
Northeast monkeys



I have 2 friends that moved from TX to Maine some months ago. I saw them last night, and they are looking for peeps and spots to ride. Can anyone PM me some numbers and names to pass along to them. Shane and Heather are very cool folks. I told them about the monkey, but also told Shane that I would try to help him get the hookup with you guys. I even told them about JBP, but I don't think they want to pick him up at the rest home. :D


Nam I am
johnbryanpeters said:
Have 'em pm Rockland on the :monkey: for Maine, and if they come Vermont way, Jersey Dave or I can hook them up.

I'll give you the old folks home, c**t! :D
Jersey Dave ? You think he would allow outsiders near his trails ? the ones he spends 10 gazillion man hours working on ?

could always have them contact jollytime in the Kingdom. or me if they ever come down to Nam

Oh and Yeah , Old folks home ? I don't think so , Sports Medicine/Orthopedic/rehab -- Yup that would be him
Hard words aside, I know a bunch of the Stowe riders. They work their ass off and ride likewise. They're a big part of the reason that Vermont has asked VMBA to assume trail corridor management for the state.

Ride with them before you write them off.

My latest physical therapy was racking 40 servers and a couple of SANS.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I'll second the motion for contacting Rockland...he was quite helpful when I was in Maine last fall and needed a good local place to ride. If they're ever in the Saratoga Springs area, have them contact me and we'll show them some great trails around here too!


Nam I am
johnbryanpeters said:
Hard words aside, I know a bunch of the Stowe riders. They work their ass off and ride likewise. They're a big part of the reason that Vermont has asked VMBA to assume trail corridor management for the state.

Ride with them before you write them off.

My latest physical therapy was racking 40 servers and a couple of SANS.

Sorry but after my Dealings with Jersey Dave I would not ride with him ! ( and you know me I ride with just about anybody! ) I'm sure they do good work, but part of being a Trail advocate is TACT!


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
loco said:
I have 2 friends that moved from TX to Maine some months ago. I saw them last night, and they are looking for peeps and spots to ride. Can anyone PM me some numbers and names to pass along to them. Shane and Heather are very cool folks.
That's quite a change. (Weather-wise and culturally). What part of Maine are they living in? :confused:


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
berkshire_rider said:
What part of Maine are they living in? :confused:
berkshire_rider and I are both from Maine originally. It's a big state (not as big as Tejas of course). Where are they going to bein Vacationland?


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
McGRP01 said:
berkshire_rider and I are both from Maine originally. It's a big state (not as big as Tejas of course). Where are they going to bein Vacationland?
Actually, no. I grew up in the Syracuse, NY area. My mom was from Maine and my parents moved up there to live 9 years ago. I do spend a lot of time there each year, like this past weekend. Maybe that's where the confusion is? It was beautiful. 74, sunny, and no humidity for the 4 days I was there. Too bad I hurt my ribs at 'Nam last Thursday, and couldn't do any riding. :mumble:

Anyway, where in Maine are they living? It doesn't make sense to suggest they ride in the Camden Hills if they are living in York, or a simialar scenario. :confused:


Mar 12, 2002
splat said:
Jersey Dave ? You think he would allow outsiders near his trails ? the ones he spends 10 gazillion man hours working on ?
He is happy to show ANYBODY the Stowe trails...just don't be an a$$hole and trash 'em when they are a muddy mess. They work a ton to legalize and maintain their network up there.
So Splat...how much trail work have you done this year?


Mar 12, 2002
splat said:
Sorry but after my Dealings with Jersey Dave I would not ride with him !

Dealings? You've actually met and talked with JD in person?
If it is internet banter you using to form your opinions of people...well thats just sad.
You are missing out on some of the best trails in VT and an excellent laid back rider to show them to you.


Mar 12, 2002
Only about 30-40 this year. I started WW Kayaking and have been spending more time doing that.There isn't allot of interest in my corner of the Berkshires. For someone who claims to do allot of trailwork you come across quite sarcastic about the TM done by JD. Seems you 2 are very involved in maintaining your respective bike scenes and you wouldn't be so judgemental.

AND..the point of this thread is to help out some Maine riders find some trails....Johney pointed out VT and JD, let the Maine riders form their own opinions and don't throw your "message board character assesement" down their throats.
Sorry for the thread hijack...carry on.


Nam I am
Highlander said:
There isn't allot of interest in my corner of the Berkshires.
then come help us on Oct 1 for the next trail Maintance day at Vietnam

Highlander said:
For someone who claims to do allot of trailwork you come across quite sarcastic about the TM done by JD.
Where I don't tHump My chest and Say all the time I do trail work what are you all doing , I just do it and encourage people to ride what I have helped create ! if you need some proof I'm involved

Just about evvery tuesday Night we were working on this From the time the SNow melted , laying out , pre cutting , then after the first big build day , we have continued to work every tuesday night ( we just stopped because of light )

BTW berkshire_rider is Heavly Involvoed and now on the commitee, but you don't see him punding his chest either , we just do the work.

Highlander said:
Seems you 2 are very involved in maintaining your respective bike scenes and you wouldn't be so judgemental.
he was the one who First "attacked" me , and he has also was all over some friends .

Highlander said:
AND..the point of this thread is to help out some Maine riders find some trails....Johney pointed out VT and JD, let the Maine riders form their own opinions and don't throw your "message board character assesement" down their throats.
Sorry for the thread hijack...carry on.
I did , Told them I would show them I would show them Nam , or to hook up with JT and to check Nemba.


Man - still no Shane in here, but it turned into a little bitch fest. I can't say that I know splat or jersey dave, but trail stewardship is a thankless job. If you are not a steward, you should never judge one.