
NZ Riding and other images (photo heavy)


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
So I've been meaning to post some photos for a while, and this evening I finally got round to selecting and resizing a few images.

First off, a shot of downtown Wellington, my adopted home.

Recently my wife, a good friend from Oregon who was visiting and myself took a trip to the south island and rode the Queen Charlotte track, which is supposedly the longest continuous singletrack in NZ. It's a great fun ride with some technical sections and a lot of nice flowy track. We took it pretty easy, doing 25km a day for a couple of days. There's a total elevation gain of about 2Km, a bunch of which is on day 2.

So, first we arrived in Picton, after a 3 hour ferry journey from the North Island.

The next morning, us all on the water taxi to the trail head: (Andy, Rachel and myself (L -> R)

The water taxi takes all your luggage on to whichever resort you are staying at, so you are unburdened for the ride. Awesome. Anyway, you just get dumped on a jetty, we choose the furthest one out so we could get a long ride in.

The view from the top of the first climb:

Me crossing a bridge at speed:

A particularly swingy swinging bridge I cleared the first time I just rode it, but could not ride cleanly afterwards. Every pedal stroke rocks the bridge and your bars sway inches from the chickenwire edges. The easiest way to cross is at speed, but on the second go I caught my bar in the wire and nearly flipped over the edge - this is a few seconds before that:

At the end of the day we stayed at a really nice resort which had a superb restaurant. We all ate and drank a little too much. It was great food though, and we watched dolphins playing in the bay from our window:

On day two it rained first thing and we rode up through the cloud. Just as it started to clear we reached the top.

Rach and I coasting on an easy section:

Rach at the bottom of a really long DH section which was our reward for a very long climb! The descent was great, it had rocky bits, smooth flowy bits, bridges, great views and natural jumps. We all had pumped arms and hot brakes.

Me on another DH section through some bush:

At the end of the second day we ended up at a great little resort, which is famous for having hundreds of isolated hammocks dotted around. It was super relaxing.

There are also loads of tree carvings around, ranging from parrots to heads and faces, and this one, a cool lizard:

After that we went swimming with dolphins. No photos in the water I'm afraid, but afterwards the dolphins love to ride the bow-wave from the boat:

End of holiday photos now, here are some other random images - First, Rach and I drunk at the Martinborough Wine festival. That is a good time!

On the way through town to some street riding in downtown Wellington:


Andy has some real quick photo reflexes! Champagne at my place.

Andy and I drinking downtown. Andy was sampling the local brew house wares. Mike D, if you see this, this is the Macs brewery (the rival to Monteiths) and they also have a very similar black beer you can see on Andy's sampler.

That's all for now. Hope you liked them!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
sweet photos, chang. some of the landscape ones are awesome.

i would love to get back to NZ, but they'd probably make me pay my speeding ticket.


Wow what a treat! With pics like these you are going to cause several monkeys to move to NZ.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Wish I wasn't on dialup.

Enkidu, lots of us have already tried...it's not that easy...

Wellington's a great city, and the whole place is just great.



Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
heh heh I was doing the Queen Charlotte on the Last weekend of November.
1st day just did Ships Cove to Furnaux Lodge (you stayed at Porter about 1 hour past here), then day 2 from there to Anikiwa in one hit. Awesome ride!!! :thumb: :D

heh heh And sorry Chang I already took mikeD Deyv and Issa through that brewery. ;)


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Damn, it looks awesome there. I have friends in Rotarua (sp?), makes me want to look them up.


Oct 17, 2002
awesome photos!

My girl loves such scenic places, she likes to hike. Plus, she sells wine for a living and NZ is one of the top places she and her co-workers talk about visiting.

Maybe she can swing a free/discounted trip through work someday :D Well, at least it'd be tax deductible since it's work.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
DaveW said:
*edit*....at least I'm pretty sure MikeD was still with us when we were in that brewery (several times)???
Yis. Yis I wuz. In fict, it wuz my list night in Willingtin.

Quite a sendoff, too...fun place. I think I was there a total of 2 or 3 times.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
DaveW said:
heh heh I was doing the Queen Charlotte on the Last weekend of November.
1st day just did Ships Cove to Furnaux Lodge (you stayed at Porter about 1 hour past here), then day 2 from there to Anikiwa in one hit. Awesome ride!!! :thumb: :D

heh heh And sorry Chang I already took mikeD Deyv and Issa through that brewery. ;)
On the first day we did Ship's Cove to Punga Cove Resort (The private singletrack to Punga off the main trail is awesome! Super technical with drops and poor maintainence making for really fun riding. Some of the other visitors who walked in couldn't believe we rode it :) ) I have to recommend Punga's restaurant again, really superb.

On the second day we did Punga Cove to Locmara Lodge, which is the next resort along from Portage, and incidentally over a fackin steep 400 meter hill! That was a bit of killer at the end of the ride, but, as always, it's amazing how much better you feel once you actually make the summit.

As for the Brewery, they've renovated it now, so you'd better come check it out again! :D

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Love those photos, hope I can visit sometime! :thumb:

I want to eventually have a vacation where I go to NZ for a week, the hop on over to Australia for a week. Maybe more time @ both places if I can finagle it :D


Mar 14, 2005
those are some great photos.. thank you for sharing!!! Its going to have to go on my must do list!!
so many places to visit... so little money!!!!!


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Changleen said:
At the end of the day we stayed at a really nice resort which had a superb restaurant. We all ate and drank a little too much. It was great food though, and we watched dolphins playing in the bay from our window:

I don't know what that is but it looks a hell of a lot better than the peanut butter sandwich I ate for lunch today.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
jdschall said:
I don't know what that is but it looks a hell of a lot better than the peanut butter sandwich I ate for lunch today.
The plate on the left is Steak, and the other two are Venison. That was some of the best venison I've ever had. It was aged and cooked pretty much perfectly. Damn it's making me hungry right now!