
Nosing down tips/help

i find it hard for me to really nose down to match the tranny on bmx-style steep lips takeoffs. this more the case when the doubles in question are on the large side. i feel like they really throw me high nose up and its really hard for me to bring the front end down. i'm clearing those doubles with no problem, just that it doesn't look smooth and because i'm not nosing down i can't really pump the landing.

is there a certain motion to do with the arms? i feel like i'm fairly centered on the bike at takeoff. is it even a technique thing? or just something mental?


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
when you get thrown up in the air and want to bring your nose down, sort of lean fwd/push your nose down at the top of the landing. it takes some practice but when it clicks you'll feel it.

also if you pull your back brake in the air, it'll stop the rotation of your back tire which brings the nose down. be careful not to put your front tire into the backside of the landing though :dead:


Apr 2, 2004
yea grab your rear brake ... but not too hard, i have seen people who are learning have their front wheel hit the back of the landing and flip over their bars

Msisle Dad

Jul 1, 2003
Catonsville, MD
honestly, i think that grabbing your brake in mid air is kinda bad style at the trails, i think that if you are on a jump bike it should be flickable enough that you should be able to nose in without use of the brake, i think that whipping it helps but most of all making moto noises WHILE you whip the bike down and around will help you the most.



Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
try to lean fwd into your landing, treat your front wheel like a fly swatter and smack that sh*t down on the top of the landing. Watch a good DJ flick, Rythm is one of the most badass dj videos i have ever seen. you'll see lots of flow in it.