
Obama's New Spanish Language TV Ad Es Erróneo


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
So you are ok with Obama lying?
Let's say everything in that article is accurate and the ad is misleading... would that be wrong? Yes. But it would also be par for the course in this and every other political season. Loosely tying together quotes that may or may not be contextually accurate, misrepresenting facts, etc. Is this news to you?
I can guarantee there are articles picking apart McCain ads in exactly the same fashion. Why aren't you posting those?

I have a question for you Curtix. Do you listen to Limbaugh or Savage? Do you take their opinions seriously?


Because he is voting for McCain and would like us to do the same
I am for informed voting that's all. Link me some McCain ads that are lies. Seriously. I am not just asking to be appear condescending. I really want one or more.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
So BS, are you saying Limbaugh and Savage are not reliable commentators? I, for one, an shocked...

Curtix is the new N8, only not as bright...ignore him long enough and he will go away.


Jul 10, 2006
Salem, MA
Curtix isn't for informed voting, but reaffirmed voting.
He's happy when people/politicians/candidates/commentators tell him that what he already thought is correct, and that opposition to that misguided belief system is anti'merrican.

Fundamentalism is an impressive thing. Even in the face of proof and evidence, the original belief is still held to be true. It's like a rationality handicap. Maybe it's genetic. Maybe science can isolate the gene.


Curtix isn't for informed voting, but reaffirmed voting.
He's happy when people/politicians/candidates/commentators tell him that what he already thought is correct, and that opposition to that misguided belief system is anti'merrican.

Fundamentalism is an impressive thing. Even in the face of proof and evidence, the original belief is still held to be true. It's like a rationality handicap. Maybe it's genetic. Maybe science can isolate the gene.
Personal attacks make me warm inside. Thanks. Shows you amazing skill and intelligence.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Obama is really getting desperate. I can not believe that the media isn't nailing him to a wall over this. I was surprised to hear from ABC on it, but its purposely misleading and blatant attack add with so much BS in it. What on earth was he thinking. Poor Obama. Desperation.
I don't care your language, but I agree on principal.

When Rush becomes a RNC paid consultant, then he should be tied with McCain.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Would that be as bad or worse than Karl Rove being a paid commentator for Faux Newz?
Karl Rove is fair game. He was a recent high ranking advisor to the President and the RNC.

Rush has always been a talker. Unless McCain and Rush appear together in a rally, I don't care what Rush has to say.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Karl Rove is fair game. He was a recent high ranking advisor to the President and the RNC.

Rush has always been a talker. Unless McCain and Rush appear together in a rally, I don't care what Rush has to say.
There might not be some official title or connection that Limbaugh holds with the republicans, but make no mistake, he is their bullhorn... he knows it, they know it... we all know it. It benefits them not to tie him to the party directly because that way he can still get away with saying the things that all republicans think, but are too stupid, racist or otherwise unbelievable to be said in an official capacity.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
I am for informed voting that's all. Link me some McCain ads that are lies. Seriously. I am not just asking to be appear condescending. I really want one or more.
You're not for informed voting; if you were for informed voting you would present both sides of an argument, on both candidates, and then we would have an open debate about it. You prefer to post one side of an argument about one candidate.


You're not for informed voting; if you were for informed voting you would present both sides of an argument, on both candidates, and then we would have an open debate about it. You prefer to post one side of an argument about one candidate.
Take a look at these forums sometimes and tell me its slanted and which way - Pro Obama or Pro McCain .


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Take a look at these forums sometimes and tell me its slanted and which way - Pro Obama or Pro McCain .
And you keep losing the arguments and debates here as badly as I've ever seen anyone. Seems to me you're the one being "informed" on a threadly basis.
There's some smart folks around here. Don't be afraid to learn.


And you keep losing the arguments and debates here as badly as I've ever seen anyone. Seems to me you're the one being "informed" on a threadly basis.
There's some smart folks around here. Don't be afraid to learn.
Haven't left yet have I. I still have hope :D
Oh and are you going to answer my request.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Haven't left yet have I. I still have hope :D
Oh and are you going to answer my request.
What was your request? I already provided the link you asked for. You never answered whether or not you listened to Rush.


What was your request? I already provided the link you asked for. You never answered whether or not you listened to Rush.
I mentioned to "Take a look at these forums sometimes and tell me its slanted and which way - Pro Obama or Pro McCain " I guess I meant it for everyone but it came off wrong. Its hard here - in nanny state land.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I mentioned to "Take a look at these forums sometimes and tell me its slanted and which way - Pro Obama or Pro McCain " I guess I meant it for everyone but it came off wrong. Its hard here - in nanny state land.
I don't think so many here are "Pro Obama" as they are anti-republican. But if you want to paint the neat little picture for yourself that the only reason people here disagree with you, is that they're liberal democrats, then no time you spend here will be very productive.

And when I asked about listening to Rush, I mean do you do so actively? Do you think he has good opinions generally?


I don't think so many here are "Pro Obama" as they are anti-republican. But if you want to paint the neat little picture for yourself that the only reason people here disagree with you, is that they're liberal democrats, then no time you spend here will be very productive.

And when I asked about listening to Rush, I mean do you do so actively? Do you think he has good opinions generally?
Hmmm I would have to say Yes to both. Generally speaking.:clue: Fire at will.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I am for informed voting that's all. Link me some McCain ads that are lies. Seriously. I am not just asking to be appear condescending. I really want one or more.
have you had your eyes entirely closed? mccain has run the dirtiest campaign perhaps ever. he simply has no regard for the truth. "honor" be damned.

here's an article that references several of the most egregious ads: http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1842030,00.html


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
his latest lollercaust is blaming lobbyists for the economic trouble, while maintaining a healthy amount of lobbyists employed by his campaign.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I mentioned to "Take a look at these forums sometimes and tell me its slanted and which way - Pro Obama or Pro McCain " I guess I meant it for everyone but it came off wrong. Its hard here - in nanny state land.
I agree with you again in principle.

Majority of this forum are liberal-leaning, with quite a few variants.

However, no one cares for baiting, ignorant, one-sided arguments. I don't listen to Rush for that reason.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
have you had your eyes entirely closed? mccain has run the dirtiest campaign perhaps ever.
hard to top karl rove's push polling when mccain was vying against bush back in 00, and swift boating of 04. perhaps what you're noticing is actually the fruits of campaign finance reform, which may reveal the evil genius only rove can appreciate? just a thought.

as far as obama's campaign goes, keep in mind he performed the unthinkable: he outmaneuvered hillary. so that means either he's truly crafted a shrewd primary campaign, or there was manna from heaven when white guilt & nearly all blacks went in for him.

next: the lipstick comment. i'm not very clear on his intentionality, but it does seem odd to me that for such an intelligent & persuasive speaker he would make a double entendre that neither his speech writers nor he didn't seem to pick up on, but the throngs of obamaphiles instantly caught on.

and keeping with the theme of condescending and/or sexist remarks, he sends out his wife w/ her swipe at palin as well (you're informed on the issues i assume, so i see no need to post the vid). and before you suggest he had nothing to do w/ her remarks, i again remind you he outmaneuvered hillary.

he's well polished, well rehearsed, and well advised. if you suggest these (and a few choice other) comments were unintentional or unfortunate, what would that in turn suggest about his judgment & leadership? bumbling & serendipitous, a-la mr. bean?

not for a second would i second guess his ability to run a tough campaign. but i'm not so sure running a campaign (at his pleasure) is as facile to navigate as running a country (at the pleasure of the american people).


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
next: the lipstick comment. i'm not very clear on his intentionality
I actually thought the lipstick on a pig comment was clever. I was sad to find out it was unintentional.

there's a big difference between clever (and accurate) jabs that are clearly stated as opinion, and outright lying that is stated as fact.

All that said, I don't think McCain's campaign is the dirtiest ever by any stretch. I think Bush v Dukakis and Bush v Kerry both hit lows that McCain hasn't sunk to yet. I do think that McCain has sunk much lower than Obama thus far... and tossed any remnants of McCain2000 ethics completely out the window.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
If you want to talk dirty campaigns, the campaigns now are nothing compared to the 1800 election.

Federalists spread rumors that the Democratic-Republicans were radicals who would murder their opponents, burn churches, and destroy the country (based on the Democratic-Republican preference for France over Britain. At the time, the rather violent French revolution was in full swing). In 1798, George Washington (who had no political party) had complained "that you could as soon scrub the blackamoor white, as to change the principles of a profest [sic] Democrat; and that he will leave nothing unattempted to overturn the Government of this Country.” Meanwhile, the Democratic-Republicans accused Federalists of destroying republican values, not to mention political support from immigrants, with the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were later ruled unconstitutional; they also accused Federalists of favoring Britain in order to promote aristocratic, anti-republican values.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
his latest lollercaust is blaming lobbyists for the economic trouble, while maintaining a healthy amount of lobbyists employed by his campaign.
Yep, and it is a joke that Carly Fiorina is one of his economic advisers. Do a little research of her and her time at HP. Nothing like costing a company millions of dollars, thousands of jobs, only to leave with a HEFTY severance package of $21M. It is frightening how sometimes unqualified ambitious people can get so far ahead in certain types of careers. In this time of economic disarray, I do not want a president who is getting economic advice from anyone other than someone whom has dedicated their entire post high school career to economics as opposed to a career brown-noser.


Doesn't Time have Obama on the cover at least once a month? It certainly seems like it.

Next to msnbc, they're his biggest cheerleader.
Everyone is an Obama cheerleader almost. And if your not then your " stupid, and you watch Fox" :bonk: Too funny - watch the media elect the next president.


his latest lollercaust is blaming lobbyists for the economic trouble, while maintaining a healthy amount of lobbyists employed by his campaign.
Joe Bidens son IS a Lobbyist. Hahahah.

In the first six months of this year R. Hunter Biden, a founding partner of Oldaker, Biden & Belair, has worked on accounts that brought it $470,000 from nine clients, according to lobbying disclosure records.

Source as if anyone needs one.

Its gets even better -

A son and a brother of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour, court records show.
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