
Off To the Hospital


Jan 15, 2007
Damnit, my mom and wife have convinced me I need to go to the hospital. My foot may be broken :plthumbsdown: Im hoping not. :disgust1:


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
Man that sucks! I thought you said it was only a flesh wound! Unortunately most of us know what it's like to have broken bones due to riding.

In fact, I went back up to 26 West today and just about killed myself. I guess the adrenaline was running high all day because I've been in serious pain ever since I got home.

Let us know what happens - hopefully it's something mild and you'll be back in no time!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Dude sorry to hear that. I told Ryan that the face of that jump needs to be fixed. It should not be shaped like a DJ jump for the take off and landing being 30+ ft long. I will not hit it anymore after almost getting bucked right off my bike tring to make it to the landing. Rob got bucked right off his bike 3 weekends ago and almost had to call it a day. Get well dude.....


Jan 15, 2007
yay, jello and ice cream
More like a scrip for some perks and antibiotics. Lucky for me the foot or ankle is not broke, just a severe sprain. However I did confirm that I was right about my big toe being broken that day at Headly. Doc looked at me kinda funny when he told me my toe was broke and I said, "yeah I thought it was but that was like 2 months ago", so I can expect to have arthritis in my toe when I'm a grumpy old man. He said I'd done a good job with the cuts on my leg and to just keep em clean. So hopefully only a week off the bike and the back at it!


Jan 28, 2007
Yo JB, Hope you feel better soon cause we need to make another trip to WR before it get too cold. I am going to try to make it to 26 west this weekend
for the first time since opening day. I heard they have resolved some early issues they had.


Jan 15, 2007
Yo JB, Hope you feel better soon cause we need to make another trip to WR before it get too cold. I am going to try to make it to 26 west this weekend
for the first time since opening day. I heard they have resolved some early issues they had.
Thanks to everyone (except my brother!) Still on these damn crutches but I can put a little weight on it already, I can get around without the crutches if I have to. Hoping this is only going to keep me off the bike one week. I really want to make it back up the Windrock again this year as well.

And CLos, I hadn't been up there since the first day either and I would definitely say the trails are bedding in nice and just tons of cool features on all the trails. I had a great time right up til I wrecked:disgust1:, I will be back up there soon, for sure. Ryan and whomever else involved are doing a great job so far, and given more time I think 26W will be one of the best places to ride on the east coast.