I'd bet serious money that the amount spent on proselytizing and preaching about Jeebus (and funding issues like Prop 8) far outweighs the amount that it saves taxpayer money for food banks and other assorted philanthropic vehicles...is it too obvious to point out the rules are identical for all charitable deductions, not just for magical undergarment textile fronts?
perhaps my explanation should have included the fact that charitable deductions result in lessening the burden on other tax-payer funded programs (food banks, hospitals, homeless shelters, & other assorted philanthropic vehicles)
what can i say but "free speech isn't free"?I'd bet serious money that the amount spent on proselytizing and preaching about Jeebus (and funding issues like Prop 8) far outweighs the amount that it saves taxpayer money for food banks and other assorted philanthropic vehicles...
Not at all buddy, he pays people handsomely to make sure he pays as little as possible. Go look at the amount of income the top 1% receives in relation to the amount of taxes they pay, it's disgusting. The middle class pays more than the rich it's a proven fact. The capitol gains tax is capped at 15% and that is where most of the rich's money comes from Legal or not, it's wrong, and the system needs changing.no moron
I do not pay the actual % stated for my income. I take my multiple alloted deductions that my wife the Tax CPA knows about. We pay considerably less, only a moron would ignore the allowable deductions. Romney plays it the same way everyone with a brain and a good CPA does. Get over your pseudo intellectual self.
ummm, at least the guy who spends his money helps the economy. The way the rich hoard would fall into the redistribution of wealth category. They make money of the middle class, and ummm get richer, while spending more money to lower taxes, find loop holes, and find ways for the government to hand them corporate welfare checks.huh? he paid $6.2M for 2010 (@13.9%, expected to be 15.4% for 2011). i wonder what are the unadvertised costs of CPAs & such to get his rate that low. IOW, he may be paying what appears to be a low rate, but i'm sure he's handing out the cheddar to other-than-gov't recipients. shall we now hate on all the players in the game? shall we reserve judgment for any who spends frivolously, or hoard their cash?
fyi: we regularly get our rate down to the high teens through measures including brainwashing 501(c)3s per the directives we channel from the ghosts of our founding fathers.
Go look at the amount of income the top 1% receives in relation to the amount of taxes they pay, it's disgusting.
The middle class pays more than the rich it's a proven fact.
it's changing all the timeThe capitol gains tax is capped at 15% and that is where most of the rich's money comes from Legal or not, it's wrong, and the system needs changing.
i think the issue here is you pursued an education that reinforces your worldviewI spent more time learning about political science and economics before changing to engineering than you spent learning to work on an ambulance.
this part sucks:
nyt said:Equally rankling to many is New York Citys unincorporated business tax, which is charged to every individual or unincorporated entity carrying on a trade, business or profession in whole or part in New York City, according to the New York City Department of Finance. I despise it, Mr. Willens said. (As head of his own firm, Robert Willens L.L.C. in New York City, he pays the tax.) Youve already paid federal, state and local income tax on the same income. Its double taxation. Its odious. I hate it. The self-employed are supposed to be the backbone of the economy. Theyre treated very harshly. I guess theres no organized lobby for the self-employed.
i wonder what's changed since then? perhaps i should google itI also would like to add, that the era when we as a nation did the best was when the highest tax bracket was 80-90% and we were investing tons and tons of money in our infrastructure and education.
how about both?If you want to keep telling yourself that some rich asshole hoarding his money is helping you instead of that tax money fixing our roads and paying teachers, then you sir are delusional
guess what? those small businesses also do.They make money off the middle class
You're neglecting the fact that capitol gains play a HUGE part in that, those figures are absent, not counted as "income" As well the middle and lower class pay MUCH more in things like sales taxes, they are what's actually referred to as a regressive tax, so are traffic tickets.
here's another proven fact: the bottom 80% pay just less than a third of taxes.
oh, and they make up almost 90% of the population
furthermore, the upper quintile (again, just 10% of the population) earns 1/2 the income, from which comes 2/3 of all federal taxes.
disgusting, indeed
see, when the wealthy hoard and we lower taxes, we don't have this thing called funding for school, they are indeed expensive.how about both?
How far along did you get in econ? Here is how it works, the middle class doesn't hoard money, the top 1% does, when you give some one money who hoards it, it does, what's the word, not much, trade some commodities, make investments that you can invest into to guarantee success. What do you or I do with that money? We buy bikes and cars and houses, and things that then pay other people who need jobs to do things. I understand the wealthy spend more money per person, but it is far less in proportion to their income.guess what? those small businesses also do.
would you have the upper class only be allowed to engage in commerce within their own bracket?
You mean the kid who was a card carrying libertarian when I started college? Funny thing what a basic econ book will tell you about conservative economic policy.i think the issue here is you pursued an education that reinforces your worldview
And that qualifies in politics how???? I don't know how to save lives, but then again, I haven't spent as much time studying it as you.Hey Mooshoo
Just to set you straight. I'm the Director of the Ambulance company. Prior to that I spent 20 years as a regional sales manager in the electronics industry. I happen to own a very nice home in the mountains, you I believe still live at mommy and daddys
Nope, all the trails around here are snow-covered, and I've resisted the fatbike/snowbike so far... Instead I've been focusing more on urban, including cheap and easy ways to be seen at night.Anyone ride any cool trails lately?
No dude, you're just a crotchety old man who can't handle some stupid kid knowing more about politics and economics than you. The fact that you have been in the work force has nothing to do with it, and if you really think me wanting funding for schools and roads is me wanting to "take other peoples money for myself" then you sir are the king tool, and have ZERO idea what you are talking about. As well I'm more than happy to pay my fair share in taxes, I understand that things need paying for, I'm not some old crotchety dude who's greed gets in the way of understanding how taxation and economics workno but you think you know how to do things, what you want to do with other folks money and livelyhoods, yet you haven't done any of them yourself. Which is why the majority of us here at RM and in the community who work every day, who run buisnesses, employ others, and do community volunteer work, have earned our place in the community, look at you and shake our heads.
do you hand out hot motzah & poly-pro yarmulkes?As well I'm heavily involved in a winter homeless shelter my temple runs.
No dude, you're just a crotchety old man who can't handle some stupid kid knowing more about politics and economics than you. ...blah blah blah...
I see what jew did there....do you hand out hot motzah & poly-pro yarmulkes?
Oi! Try the veal, I will be here all week...tip your waitresses!I see what jew did there....
Even Jack Welch at GE had something like 20:1 and he was one of the most closely correlated in recent history. You're talking about a CEO who happens to have a janitor making $10/hr who will cap at $250k/y. If that happens, corporations will be leaving Switzerland. Maybe 20:1 vs average, but still never going to happen.
I for one, would be horrified if we made the mistake of chasing Lloyd Blankfein or Jamie Dimon to fvck off to some other country.Even Jack Welch at GE had something like 20:1 and he was one of the most closely correlated in recent history. You're talking about a CEO who happens to have a janitor making $10/hr who will cap at $250k/y. If that happens, corporations will be leaving Switzerland. Maybe 20:1 vs average, but still never going to happen.
There are some Nigerian princes who could clearly use their financial expertise.I for one, would be horrified if we made the mistake of chasing Lloyd Blankfein or Jamie Dimon to fvck off to some other country.
real issues or a very healthy coke habit.I mean, if you can't live comfy on $5M/year, you have real issues to begin with.
This.i'd put my money on lawyers, accountants and financers figuring out a way to rename compensation, or structure salaries in a way that execs will still end up getting huge amounts of compensation. regulation brings out the creative in people.
The combined wealth of the world's richest 85 people is now equivalent to that owned by half of the world's population – or 3.5 billion of the poorest people – according to a new report from Oxfam.
It added that the wealth of the richest one percent of people in the world now amounts to $110 trillion, or 65 times the total wealth of the bottom half of the world's population.
"This massive concentration of economic resources in the hands of fewer people presents a significant threat to inclusive political and economic systems," the report said.
"Instead of moving forward together, people are increasingly separated by economic and political power, inevitably heightening social tensions and increasing the risk of societal breakdown," it added.
wtf oakland? florida jr?The lawsuit did not identify the officer who fired the beanbag, and the city has not identified the officer. But the suit said that after Olsen was struck and was lying on the ground, Oakland police Officer Robert Roche lobbed a tear-gas canister into a group trying to help Olsen, an incident that was captured by a TV news camera.
Oakland police moved to fire Roche after the incident. Roche, a decorated Marine Corps veteran who has been involved in three fatal shootings in the city, is fighting his termination, sources said.
This thread is awesome.I am probably one of the most devout libertatians you will ever meet,
Your photographer
True colors starting show....As someone who has a sporting interest in protests and riots, let me say that around the Bay Area, some of the Occupy folks are behaving in a mob mentality fashion.
I think about the bravery of the man in Tienanmen Square facing down a tank. Is that what is going on when you attack a cop and run into the crowd? Or a group of Occupiers threaten a reporter?
Or about Occupy Cal? Who looks like they are in charge here?
Showed an impermeable faith in cops...Could you name the last non-violent protest which took place in the ghetto?
My guess is that cops are used to three kinds of postures:
1. Violent, either because of drugs or the suspects are trying to flee
2. Evasive, which means the people they are talking to are either lying or keeping something a secret
3. Submissive, like when they give a ticket and the person receiving it thanks them
The Occupy protesters are none of these. They are non-violent, very frank about their agenda, and far from submissive.
I think the cops are not used to be outnumbered and out-of-control, and the two pepper-sprayers lost it.
I support the tenets of Occupy, but not Occupy Oakland.
It has denigrated to F*** The Police protests every Saturday. Serious!
I have no clue what is the point of screwing up downtown Oakland. Is Bain Capital or Goldman Sachs in Oakland? Or a lot of one-percenters live downtown?
I would be in favor of occupying SF banks or even a visit to Orinda/Lafayette, but the OO are too chickensh*t to leave.
I enjoy the protests because I have a sporting interest in riots, but there is no point otherwise.
His air bnb renters will be outraged!I wonder if the HOA knows this?
Seems pretty universal, no?Knowing how the Street works, made me an ass.