
Note to self: don't try to keep up with this Mitch Hall guy...


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
7:00 for 500 yards breast-stroke is not a big deal for any swimmer... Hell I use to be able to do that in about 5:20 on an off day (of course brst was my stroke)... its the pushups, situps and pull ups that are insane, 34 pull ups palm out is hard enough, when following huge amounts of pushups and situps... Ouch.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
He is more fit than me, that is for sure.

The near 5 minute mile in combat boots and pants just adds to the kick in the pants he would give me in the rest of the categories.

I think I found out what I'm going to do this next week.

The Ito


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
golgiaparatus said:
7:00 for 500 yards breast-stroke is not a big deal for any swimmer... Hell I use to be able to do that in about 5:20 on an off day (of course brst was my stroke)... its the pushups, situps and pull ups that are insane, 34 pull ups palm out is hard enough, when following huge amounts of pushups and situps... Ouch.
Breast stroke 550 yds in 6:53, then ten minutes rest, then 97 push ups in 2:00, then two minutes rest, then 119 sit ups in 2:00, then two minutes rest, then 34 pullups, then ten minutes rest, then 1.5 mile in boots in 7:51.

All together that's less than an hour.



Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Yeah I saw it was for the SEALS, but I mean that guy was just nuts. A buddy of mine wanted to be in the SEALS and he was in really good shape but this guy would wipe the floor with him.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
To become combat ready, candidates endure 2 1/2 years of preparation:

Indoctrination: "Indoc" is six to eight weeks of what is now called Advanced Training Phase (ATP).

Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL school (BUD/S): Phase I is eight weeks of swiftly intensifying training, culminating in Hell Week -- 5 1/2 days of continuous physical challenge during which recruits score a miserly total of four hours of sleep; Phase II is 8 weeks of dive and combat swim training; Phase III is 9 weeks of land warfare training, with emphasis on weapons and tactics.

Additional training: Subjects include parachuting and winter mountain warfare before the graduate can win his trident pin, join a SEAL team -- and cash a $40,000 bonus check. A new SEAL commits to a six-year hitch, and at rank E-5 starts at $56,000 per annum, with added enhancements for combat deployment and family separation.

I wonder if anyone has taken the 40K and just blown it on whiskey and strippers and never came back?