
now that we're talking about teen driving...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
I slid over a bridge down a hill into a tree resulting in this.... YESTERDAY!!!!

Looks like you should have opted for the larger brush guard.

As for the new drivers, you do not know everything, and you are not a good driver. Remember that and you will do great. It is the people that think otherwise that have problems.

Someone mentioned knowing what the car in front of you behind you and next to you are doing. Don't stop with just the car in front of you, watch what the cars in front of them are doing. I am always looking through the car windows in front of me to see what is going on in front of them. Anticipate what the cars around you are doing. Don't wait for brake lights or turn signals. People have body language(with their car) when driving that will let you know what they are doing before they signal.

I am typically not a fun person to drive with because I will not talk much. I am watching the road and seeing what is going on. Traffic does not bother me. Once you learn to see how the cars are moving you can change lanes and keep moving with out much slow down. You will not be able to do this if you are talking and chatting with friends in the car.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
It's worse. Much worse. Unless he can somehow text without looking at the mobile device. Being totally distracted *AND* not looking at the road is a completely disastrous scenario for any driver.
i can text without looking at my phone, i just have to read what the person said.... i wont text if im in traffic but i live in the country where i pass about 15 cars in my 17 mile drive to work. the worst that is going to happen is ill drive off the road (already happened when changing songs on ipod) or hit a deer (already happened while speeding at night)


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
i can text without looking at my phone, i just have to read what the person said.... i wont text if im in traffic but i live in the country where i pass about 15 cars in my 17 mile drive to work. the worst that is going to happen is ill drive off the road (already happened when changing songs on ipod) or hit a deer (already happened while speeding at night)
And you still do it?




Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
i can text without looking at my phone, i just have to read what the person said.... i wont text if im in traffic but i live in the country where i pass about 15 cars in my 17 mile drive to work. the worst that is going to happen is ill drive off the road (already happened when changing songs on ipod) or hit a deer (already happened while speeding at night)
I Call Bull SH!T. The worst that cfan happoen is you flip your car Killing not only yourself, but someone else. This is the reason teh "Other teen driving" Thread is still going, Guess I can add anotehr one to the "I glad they dont live near me" pile. The fact that you even check a text while driving is RETARDED, your going to get hurt, or worse yet, End up living with what you did to someone else


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Watch out for motorcycles and bicycles!
Understandable rant, but lets be honest, do you expect someone else to be looking out for someone on two wheels? Specially a teen driver, Not to be a dick, but if your on two wheels, YOU are the only person you can count on to make your journey safer. Before you can say "If you were on two wheels you wpuld think different" I AM on two wheels, Either My Moto, or roadie six out of seven days a week. So i most def understand the feelings when someone cuts you off, stops right in front of you, ETC.

So to reiterate again, Three golden Motorcycle rules

1. YOUR INVISIBLE!!!!!! The most important rule of all

2. If they can, They WILL!!!!

3. Always have two ways out.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 15, 2006
well I passed the drive test on saturday with flying colors and so tuesday I'm back to the D.O.L. to pick up my license whooooo

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
well I passed the drive test on saturday with flying colors and so tuesday I'm back to the D.O.L. to pick up my license whooooo
hopefully you won't be as much of a dumbass as pinkshirt appears to be on the road.

i used to just drive excessively fast, but in the past week i noticed that i actually have started to drive kind of slow compared to everyone else on the road. maybe it's the fact that i've really only been walking around for the past 3 months. luckily it took a nice hefty speeding ticket and not an accident for me to realize that i drove too fast. and the only accident i've ever been in taught me to never try to drive with snowboard boots, even if i'm just moving my car in a parking lot(i fully accept the fact that i was a complete dumbass with that one).