
Northstar Rep - Early season info . . .

Mar 18, 2004
Here is the stuff you likely would like to know about this summers operations . . . .

Opening Day: Is scheduled for June 25, 2005. Yes, it’s a little bit later, but given the snow and the big event in Deer Valley, we thought it wiser. Ticket prices are $34 for a multi-ride. Season passes are $199. I think we are doing $30 off if you have a Double Whammy winter season pass, but don’t quote me on that.

Racing: Four DH races are scheduled June 26, July 31, August 14 and September 15. Same format and cost as in previous years. Yes, June 26 is a little early, but the other option was to do only 3. You’re going to have to tough it out on a solo warm up day. (The good new is everyone only gets one day).

Park Improvements: This year you’ll see the same freeride features as last year, but you won’t see as much building. Some killer improvements are still in the master plan. It’s just been delayed at this point. Blame it on construction.

Lift Access: Rides up will be provided by the new Village Express Quad Chair (same style as Vista) out of the Village and the good ‘ol Vista Express to the top. Gondola is scheduled to operate again next year.

All is dates, pricing and information is subject to change. I, the Northstar Rep, will be out of the office through the summer and I’m guessing there won’t be anybody to check in with you all. The latest information can be found on www.NorthstarAtTahoe.com.

Have a great season!!

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Why isn't N* opening on a Friday this year? I also would hope they reconsider the opening date to a week earlier, I've talked to several people who can care less about the Deer Valley race and would rather ride N*. I honestly don't think it would make too much of a difference, my guess is you may lose 10-15% of your normal riders that weekend. It seemed like the last few years opening day (Friday) was always packed (special pricing) then tapered down that sat. If weather is not an issue, I hope they can reconsider.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
any plans on using better foam/plastic on the visa bike hooks? some of the hooks were pretty raw last year - leaving pretty nasty scars on the bike :(


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Brian HCM#1 said:
Why isn't N* opening on a Friday this year? I also would hope they reconsider the opening date to a week earlier, I've talked to several people who can care less about the Deer Valley race and would rather ride N*. I honestly don't think it would make too much of a difference, my guess is you may lose 10-15% of your normal riders that weekend. It seemed like the last few years opening day (Friday) was always packed (special pricing) then tapered down that sat. If weather is not an issue, I hope they can reconsider.

If they could move it one week earlier, I could go.

Yea, padding on the hooks would be nice.

Yeti DHer

I post here but I'm still better than you
Sep 7, 2001
The Foothills
Having the race on the 26th is just about the worst idea for anyone. It's bad for the racers who don't have much time to get used to the courses ( I know that no one will but there should be at least a couple days of riding to practice for a race) and for the people who want to come up on opening weekend to ride, but to only find out that they can't ride their favorite trails because it's closed for a race on opening weekend! Having the race on the 26th would be ok, but only if the park opened up earlier. It's a poor excuse to say that you're not opening due to deer valley when only a handfull of people will be making the trip to utah...

I apoligize for the complaints but this really bugs me, but no matter what I'll be up there riding whenever n* opens up...