So last weekend we went for a NS/DH ride...
Having a bad experience from using spd shoes/spd pedals on the last dh ride a month ago, i said... ok this time i ll just wear casual basketball shoes with my time Z pedals.... so i had a combo of bball shoes, time z spd pedals and mud.
Guess what.... my ride was ruined. I felt so bloody crap, even a newbie with a Trek 3500 rigid was much faster than me on every possible section.
Should i just switch to bowling or golf? or the shoe/pedal idea was the worst ever i and i am not that crap?
Further problems that followed on the ride.... massive understeer on low speed muddy switch backs. Front wheel constantly stuck on mud, and also i couldnt take air on any of the small jumps on the course.... my front wheel just slammed down after the lip.... (low speed?).
Could all these boil down to having the idea of wearing bball shoes with spuds?
Having a bad experience from using spd shoes/spd pedals on the last dh ride a month ago, i said... ok this time i ll just wear casual basketball shoes with my time Z pedals.... so i had a combo of bball shoes, time z spd pedals and mud.
Guess what.... my ride was ruined. I felt so bloody crap, even a newbie with a Trek 3500 rigid was much faster than me on every possible section.
Should i just switch to bowling or golf? or the shoe/pedal idea was the worst ever i and i am not that crap?
Further problems that followed on the ride.... massive understeer on low speed muddy switch backs. Front wheel constantly stuck on mud, and also i couldnt take air on any of the small jumps on the course.... my front wheel just slammed down after the lip.... (low speed?).
Could all these boil down to having the idea of wearing bball shoes with spuds?