
not sure how these pics will look, but


BS is not a bitch.
Feb 14, 2003
finally transplanted
Skookum said:
Would be nice if you gave us some info on each of the pix.

Great shots btw. :thumb:
point taken

1# First shot is just of a trail up at Galbrith called chutes and ladders. It's the only one that came out right still learning the camera.

2# Flowers are just some cool looking ones up at Mt. Baker it was our first day living in WA.

3# The one of my dog Kona from Marquette MI, I can't take credit for it as KleinMp99 took that one.

4# The next shot is North Fork area when we got our first snow out here.

5# Next is the mountain range to the right of table mountain in the summer (Mt. Baker area)

6# And finally another shot from the north fork area after some more snow.


BS is not a bitch.
Feb 14, 2003
finally transplanted
Skookum said:
Is that North Fork area open for mt. bikes, that trail next to the lake looks like killer alpine area riding.
Sorry guess my descriptions were kinda confusing, that shot is actually at Heather Meadows (near Mt. Baker) so nope not open for riding, well mtb riding, but it's all good in the winter for boarding!

But North Fork is open for mtbing, anytime you're in the area and I get some bikes we'll go ride it!

I fixed the descriptions a little hopefully that helps make it more clear.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
oly said:
Even when its sunny it still rains...... ;)
Actually this is true. i was riding in Wenatchee with Serial Midget and i was getting pelted by cool rain and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Maybe it was Sasquatch up on the ridge takin a leak or somethin....