
now 33.95lbs!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
i'm not really one to b!tch and bicker about how someone ELSE'S bike weighs; i just like to chime in and be the token smart@ss mainly, but i stumbled upon this video on Pinkdyke.

http://www.pinkbike.com/video/22901/ - it's of the 12 y/o girl whose bike this is. stop the pointless arguing, watch the video, go ride your bike, and realize that she can probably ride faster than half of the guys on here.


Dec 7, 2007
Toulouse, France
im not trying to be a hater but.. shes 12 years old and pretty fast but she has 0 style and not super smooth, i think anyone whos 10-12 years old who got 4k spent on a bike would be able to ride a bike pretty fast, especially if they have the alps as training grounds

edit: minus braking bumps those tracks arent hugely tech
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3 Dude Approved
They need to replace the air in those shocks with marshmallows, shes getting bucked all over!
I would have argued with you about her riding faster than some peeps on here and then I took a second to reflect on some peeps on here and I now laugh. She would slaughter them! :D


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Hope parts are light, at least the hubs are. Brakes are not

The Mono M4s have always been pretty light and lighter than the competitors similar brakes, look them up on starbike. I agree about the fork and other stuff.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
They need to replace the air in those shocks with marshmallows, shes getting bucked all over!
I would have argued with you about her riding faster than some peeps on here and then I took a second to reflect on some peeps on here and I now laugh. She would slaughter them! :D
true, true, they don't look like the most technical tracks, and she is defintely no Andrew Neethling (by style means), but i still think shes very talented for a 12 y/o girl. i know i'd be very proud of her if that was my daughter.

and you're right, she might give a bunch of guys on here a run for their money! :busted:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Yeah they do, I just checked it out!
I did hear another rumor they are or did release some OE 83mm XT cranks into the world! Like I said just hearsay till theres pics!
Hubba for some I guess, reading all negative stuff about XT cranks in this thread has put me of a bit (even though my own experiance is positive with the last of the octagon models). Either way, I'll probably go new Saints as the XT's don't colour match with the rest of the bike. :imstupid: :D
Apr 9, 2004
Mount Carmel,PA
yea, 12 years old and riding a bike thats almost half her weight. I know she could kick my ass.
As far as getting bounced around, if you have ever tried to set up suspension for somone under 100 pounds you would know it is impossible, even with air to get the thing working perfect. (without the help of some suspension company)
As far as the weight of the bike, I am hoping they give it a go on another scale.
Props to the Kid for riding. just what the sport needs, young, fast kids that ride cause they love it, even if thay are 12 year old girls!!


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Hate on the bike, but don't hate on the girl.

She's 12 years old for christ's sake. How fast were you at that age? Hell, how fast are you now?

She's a damn good rider in my books. In any books.

Tahnee, I look forward to some practice runs with you at this weekend's race.


Nov 13, 2007
Breaking News: Newton sues RM over defilement of classic physics model; Anti-Gravity vortex found in bike shop; Boy genius guesses bike geometry by looking at a picture; Dog bites owner.

dan wask

Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2006
B-More Maryland
Also whats the point in putting single ply tires on? They're going to pop, so is it just small dick syndrome stiking to get the low bragging weight? Never understood that.
The bike is for a little girl. If being a young female is what you want to consider "small dick syndrome", then go for it. Did you even read the article?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
The bike is for a little girl. If being a young female is what you want to consider "small dick syndrome", then go for it. Did you even read the article?
I did read the article. Which part did you miss? The part where this thread was NOT posted by that girl, or the part where syndromes aren't necessarily gender specific? Or perhaps thats asking too much, as you seemingly have missed the entire point of the thread.

To clarify, not once have i said the bike is junk, or a **** build, or anything about the skill of the girl. I am simply saying that posting stupid, unbelievable weights on bikes like that is annoying, and questionable.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
Wow... did I just read a pinkbike thread?

My Socom is built up with a Fox 40, steel spring DHX and all burly DH parts. With single ply tires it weighs 34.9 lbs. Throw on an air shock and I'd have mine down to 33.9 lbs and I could drop 3/4 lb w/ xtr cranks, 3/4 lb with Boxxer WC, and another 3/4 lb w/ Stan's Flow rims, as well as 30-80g on just about every other part on the bike.

It won't be long before DH bikes drop below the 30 lb mark while still being strong.


Jun 5, 2007
Dang!!!! Some of you guys can be harsh.

Lets see how smooth you are when your riding a bike WAAAAAAY to big for you.:disgust:

In regards to getting bucked. I have to agree about how difficult it is to set up suspension for a sub 100lb rider. My youngest got his first serious bike when he was about 85lbs, and it was pretty much impossible to get it even close. That was a few years ago and I'm sure it's easier now. But still pretty tough.

This is one situation where high leverage ratio bikes are an asset. They work better with lighter riders. The Socom is a lower ratio bike, although not super low ratio.

But more so then spring rate (which they can achieve with an air shock) most shocks are just plain over dampened for a rider that size.

As far as the weight. If its off, I don't think by much. Frankly I think it's damn close if not right on.

My reason??

Heres a couple pics of my Socom that I built up last year and unfortunately had to sell.

Got some stuff lighter then hers but some much heavier stuff also. First off, mines a large, hers is a small. I have REAL DH wheels with Hadleys, straight gauge spokes and EX729. 2.5 ust tires setup ghetto tubeless. It also had an 888 ATA, but it was an 07 which are a little lighter then the 08's. My cranks are stupid light Blackspire FR's. I forget what they weigh, but they were damn light. I bent them promptly. I have a rear coil which I'm sure is quite a bit heavier then her air shock.

Is my scale right? Beats me. It was almost brand new at time of pics. I also have Beam Type scale, just like the ones in the doctors office. A real one, not some cheap knockoff and it came up with they same weight (actually about an ounce less).

Personally I can see her getting almost 3lbs off mine in just the tires & wheels alone.

BTW. The Socom frame is stupid light. I had mine and my sons 5spot powdercoated at the same time. While they were apart, I weighed them, while in pieces. To my horror, the Socom front triangle was actually quite a bit lighter then the 5spot. The swing arm was heavier, but I was pretty surprised by difference it the weight of the fronts. Sorry, I don't remember the exact weights, but it was substantial. After knowing what it weighed while in pieces, I was never 100% comfortable with the idea of it taking a season of beat down with my 200lbs of hack style riding.


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Aug 21, 2007
Bionics department
Air fork that weights a good amount more then a Boxxer world cup.

Hope parts are light, at least the hubs are. Brakes are not, although they are decent for sure.

Large rotors are heavy.

saint cranks are heavy. Good luck with the xts, I have seen two bent pairs here so far.

Not saying its not a light build, but 33? No. 36 I would beleive. 35 even.

Also whats the point in putting single ply tires on? They're going to pop, so is it just small dick syndrome stiking to get the low bragging weight? Never understood that.
Why all the hate Dropmachine, you are supposed to be an ambassador and reprezent an online mag we all get things wrong and who cares, theyre sharing some cool vibes why crap on that, is your scale always so accurate!

1: shes a young girl following her dream, probably only 14 or so weighs nothing wringing wet I bet, are you gonna weight check me on that too.

2: The 888 sl is light by triple standards and may not be as light as the boxxer but its not far off show us some facts ya self intead of random statements with bad vibes.

3: Large rotors: there's a 203 at the front what looks like a 160 or so at the rear so thats one! big deal is that going to be that much no not factual rotor not rotors! Theyre Mono fours and they are a decent weight weanie option esspecially the mono levers some weight savings there.

4: Saints might be heavy but compared to what XC sure they are, its a DH bike, shes weighs like air I bet as I said above, she could probably ride tooth picks and get away with it and since it looks as though shes sponsored who care's if she bends the cranks they will probably give her a new set.

Who are you comparing when you say X amount of XT sets are bent, I know I could bend XTs but Im a monster compared to her, facts not e fiction please, esspecially from your background.

5: Shes running DT 5.1 rims and Hope hubs depending on spokes and nipples theres a big weight saving right there, I see other places weight could be saved too.

But man pick on someones dream thats a stink thing to do and atleast ya could have been more diplomatic about it considering what youre representing and I say this because Ive seen you take apart others work before, show some industry professionalisim!

And picking on chicks is not cool dude. 34lbs dosen't seem unreasonable to me for a Socom and Im no Intense fan but good on them for sharing, I hope she reaches her dream one day, no doubt being a DH girl she can take the knocks physically and virtually, keep the mojo flowing Tahnee good things don't come easy.

Personally I can appreicate it, it not my thing but Im also not built to be a wieght weanie and couldn't finesse something so light on a DH course.

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Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
These pics wre evidently taken before new cranks etc..

FWIW, I used the same scales to weigh my bike and it came out about what I expected. We also used them to weigh the CRC-Intense lad's bikes and the weights came out good.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
Why all the hate Dropmachine...rabble rabble rabble...

Whos picking on the girl? Read the posts, comprehend whats said, then comment. I just said the weight isn't correct, or the scale is off. Then I pointed out the parts that lead to my doubt. Then I said that the tendency for people to post a lighter-then-reality weight on the bike as some sort of pissing contest is weak. Tell me I'm wrong on of those points.

For the girl, I think its killer that shes out and hauling ass. I wish there were more girls like her. I also feel sorry for her trying to find parts that suit her size, and suspension that she can actually compress. Its got to be a nightmare.

DOn't chastize me over your inability to comprehend the message presented.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 22, 2007
Wow, some of you people are sure proud of your ignorance.
That kid is amazing, and her bike is well worth bragging about.
Hate on, you jealous bitches! :D


Aug 21, 2007
Bionics department
Whos picking on the girl? Read the posts, comprehend whats said, then comment. I just said the weight isn't correct, or the scale is off. Then I pointed out the parts that lead to my doubt. Then I said that the tendency for people to post a lighter-then-reality weight on the bike as some sort of pissing contest is weak. Tell me I'm wrong on of those points.

For the girl, I think its killer that shes out and hauling ass. I wish there were more girls like her. I also feel sorry for her trying to find parts that suit her size, and suspension that she can actually compress. Its got to be a nightmare.

DOn't chastize me over your inability to comprehend the message presented.

Well I don't think I mis qouted you or edited and re typed your response to suit my reply.

My points were responses directly to your bullet points, and yes you did not refer to her directly, I just think you could have pointed those things out more accurately and without using some terms to get your point accross.

Those terms to me give that impression, hence why I highlighted it, I expect that from usual joe here not industry people and sure everyone can be loose and have fun poke fun but thats not how you were coming through, its easy to misconstrude whats said behind a key board, but thats why there's emoticons, and using certain terms are not endearing! And just remember who the bike is for and what its about it's all Im saying, I'm not trying to flame you or tear down, but your posted 3 times not so flattering coments and I'm not overly sensitive either.

There's just times and places for some of that, and most times its probably appropiate in this board I just don't think so on this thread, that not to say it can't be disected and disgussed, most of us here are adults Im saying lets adjust for the young girl even though she didn't post it, she may see it, it is the web.



Jun 5, 2008
French Alps
TA.. your words are awesome... we really have put this post up as we could not believe the weight. Before her Hope sponsorship came through the bike was running different brakes, different wheels, BB, headseat etc and was actually 3lbs heavier!
Dropmachine - I just can't understand why somebody would lie about a weight. My scales are in my toolbox - it comes with me to every race. If you have any friends anywhere ask them to drop by... sh1t you won't even believe that, better tell them to bring their own scales!!!
Also, the video on her website is her old bike again, through sponsors and supporters it was built but, she was getting thrown around on it as it was hard to set up for her - but, she races BMX as well so actually likes a tougher feel to her bikes. Going forward, Marzocchi was the only option for us as the amount you can adjust not only the forks but also the shock - they were stoked to have her on board.
Great banter though keep it coming she loves the knocks on and off the bike - they help to make you tougher!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
I just can't understand why somebody would lie about a weight. :: So then why did you post a thread about how much the bike weighed? Why not post about how awesome it is to have a 12 year old girl kicking ass on the trails?

Again, for those that seemlingly can't pick up on regular english...nobody yet has, nor should they, ragged on the girl. I think everybody is in 100 % agreement that she is a rare breed, and we wish there were more.


Jun 5, 2008
French Alps
So then why did you post a thread about how much the bike weighed? Why not post about how awesome it is to have a 12 year old girl kicking ass on the trails?
We did that last year when mtbcut.tv did the filming. Since then she won all 3 races she entered and NOW, we have just finished building her bike for 2008... did I say that it came up quite light?? :happydance:


Dec 26, 2007
calm down, guys.. it's just a weight of someone's bike :)

maybe i can help a bit.

lets see my bike.

Frame: Socom, Small, Red
Shock: Manitou X6 tuned - Manitou 350 Ti Spring (769g overall)
Fork: RS Boxxer WC 07
Tyres: Intense 909 FRO Lite (2ply, 1200g each)
Tubes: 180g standard ones
Brakes: Formula The One 200/200
Headset: Syntace SuperSpin 1.5" -> 1 1/8"
Bars: Easton EA70 Lo-Rise (229g)
Stem: e.13 Ali DirectMount
Grips: ProPalm LockOn
Seatpost: Thomson Elite 31.6 shortened
Seat: Nero Carbon (120g)
Cranks: Shimano XTR 07
Chainring: e.13 Guide Ring 38T
Chainguide: e.13 LG1
Pedals: WellGo MG1
Rear Mec: Sram X9 shortcage
Shifter: X9 07
Cassette: Dura Ace 11-23
Chain: shimano
Wheels: Mavics on relabeled DT Swiss-Hubs
Specials: DMC Moto Trainer Timer

actual weight on 2 scales: 35,93 lbs

wheels are "solid" i'd say.. going with a lightweight-wheelset would save... maybe 200-300g? singleply minions (as far as i can see from those pictures) weigh in at only 850g each (had a pair, but switched to 2ply intense)! You can save 700g by going 1ply here!

shock is 219g lighter than mine. going with lightweight-tubes (standard ones: 180g each, lightweight: 130g each) saves 100g.

thats 2,9lbs lighter than mine: 33,0lbs! now they have 430g (0,95lbs) for those not-that-lightweight-parts like the fork or the cranks.

it mayyyyy be possible.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I gotta ask, what do you figure, if you did this off the shelf, it would have set you back?


Jun 5, 2007
Looks like it's time for some of you guys to eat crow.

Plenty of examples showing her build weight is definitely possible.:clapping:

Maybe not practical for a corn fed, beer drinking DH'r. But certainly reasonable for a tiny waif like Tahnee. Heck, it's probably over built for her.