
Ode to 200th


Mar 22, 2006
Before it was the flowpark at SST, it was the downhill at 200th. When there was only one trail with one jump. That was years ago. And now its over.

These last few months of riding there was like hanging out with your dying friend. Nothing was said of the eminent death, the time was spent just trying to have as much fun as possible, knowing the end was near. Showing up there yesterday, to ride, was like walking into the hospital room to find your friend gone, too late to hang out one last time, to say goodbye.

It was not just trails/jumps. I have had great times there, made great friends, gotten into fights (ok, arguements), gone to the ER from there, taken people to the ER from there, progressed as a rider, logged HOURS out there building, smoking, drinking, BBQing. It was not just a bike spot. It was a community hang out. I am sad its gone.

When I am old, talking about 'those were the days' you can be sure I'll be speaking of 200th.


Turbo Monkey
Well put, Dean! I totally agree about the last few times out there being like visiting a dying friend/relative. If it wasn't for that place, I would not have progressed to the point I am right now, met so many different riders and been to some other sick riding areas that I heard about while seshing the flowpark.

I'm just glad I finally got the run of glory (top-left dubs, drop-kicker to fruitbooter to big table to big flowmaster) checked off my list of to-do's before it was too late!


Dec 14, 2005
I was trying to laugh about it getting torn down, saying how I always knew it would be and I would be disapointed if it didnt. But now that it actully happend I almost feel like I did when my dog died (almost).

Maybe I will head out there with a bottle of whisky, wonder around and think about all the good times, then cry myself to sleep where the table top used to be.