Theoretically, that is the way our futuristic society has bastardized the meaning of the original separation of church and state. This country was founded on freedom of religion, however, it should have been worded, denomination since that is what the founding fathers meant; of course it was only applicable to those times. There is no denying it, and you made a very valid point, however ALL aspects of life is driven by the doctrines of religion and mans conviction to it.You may not like how Silver addresses you, but he has a point.
In a non-theocratic society, we are supposed to have a separation of church and state. What any religion thinks about government practices is simply what they think, and should not be used by the government to enforce morals and norms on the rest of its people.
Calvinism allowed people to reject the mainstream teachings, and took it to the other extreme, there ain't no God, or God really meant....." but the beauty of God, and Jesus' teachings is this, "You have the freewill to make a choice." Right wing Christians want to tell you your choice, and the left wing liberals want you think you made the wrong choice. Again the extremists on both sides are wrong, and to use them for framing an argument can and often does remove the objectivity of the debate and turn it into a subjective pissing match. (Like the way I worked the word piss into the discussion? LOL!)
In all probability, in a few years, same sex unions will in all likelihood exist in some form or fashion. Whats sad however is that for the militant gay factions, that simply will not be enough. That is merely my opinion based solely on my personal observations, and should be read and interpreted as such.