
>(O)<Saturday in the park GMT >(O)<


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
I am buying a second ATV as a loaner for friends and family. I live right by a state ATV park. I told my wife and she expressed interest in riding. She asked some questions and wanted photos.

Then yesterday she's texting me "When are you going to pick up my ATV?"


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Nick: zzzzzzzz

Nick's brain: Hey its like 5am, why not be awake for no good f'ing reason?

Laced up new wheels last night. In the process find one bearing in the rear hub kind of toasted. Prob just replace it.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. I'm headed to White Ranch in an hour or so to skate around on ice and snow on two wheels, or to give up due to the bitter cold.
Hilarie bagged on bay area trip next week... :rant:

Disposed of trash...

Stored lawnmower.

Pulled out snowblower, did some preventive maintenance, and ran it for a while.

Got out winter wheel set for Hilarie's car.

Fiddled with fill and grading over cesspool.

About to go riding with @Bunnista, probably in Stowe.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
May consider ride today. Slept for most of yesterday but currently out of opiates so riding seems like a better idea now. Waiting for 50 degrees though as its now 33 out.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Good ride yesterday. Got home and wife surprised me with a burger fries and beer ready to go.

Dropped off two old TVs for recycling this morning. Family Xmas photos this afternoon.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
snow is supposed to be rolling in tomorrow. wife gets back from Paris this afternoon. couldn't find a babysitter for my boys this morning so I could go ride, so I put the snow tires on the car. I don't know what to do with the boys this afternoon. I'm at my wits end.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
First batch of leaves and acorns processed. What would normally take me a whole day raking and carting to dump, I managed to finish in an hour with the new wood chipper and home made vacuum attachment. On to the next set of chores, and perhaps a ride is in my cards before the sun gets too low.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
'Morning. Hit the local breakfast eatery for eggs and pancakes this morning, then grocery shopping for Turkey Day. One bird secured! Crammed in an 8 mile MTB ride with the wife, and what a beautiful day for that. Tacos and Doctor Strange with friends this evening.

A good day.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Feedback on conditions @Toshi ?
Fun times this morning but it will be a sloppy mess this afternoon and tomorrow. This morning sub freezing was the time to be out there. There was only one climb on Whippletree that I couldn't ride. Everything else typically rideable was good to go, whether with tacky dirt, ice, or snow. Maverick downhill was particularly amusing with about 2" snow on the ground.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
The wife has informed me that I cannot pay for another you t this year for my deer head. She also informed me that he is too nice to cap him and only mount the horns.
As she put it you will still be getting that done in a European mount, you are just going to learn to do it at home.

Now I have to decide on boiling or using dermestid beetles to strip it to the bone.

Good times.
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Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Wow. Today's ride was in the absolute pissing rain. We might as well have jumped in the river mid-ride, we were that wet.

But what an awesome adventure. Rain rides are still my favourite. My front wheel washed out on a nice freshly raked downhill section; that trail was as slick as snot and I slid on my left side for a good 20 feet. Dude behind me had to bail out, thought he was going to run me over. 11/10 would bang again.

My clothes were so muddy that I had to hose them off outside.

I think it is officially beer and warm food time.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Wow. Today's ride was in the absolute pissing rain. We might as well have jumped in the river mid-ride, we were that wet.

But what an awesome adventure. Rain rides are still my favourite. My front wheel washed out on a nice freshly raked downhill section; that trail was as slick as snot and I slid on my left side for a good 20 feet. Dude behind me had to bail out, thought he was going to run me over. 11/10 would bang again.

My clothes were so muddy that I had to hose them off outside.

I think it is officially beer and warm food time.
I used to get my balls done at the Wax Hut... not in a group though. True story.

In other news, I did manage about 6 miles of gentle trail on the bike at low speed; the bumps resulted in manageable pain but breathing too deeply makes me moan like a fat fucking walrus.

Eagerly awaiting my gimbal that should arrive on Monday, looking to do another wussy ride Tuesday night.
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Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Good ride just before the sunset. A friend unloaded a pair of Magic Marys for little coin on me, this was the shake down ride with one in the front. Not too disappointed, tire is massive (2.5" wide, wider than 2.5 DHF), knobs are even massiver and dig into mud and leaves but off camber roots need to be approached with caution. /coolstorybro


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
drank coffee. found runaway dog. took 6yo to do trailwork. big stepup/stepdown almost done. much dirt was moved. fixed a booter. came home, drank beers. wife took 11yo to movie. drinking many beers with friend while our 6yos tear shit up.
step up (lander is at the bucket):


step down: