
Nutrition for racing

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
So, assuming that I'm racing back-to-back weekends, what should I be eating when.

So what food to recover from previous weekend, what food in lead up to next weekend, and (most importantly) what food (and when) during the race weekend?

Sorry if you think that's a bit vague, just interested to hear the various theories, I know very little about nutrition. At the moment I eat pasta for lunch most days, rarely bother with breakfast, snack in the evenings, eat quite a lot of fruit when at races. Mondays I tend to stuff myself with cake, telling myself that I've earnt it at the weekend, lol :)

It's far from ideal, but I don't even know if the things that I think are "good" like pasta lunches and fruit at weekends are, in fact, what I should be doing!


(and no, I'm not expecting to suddenly become an elite-level rider by changing my diet! Any improvement's nice though.)


Jul 3, 2006
Bellingham, Wa
Keep it going with the pasta, that stuff is great for you, lots of carbohydrates. Obviously fruit is great too. What you dont want to do, is to change your diet suddenly, as your body will not react that great to a sudden change, work your way into the healthier stuff. I like to eat a big dinner before going away for the race, then i tend to eat fairly light over the weekend, thats just me though. Definatly dont skip breakfast, this is probably most important. snack on clif bars, powerbars, trail mix, something similar. Stay hydrated, keep your electrolytes up. (mix gatorade and water 50/50)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Hope this helps some. I was a trainer for over 8 years and raced DH for 13+. You want to take in Protein and Water if possible after a race due to tearing your muscles down. The muscles need water and protein to rebuild themselves. If you don’t get the right intake your muscles will grow leaner and not be as strong. The average person’s body will only take in 30 grams of protein in a 3 hr window. This will vary with size and weight. Most anything over that turns to waste. Body builders know this and schedule their diet around this format. Meaning they make sure to get in 30+ grams in every 3 hrs even if it takes getting up in the middle of the night to do so. They need to get about 70% of their total body weight in of protein a day to maintain their muscle mass and strength. The water helps the muscles take the protein in. So for me, I am 175 lbs and have to keep 123 grams or more a day to maintain what mass I have. To build I would need more. Say about another 10%.

For you I would just stick to good old foods that are high in protein like Fish, Chickens, Steak, Eggs, Etc. during the day. They all list their Protein amount on the package. At night before you go to bed drink a protein shake that is about 30 to 40 grams of protein in it. This will help feed your muscles over night. This will help with recovery and building strength.

Now for energy a good old Pasta dish is what you need. Understand Pasta before bed is not a good idea, due to the time you get up your body has already processed it from carbs to sugar (what the body needs for energy), to fat (which is now no go for the body to use and now have to burn it off). Now carbs before a ride say 1hr will be a good thing for the body and help give you more energy. Why most top roadies eat Pasta in the mornings before big races that day.

Another thought is don’t burn your body out. Meaning don’t ride every day the same way. Or do the same workouts. Change it up during the week and give your body a days recoup time before race day.

Good luck,



Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
A, A
sound advice there Cecil, will be taking it on board am riding my bike a bit more than usual at the moment and am finding myself constantly hungry. Seb id try and get into the habit of breakfast it makes a big difference. Porridge in the morning is a great way to start off its slow release carbs so it keeps you fueled for most of the day. If im biking 2 days in a row like at a race its a must have for me. I know its not the most appetizing of things but try mixing it with fruit and or honey to make it taste a bit better. I find i eat much less crap during the day when I've had a good breakfast


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2006
breakfast: eggs + bread/toast/bagel or cereal + apple or orange juice
lunch: pasta or sandwich + water
dinner: salad, steak/chicken/fish/pork, risoto/beans/etc + PBR or red wine
desert: yogurt

snacks: nuts

pre-ride: lots of water
post ride: chocolate milk. best recovery drink ever.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2007
in the dirt
I believe the latest issue of decline has a short article by James Wilson on this topic.

Off the top of my head i recall him recommending protein with every meal, eating 5 times a day, and actually phasing out carbs such as breads and pastas in certain situations. Also suggested lots and lots of water.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Hope this helps some. I was a trainer for over 8 years and raced DH for 13+. You want to take in Protein and Water if possible after a race due to tearing your muscles down. The muscles need water and protein to rebuild themselves. If you don’t get the right intake your muscles will grow leaner and not be as strong. The average person’s body will only take in 30 grams of protein in a 3 hr window. This will vary with size and weight. Most anything over that turns to waste. Body builders know this and schedule their diet around this format. Meaning they make sure to get in 30+ grams in every 3 hrs even if it takes getting up in the middle of the night to do so. They need to get about 70% of their total body weight in of protein a day to maintain their muscle mass and strength. The water helps the muscles take the protein in. So for me, I am 175 lbs and have to keep 123 grams or more a day to maintain what mass I have. To build I would need more. Say about another 10%.

For you I would just stick to good old foods that are high in protein like Fish, Chickens, Steak, Eggs, Etc. during the day. They all list their Protein amount on the package. At night before you go to bed drink a protein shake that is about 30 to 40 grams of protein in it. This will help feed your muscles over night. This will help with recovery and building strength.

Now for energy a good old Pasta dish is what you need. Understand Pasta before bed is not a good idea, due to the time you get up your body has already processed it from carbs to sugar (what the body needs for energy), to fat (which is now no go for the body to use and now have to burn it off). Now carbs before a ride say 1hr will be a good thing for the body and help give you more energy. Why most top roadies eat Pasta in the mornings before big races that day.

Another thought is don’t burn your body out. Meaning don’t ride every day the same way. Or do the same workouts. Change it up during the week and give your body a days recoup time before race day.

Good luck,


everything he said. Plus:

a good low fat high protein alternative to meat is beans/legumes (chick peas, lentils, etc). they lack some essential nutrients that can be found in rice. so rice + beans is a good meal.

when it comes to fruits, veggies, nuts, raw is best. cooking/processing these reduces the nutrients in them.

try to minimize your salt intake.

avoid HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) at all costs. if you like soda, find the stuff with actual sugar in it (if anyone wants the actual reason for this in regards to how your body processes each ingredient just ask)

try to avoid having a large meal late in the day (evening / night). a healthy, good sized breakfast and lunch should comprise the bulk of your daily caloric intake. (when you are asleep, your body just turns whatever you are digesting into fat reserves)

don't go overboard with carbs. while they do give you energy, they can just add fat if you are inactive after eating them. (some extra info: if you are going on a long xc or road ride, go nuts with carbs. they are great for endurance)

honey is a great food. it contains naturally occurring, long chain sugars. these burn fairly slowly and are good for long term energy. (i eat oatmeal + honey for breakfast just about daily)

hope this helps


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
also, make sure you enjoy some guilty pleasures from time to time. my kryptonite is chicken wings; i eat them along with a few beers once a week. :cheers:


Aug 8, 2003
I drink lots of beer the night before a race.
I find doing that, plus drinking loads of beer while practicing on Friday and Saturday, as well as before and after my run Sunday really helps to not bonk during my run. I hear a lot of my friends complain about running out of gas, but it's never been an issue for me as long as I follow my nutrition program.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
I remember when I was around 23 to 27 years old I was going through about 2 tubs of low fat peanut butter a week. I still love peanut butter….. Great source of natural protein. Stay with the natural proteins.



Sep 23, 2004
I can't bring myself to eat something like a sandwhich at lunchtime on a race weekend, gives me the boke whenever I do, must just sit in my stomach. So I generally munch a constant supply of carbs and sugar in the form of flapjacks, biscuits, nuts and raisins, chocolate, corn type snacks, whatever, from 9-5. For dinner though I try to get a load of protein in, chilli, bolognaise, half a chicken, salmon, whatever, and veg as well. I could not function without breakfast either, I get dizzy if I don't have it. I agree with whoever above recommended porridge, it's denser than the sun and keeps you going for ages.


my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
Mark, you're such a worry..

this is all you need:

You racing inners this weekend?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
I tried the caveman diet, which James refers to, but for me I found I was weaker. I can say I didn't follow the diet exactly, which is probably why it didn't work. I think without the carbs you have to eat ALL the time and I found that very hard to do.


my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
Yeah I am actually
Cool!! I'll ziptie a sandwich to my number board and see if I can chase you down the hill on your race run. What scares you more? cheese, salad or meat based fillings? actually, think egg might be the one. :D
Last edited:


Sep 23, 2004
Gary, you've misunderestimated me, fortunately I don't have a fear of sandwiches, and I'm quite a fan of a fried egg roll, just not right before trying to give it some welly down a track. ;)


Dec 10, 2006
I tried the caveman diet, which James refers to, but for me I found I was weaker. I can say I didn't follow the diet exactly, which is probably why it didn't work. I think without the carbs you have to eat ALL the time and I found that very hard to do.
Yeah you do have to eat pretty often, nuts and protein shakes are your friends on the caveman diet, and dressing everything in olive oil. I found it worked for me though, i lost weight and kept strength.

downhill mike

Turbo Monkey
Mar 23, 2005
Here is what NOT to do copied form another forum:

wake up - eat cereal with milk
drink a monster
go to class...
eat cafeteria food
drink monster
go home - kit up -drink a monster
Shuttle or ride the bus to the top, sometimes push (repeat 8-12 times) - hydrating with monster and arizona tea from Circle K.
go home - eat dinner - drink a few O'Doul's with my buddies - feel tipsy - then practice our wheelies
then sleep after watching the VOD and POD on pinkbike.


May 24, 2009
I know many of us use protein supplements, and I've found hemp is easier to digest and makes me feel a lot better than soy or whey (and it's not because of THC ;)).

I found it to be very expensive locally, but Amazon has hemp protein (50% protein) powder for $23 inc. shipping for a 3 lb bag if you sign up for their subscription service (which can be modified or canceled anytime):

Organic Hemp Protein 50%: Amazon.com: Health & Personal Care@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513%2BxRxmJ5L.@@AMEPARAM@@513%2BxRxmJ5L

I eat it for breakfast in a shake if I'm in a hurry and for recovery. My shakes are either milk/yogurt/fruit or milk/pb/chocolate/banana.

Between using this to balance my diet and riding more aerobic xc stuff I've lost 22 lbs in the last couple months.