misdirected shovel work. I just wonder who really decides that the trail should go uphill, and repeatedly turn 180 degrees on a completely flat secton of the mountain. It's wouldn't even be steep enough to race 4x on. Here's to asses, and the heads that inhabit them.

I'm just happy we actually have a place to ride and they are actually able to build on it. Nothing's perfect. I don't like that section either but I got over it.


Aug 17, 2004
Napa, CA
The newest livewire section is bull****. It's uphill, and there's no physically possible way to jump all the tables on it. What a bunch of misdirected shovel work. I just wonder who really decides that the trail should go uphill, and repeatedly turn 180 degrees on a completely flat secton of the mountain. It's wouldn't even be steep enough to race 4x on. Here's to asses, and the heads that inhabit them.
I was talking to a friend who is on the trail crew and he said that some guy named Kyle told them to make the turns flatter and not as fast for some reason, so they listened to him just to shut him up. Apparently you should call those turns at the end the 'Kyle Turns.'


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Here's to asses, and the heads that inhabit them.
It's kinda weird to make a toast to yourself you ass.

There are a lot of people that have put a tremendous amount of time and effort into just getting the mountain open, not to mention the new stuff built. Whistler wasn't built in one season. Particularly for jump trails, it takes time to figure out the flow and make needed adjustments. Give it time, maybe make some more constructive comments, or just go ride somewhere else and leave the Star to people who appreciate what's happening up there.

You sound about 12, which might explain your lack of any long term vision.


Apr 30, 2007
I may be racing Asa. Grant and I are coming up friday night like last time, possibly through sunday. Is that offer still open?---Scott


Feb 14, 2007
It's kinda weird to make a toast to yourself you ass.

There are a lot of people that have put a tremendous amount of time and effort into just getting the mountain open, not to mention the new stuff built. Whistler wasn't built in one season. Particularly for jump trails, it takes time to figure out the flow and make needed adjustments. Give it time, maybe make some more constructive comments, or just go ride somewhere else and leave the Star to people who appreciate what's happening up there.

You sound about 12, which might explain your lack of any long term vision.
Even if I was 12, I could see that the newest section was a complete waste of effort. I'm not mad about the effort that people are putting in, just the fact that it's so blatantly misdirected. I mean the absolute lack of vision from the "trail crew' is amazing. We can't compare N* to Whistler, it's not even close. Don't get me wrong, I love riding the star, but it's frustrating seeing the screwed up effort that they consistently put in. And let's not forget that the trail crew is getting paid, just like the people that make your burrito at Taco Bell. But if they made a burrito that gave you the runs everytime, they'd get fired. So why is it that we allow/encourage these trail crew workers to half-ass their job all summer? Like I said before, the effort is great, it's just in the wrong place. Like a history report for a math class. I'm done.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Even if I was 12, I could see that the newest section was a complete waste of effort. I'm not mad about the effort that people are putting in, just the fact that it's so blatantly misdirected. I mean the absolute lack of vision from the "trail crew' is amazing. We can't compare N* to Whistler, it's not even close. Don't get me wrong, I love riding the star, but it's frustrating seeing the screwed up effort that they consistently put in. And let's not forget that the trail crew is getting paid, just like the people that make your burrito at Taco Bell. But if they made a burrito that gave you the runs everytime, they'd get fired. So why is it that we allow/encourage these trail crew workers to half-ass their job all summer? Like I said before, the effort is great, it's just in the wrong place. Like a history report for a math class. I'm done.
I agree that the new stuff could be better - and eventually, it will be better - but dude, your delivery really sucks, and you are confused about a lot of things. You make it sound like being on the trail crew is a cushy job with a long line of people waiting to jump in. From what I know, however, it's a crap job for low pay, if any pay at all. It's also a pretty thankless gig, as evidenced by your post and all the other whiners. So cut them some slack and instead of complaining, either STFU or make some constructive suggestions.


Aug 17, 2004
Napa, CA
I agree that the new stuff could be better - and eventually, it will be better - but dude, your delivery really sucks, and you are confused about a lot of things. You make it sound like being on the trail crew is a cushy job with a long line of people waiting to jump in. From what I know, however, it's a crap job for low pay, if any pay at all. It's also a pretty thankless gig, as evidenced by your post and all the other whiners. So cut them some slack and instead of complaining, either STFU or make some constructive suggestions.
Yeah. A lot of people don't understand that there are also somewhat ridiculous restrictions the trail crew has to follow. If they had total control over the trails I'm sure they'd be better, but they have to get approved by Northstar, and some other people. From what I've heard it was not their choice to make the section the way it was. They were told to by someone with more power.


Mar 11, 2005
Gold River, Sac Town, CA
anyone got any info on the rider ( i assume it was a rider but i don't know for sure) that went down up on the zephyr lift area? we saw the ambulance go up and then saw life flight landing up by the water tower. anyone know who it was and if they're ok?


May 2, 2005
anyone got any info on the rider ( i assume it was a rider but i don't know for sure) that went down up on the zephyr lift area? we saw the ambulance go up and then saw life flight landing up by the water tower. anyone know who it was and if they're ok?
He is OK.


Sep 11, 2007
anyone have some pictures from the last race?? I know I saw some camerapeople..... anyone have any of number 10 or 63?? Thanks.


Feb 14, 2007
I agree that the new stuff could be better - and eventually, it will be better - but dude, your delivery really sucks, and you are confused about a lot of things. You make it sound like being on the trail crew is a cushy job with a long line of people waiting to jump in. From what I know, however, it's a crap job for low pay, if any pay at all. It's also a pretty thankless gig, as evidenced by your post and all the other whiners. So cut them some slack and instead of complaining, either STFU or make some constructive suggestions.

I know of a LOT of people who wanted to be on the trail crew. And I've been making pretty much the SAME suggestions that everyone else has been all year. Like this weekend I come to find the only 2 long jumps at the mountain (after the fishbowl berm) are suddenly half as long as they were before. Now I realize that a lot of people couldn't get over these jumps, but changing the second one from a 15-18 foot dub to an 8 foot table is dangerous. It is inevitable to land the first one cleanly, then overjump the second one by 8 feet, and sprain the **** out of your ankle. This is just unsafe, it's like they deliberately try to take the flow out of the trail. And that sidelip halfway down the trail leads straight into the woods. And the lip is tiny for a 30 foot gap. I don't know who is responsible for this nonsense, but it is just ridiculous. I realize I'm an a-hole, but I'm tired of N* going 75% of the way to being sick, then messing it all up. It's just sad to ride at a mountain that apparently thinks they can build what they want, and expect riders to "deal" with it. I'm praying for you, Northstar.


May 2, 2005
I wish we could do what we want, but we have to do what we are told, just like everyone else with a boss. I am just stoked that I get to build trail at all, without someone bulldozing it and putting in a parking lot for a strip mall. And another thing, no one has ever told me that I have done a half ass job on anything, and I take that personally.


Aug 28, 2007
I think livewire is super fun. You cannot expect a place open to the general public to take on the kind of liability that comes with enormous stunts. especially the first year into a major expansion.


Jun 15, 2002
Elk Grove (sacramento)
The newest livewire section is bull****. It's uphill, and there's no physically possible way to jump all the tables on it. What a bunch of misdirected shovel work. I just wonder who really decides that the trail should go uphill, and repeatedly turn 180 degrees on a completely flat secton of the mountain. It's wouldn't even be steep enough to race 4x on. Here's to asses, and the heads that inhabit them.
Who is this clown?? Bro are you for real have you forgot we are in a sport with not alot of options and also not alot of room to complain. I will qoute "whistler was not built in one season" as well as the sport of DH and the fact that our sport continues to change I think the star is awsome and we have some rad people working hard so you can ride.. trust me your 40$ aint paying for that moutain you are getting a deal. and also have you rode any other trails?? there is so much but you seem to be stuck on the bottom of livewire.
which by the way i had trouble at first but then i got it down and it was sick a challange.. funny how i rode with guys that are paid to race DH and they liked the trail but you dont..

you should try the N* golf course it should be just your speed they spent alot of time building it like whistlers golf course.


Feb 14, 2007
HAHA! All I'm saying is that it sucks that all the work that goes into this trail could be much better directed. I'm sure there are other factors involved limiting the trail crew's options, but you can't tell me that the new section of livewire is worth all the work that went into it. I will say it again, I'm not personally attacking anyone, but I am saying that there seems like some of the work could be more efficent. I've been riding there for a long ass time, and it is better than ever, but there is a lot of room for improvement. And I'm sure it's coming, but at the same time, I've seen the trail take steps backward over the last 2 weeks as well. I probably ride there more than damn near every one of you, so I know what I'm talking about.

I'm happy to see progress, and I love the star, but I'm just frustrated. There is a lot of improvement, but so much room for it as well. I don't hate any of you trail crew people. I promise.

See you all at the Livewire race on sunday. You can all hate me then. ha

Rick G.

Sep 18, 2007
I know this is a forum to talk about stuff. But come on dude your negative vibes arent fixing the problem. Since you have all the anwsers why dont you go build your own trail and stop baggin. I'm sure you could put in a chair lift and water and have the best trail ever. With how well you have stated yourself and your posetive mental attitude i'm sure all of your friends would help you. I thought I was a whiner. Sounds like you have ridden there so much you have lost all the fun man. Wake up dude you live close to one of only two chairlift assisted mountains in the state. If it bothers you so much just keep it to your self. Dont bring down everybody that logs on to the forum just because you dont like something. Worst part about it is your going to pay to race it on sunday. Good luck bro:disgust1:

Red Rabbit

Picky Pooper
Jan 27, 2007
HAHA! All I'm saying is that it sucks that all the work that goes into this trail could be much better directed. I'm sure there are other factors involved limiting the trail crew's options, but you can't tell me that the new section of livewire is worth all the work that went into it. I will say it again, I'm not personally attacking anyone, but I am saying that there seems like some of the work could be more efficent. I've been riding there for a long ass time, and it is better than ever, but there is a lot of room for improvement. And I'm sure it's coming, but at the same time, I've seen the trail take steps backward over the last 2 weeks as well. I probably ride there more than damn near every one of you, so I know what I'm talking about.

I'm happy to see progress, and I love the star, but I'm just frustrated. There is a lot of improvement, but so much room for it as well. I don't hate any of you trail crew people. I promise.

See you all at the Livewire race on sunday. You can all hate me then. ha
Your life must suck. Stop changing your argument.

ASA, thank you for all your work. I think every "reasonable" person here agrees, your tireless work kicks ass. Thank you so much for doing it.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I don't think it's a liability issue, they already have big jumps - not enormous, but still. Seems more about the tension between the desire to finish the trails and the desire to make them perfect. All summer long people were whining about how livewire was not finished. Now that they get it done, there's a new round of bitching.

Caseyo, read your posts again. If I was on the crew it would be pretty hard to not take your comments personally, especially after a hard day of work up there.

I'll say again, tone down the negativity and maybe make some specific, constructive comments. If enough people say the same thing it might have an impact.


May 2, 2005
Yesterday, while preping Live Wire for the race this weekend, I came upon a guy in an excavator digging a hole across the trail just under the qualifier pavers. I asked him what was up and he said he was installing some pipe and that he would fix the trail when he was done. I proceeded with my work, and when I saw him leave, I approached the scene, curious as to whether or not he "fixed" the trail. He fixed it all right. He drove the excavator over the pavered landing, demolishing half of the pavers, leaving rubble, exposed rebar, and a mound of dirt where he filled in his hole. I don't know what I am going to do. As some of you know, we are out of pavers, and are not getting any more til next year. As it is, I put the pieces back as best I could, and I am going to go back today and pound in the exposed rebar, but I don't think the landing will hold up to a race. So, we may have to take the qualifier out of the trail til next year thanks to a careless contractor.


Aug 10, 2004
Santa Cruz, CA
I think that the work that has been done this year at N* is amazing! Huge props to the trail crew for doing all the work on the new trails.

I do think caseyo has a point though (but maybe not presented in the most diplomatic of ways...). I mean, does anyone really feel that the lowest section of Livewire is the same caliber as everything above it? I figure it will eventually get fixed, and it's still better than not having any trail there at all. Constructive comments to the management would probably help.


Now, this comment does make me concerned:

Like this weekend I come to find the only 2 long jumps at the mountain (after the fishbowl berm) are suddenly half as long as they were before. Now I realize that a lot of people couldn't get over these jumps, but changing the second one from a 15-18 foot dub to an 8 foot table is dangerous. It is inevitable to land the first one cleanly, then overjump the second one by 8 feet, and sprain the **** out of your ankle. This is just unsafe, it's like they deliberately try to take the flow out of the trail.
If this is where I'm thinking it is, then I'm glad I heard this here and didn't discover it in midair. I have been getting used to hauling ass out of that berm to clear those two doubles, and carrying that speed into a new short table would be a Bad Thing. One thing that would be nice in this regard is a weekly blog at N*'s site saying what changes to the trails have been made that week.

Are there plans to change the first double into a table as well?

Kevin G

Jul 11, 2007
Fairfax, CA
I think the trail crew and N* staff should be open to suggestions if they want to survive. Business 101 is listening to your customer base. That said, let's debate respectfully here, kids. I think Caseyo has good intentions; just needs to work on delivery. ;) Personally I'd like to comment on the single blacks; which I hit at the park. Flameout, for the most part is great, but those uphills got to go. Completely ruins the flow for me. Big Trees / Little Trees are great but they end too quickly into the fire road. Hopefully next year will include more single blacks. This'll keep us beginners/intermediates busy and off of y'all's double blacks. :thumb:


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
People have been asking for changes to the trails, so personally I consider all of the new stuff in a state of flux. Don't count on it being the same from week to week. Do a recon run before you blast into any of it at full speed. That's just basic common sense for riding anywhere where someone else does the shovel work.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
WOW, look at all the complaints:disgust1: I think they've done one hell of a job at N*. Sure some trails need to have some bugs worked out, but damn there has been a lot done this season. I know the improvements will only continue to get better as the years progress. If you wanna bitch about what they are doing wrong, join the trail crew and spend all your spare time working on the trails. I'm grateful to have whats there.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Just a quick question- How do you even keep the trails looking the same from year to year after all the snow? I don't see how livewire's berms and jumps are going to survive through to next year (maybe I just have no idea how errosion works or something).


Aug 17, 2004
Napa, CA
I agree with most of what has been said. Northstar definitely stepped it up and thanks to the trail crew for doing a great job. However, with any trail, I think there are problems and things that need to be fixed and probably will be over time.

Also, this past weekend was my first time up there in a while after a long summer of riding there a ton. It was awesome to see a lip put on that little step up after you cross the road past the step up, as well as various other improvements.

Maybe we can start discussing specific suggestions for the trails?

Here are my thoughts... (not meant to be offensive or anything, just thoughts on what could/should be changed, in my opinion)


I was thinking that after that Livewire qualifier, with that huge straightaway before those first two tables you could throw in some jumps? Seems like a big area and could build maybe 3 jumps or something in that space... Is there a reason for leaving that as is?

1) Step up landing could be longer for the given speed you have coming into that. It is buttery smooth when you land it right, but you definitely have to brake hard, and it seems like it would be more fun if it flowed with the trail.

2) Tough to describe, but after you cross the road after the step up, you ride that first straight. At the end instead of a turn is that hip with the real nice long downhill landing. I feel that the jumps following that jump should be longer/lippier for the speed you have. Fun as it is, I just think that would be an improvement.

3) Out of the big right hand berm after the jumps mentioned in #2, the second jump out of the berm, has been shortened, dangerously in my opinion. If you clear the first one, you will definitely be landing flat on the second without braking very hard again. Sweet if you brake, but if you expect to keep going at the same speed you will be in for a surprise.

Through the berms after that section is perfect, but it seems like there could be something again, in that huge flat space between the old and newer trail segment? Probably like 5 jumps. It is kind of flat/uphill maybe, but you come out of those turns with tons of speed.

4) The last hip on the third section of trail, depending on where you consider they end/start. The hip that ended and you used to have to pedal to Gypsy from before the new section with the step up/set back lip is, could have a sign or something telling people to hip out to the left. It seems to me people get comfortable and kinda expect whats coming by that point of the trail, and having that huge, downhill berm into like a 4 foot gap is weird if you don't know to hip out to that left side.

5) The set back/step up kicker lip is awesome and cool for those looking for a challenge, but seems real hard to clear. Maybe I'm not good enough, but I think it would help a lot if that was a bit taller. I've also heard people complain about it going into a corner, but I think you can scrub off enough speed by the corner to easily make it through.

6) Maybe throw in some jumps after that section, in the huge straightaway, rather than have a flat section before those awesome downhill berm/switch back things that are suppper fun.

7) In the newest section, it is just way too flat to do much. It does kind of leave you with a bad taste in your mouth after riding Livewire. Most everything else is awesome, but it kinda sucks to pedal around on flat.

Maybe some jumps in the last section before it crosses that road?

Anyway, I just thought I would post up what I thought could be done to make the trail better. Members of the trail crew- please don't take offense to this. I'm not ripping on you guys at all. These are just my opinions on what could be done to make the trail better. As it is, it is a very fun trail (minus that last little part), I just felt like posting up soem minor changes that could make it even better, in my opinion.

Oh, and I might be on the trail crew next year. I was talking with Graeme and he was telling me about it. Sounds like you guys are pretty controlled in what you can and can't do. That would be my biggest problem. I would probably go build trails up there for free, if I could do what I wanted, but I understand thats not feasible.... And I'm not sure I would be able to be on it, even for a salary, if I was just totally told what to do.

Peace y'all!


May 2, 2005
Thanks for the suggestions. I totally agree with many of them. Unfortunately, we are very limited in what we can do in the ski runs themselves. Notice that all the jumps are in stands of trees, the reason being that we cannot build anything in the ski trails that might impede the groomers, although I think pump track size rollers might be an option, and I will push for that next season. Yes, the last section of Live Wire sucks, but we are going to have to live with it for the rest of the season, since we rent our heavy equipment and it has gone bye bye for now. Think of it as a challenge. I have seen people make all the jumps:clapping: I can only get three so far, but I am working on it.


Dec 21, 2003
Life Ends at 619
Historically, has N* stop lifts from running becof rain/showers? I know when it's a t-storm, it's a no brainer. But rain... locals?

If we get burned this weekend bec of the weather, we all blame our friend The Sluck for complaining about riding at The Star. :p


Jul 16, 2007
If this is where I'm thinking it is, then I'm glad I heard this here and didn't discover it in midair. I have been getting used to hauling ass out of that berm to clear those two doubles, and carrying that speed into a new short table would be a Bad Thing. One thing that would be nice in this regard is a weekly blog at N*'s site saying what changes to the trails have been made that week.

Are there plans to change the first double into a table as well?
I also landed flat on the table that was previously a long double, seems pretty dangerous to me--especially w/ the race coming up this weekend.


Aug 24, 2007
Beaverton, OR
Well looks like my trip to North* is getting canceled due to rain and snow damnit. I was really looking forward to it this weekend to. Only 2 more weekends left after this.