
Office Pranks


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
One dude I worked with was always paranoid that we were working on projects without telling him in hopes he would get fired. So we started leaving cryptic emails printed out on the printer. Held fake meeting without him and had empty boxes shipped to us with words like prototype and top secret plastered on the side. This drove him nuts and he demanded that our manager tell him what was going on. He was told it was a joke but didn't beleive it. He eventually started to try and hack our email accounts and steal our files looking for information. Never accepting it was a joke he eventually got a laid off and blames us for it till this day. Funny stuff.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
FInd a picture of someone your target dispises (better it is another office collegue)

Make 8x10 black and white copies and put them ALL over the place in his/her office. Intermixed in files, under his Desk calendar, in the window behind his drawn blinds, anywhere that it will keep popping up somewhere else for weeks/months later.


They will think they have gotten them all......and BAM a nice reminder.



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I was never very creative... super glue has been my old standby. Glue the phone reciever to the base... glue pens and penciles together, etc. Lame but effective.


Nov 29, 2004
Back when i was still in cubicle land, the dude I shared the cube with opened a can of Tuna and poured the juice into my garbage can...underneath the liner!!!! Then spent the next two days accusing me of smelling like rotten tuna. I knew the smell was coming from my area but refused to admit it since i couldn't find the source. After 2 days, I finally figured it out. Unfortunately he quit before I was able to get him back!!


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Get a large, glass pickle jar (empty, and has to be GLASS). Get a big one, not one of those little quart jars.

Get of couple of pieces of RAW chicken, cut-up fryer parts, doesn't matter, two or three pieces.

Put them in the jar.

Fill the jar halfway with buttermilk.

SEAL the jar nice and tight.


Now, to place the CTB, find a nice quiet spot in your company - good places to hide it are in an air-conditioning duct, or lift up one of the ceiling tiles and slip it up there.

You see, after a month or two, the pressure from the internal gases escaping from the rotting chicken, combined with the buttermilk, will be enough to crack the glass, releasing the noxious contents.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Well apparently here at my new job they have quite the good time! Here's some two of the better ones they've told me about.

Someone went on vacation and they moved their entire office, desk computer, decorations, etc. into the lunch room. Set it up so everything was in the exact same place as it was in the office, down to all the piles of paper on the desk and stuff in the drawers.

Painted a male co-workers office pepto bismal pink


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
When i worked for Dexterq20's dad, i was in the shipping department of a golf store. When a new guy would come in, i would take a knife to the packing tape. one deep vertical slit. So, when he went to tape the box, he'd only get 4" of tape down, have to feed the tape through the gun again, get another 4" of tape on the box..oh man, the never ending cycle...
Then when I was coaching volleyball, and the kid couldn't pass properly, i would duct tape his or her feet to the ground and drill balls at them. It worked fine until i made a girl cry and gave a kid a bloody nose...


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
RhinofromWA said:
FInd a picture of someone your target dispises (better it is another office collegue)

Make 8x10 black and white copies and put them ALL over the place in his/her office. Intermixed in files, under his Desk calendar, in the window behind his drawn blinds, anywhere that it will keep popping up somewhere else for weeks/months later.

Rihno you forgot the best part of that prank, you bribe the window-washer to tape one on the outside of the window, then to put one in the same spot on the inside. They rip down the inside one, then shazzam they se the other one and there's nothing they can do.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
If someone's computer is unlocked with Win XP:

"Print Screen" of the desktop.

Open Paint and hit ctrl+C

File > Save to somewhere DEEP in the C: drive.

File>Set As Background (Centered)

Close paint.

Right click on the desktop > Arrange Icons By > Uncheck "Show Desktop Items"

Watch the fun.


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
My supervisor is terrified of both midgets and clowns. We're trying to round up a posse of midget clowns to come in and run around his office....seems as if a midget clown posse isn't the easiest thing to come by. :monkey:

I might just find a toy clown that has an audio track on a pull string and rig it up in one of his cupboards so that when he opens the cupboard, the doll comes flying out at him screaming something... :D


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
H8R said:
If someone's computer is unlocked with Win XP:

"Print Screen" of the desktop.

Open Paint and hit ctrl+C

File > Save to somewhere DEEP in the C: drive.

File>Set As Background (Centered)

Close paint.

Right click on the desktop > Arrange Icons By > Uncheck "Show Desktop Items"

Watch the fun.

:eek: :D I am goin gto do that to my parents computer. hahahaha
and my friends. My friend got his first computer. He's used computers many times before, but only basic stuff like internet and text.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Tenchiro said:
Get a large, glass pickle jar (empty, and has to be GLASS). Get a big one, not one of those little quart jars.

Get of couple of pieces of RAW chicken, cut-up fryer parts, doesn't matter, two or three pieces.

Put them in the jar.

Fill the jar halfway with buttermilk.

SEAL the jar nice and tight.


Now, to place the CTB, find a nice quiet spot in your company - good places to hide it are in an air-conditioning duct, or lift up one of the ceiling tiles and slip it up there.

You see, after a month or two, the pressure from the internal gases escaping from the rotting chicken, combined with the buttermilk, will be enough to crack the glass, releasing the noxious contents.
That's a good one!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I used to put fake plastic spiders in the film box in the developing room for the x-rays at the clinic I worked at in CO.

I also put one in a techs lunch box/bag before she left to go home. Damn was she pissed the next morning.


Mar 14, 2005
People here have a bad habit of taking other peoples food from the fridge if it is leftover... therefore tons of hot pepper usually does the trick.

also i like taking the head of a co workers picture and placing it on various news articles.. making a lot of copies and placing them all over the office

edit: oopppsss


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
My bosses boss that demanded he and everyone in our department be given admin rights on the network. On april fools day my boss Toma and I arranged fro him to get the "network nemesis" virus, we let the office in on the joke. I wrote a fake virus, hooked the keyboard interupt, made disk lights flash, pretended to corrupt the network. After a few seconds you hear a weak "Tom...." coming from the office. A split second later the whole office is roaring in laughter.

Jay Gatz

Aug 14, 2004
NE for college, CO when i can
H8R said:
If someone's computer is unlocked with Win XP:

"Print Screen" of the desktop.

Open Paint and hit ctrl+C

File > Save to somewhere DEEP in the C: drive.

File>Set As Background (Centered)

Close paint.

Right click on the desktop > Arrange Icons By > Uncheck "Show Desktop Items"

Watch the fun.
best one yet


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
-Rearranged the keys on office mate's keyboard

Office mate blamed 'stupid foreigners' for manufacturing the keyboard incorrectly.

-Dialed office mate's phone number into fax machine, made it redial, left work, came back next day.

Office mate had about 100 fax messages.

-Switched left and right keys on office mate's mouse.

-Signing up office mate for Victoria's Secret catalogues to arrive at work

This is all the same office mate, btw.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
robdamanii said:
Visine in the boss's coffee cup.
Poisoning somebody is not a prank.

The active ingredient in Visine eye drops is Tetrahydrozoline HCl 0.05%. Swallowing this substance can result in a number of nasty effects, including:

*Lowering body temperature to dangerous levels
*Making breathing difficult, or even halting it entirely
*Blurring vision
*Causing nausea and vomiting
*Elevating and then dropping blood pressure
*Causing seizures or tremors
*Sending the ingester into a coma



Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
hooples3 said:
People here have a bad habit of taking other peoples food from the fridge if it is leftover... therefore tons of hot pepper usually does the trick.
Had that problem once when I was managing retail, had a large company fridge with many shifts, hard to tell who or when but somebody was snagging food, the MO was basically snack & sandwiches that had there at least a day.

So I figured to catch a rat I would use a mouse, A mouse had gotten crushed back in receiving so I hid mr mouse in half of a subway club wrapped him back up so it looked left leftovers.

I heard that the following night one of the night stockers got a suprise.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Nothing too crazy, but me and another guy once set a woman's PC to play a fart sound for every single thing she did on her computer, and we jacked the PC volume way up. She was a computer dummy and could not figure out how to shut off the sound. She eventually called the Help Desk for support. Man, that was a fun few hours.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
MunkeeHucker said:
So I figured to catch a rat I would use a mouse, A mouse had gotten crushed back in receiving so I hid mr mouse in half of a subway club wrapped him back up so it looked left leftovers.

I heard that the following night one of the night stockers got a suprise.
I have to ask... Was the mouse immediately visible upon opening the wrapper, or did the guy have to bite into it to find out? :dead:


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
binary visions said:
I have to ask... Was the mouse immediately visible upon opening the wrapper, or did the guy have to bite into it to find out? :dead:
The mouse was hidden, that way the bittee would be sure to make a commotion.


Jan 4, 2005
were i work we have alot of paper scrap off of the material we run, they are about 1" wide and can get up to over 1000' feet long that. so i took that scrap and put it in my friends cubicle, made a door out of cardboard with a peep hole in it. His cubicle was full of the stuff basically it was almost overflowing, it took him about 3hrs to clean it up. I'm still waiting on his pay back though


Mar 14, 2005
we have a guy here that is completely annoying.. so we found out his keyless entry # for his car. the next day he had 50 crickets in it... it took weeks for all of them to be found


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
maxyedor said:
Rihno you forgot the best part of that prank, you bribe the window-washer to tape one on the outside of the window, then to put one in the same spot on the inside. They rip down the inside one, then shazzam they se the other one and there's nothing they can do.
:) That would work except in WA state the paper would last like 10 minutes in the rain.....


...but if it was laminated......



Turbo Monkey
stinkyboy said:
This is the worst idea I have ever heard.

Yeah, no joke! In the hotel I worked in, ppl constantly had me go to the backup tapes to retrieve things they had "accidentally" deleted. I can just imaging the headaches the admins had at that place if they actually gave them that priv...:help:


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Reactor said:
You can say that again, it was a nightmare. After the fake virus he started to change his tune....And we got anti-virus software.
I worked for this moron a couple years ago, who hired a "computer geek" he knew, and in order to create an offsite backup of the network, the guy talked him into getting 2 external hard drives and back up 1/2 of the network onto one and vice versa, and take the one not being used home every night (in case of fire). I was the only Mac guy, so I brought an old tape drive from home to do my backups locally, but after a few months of the "hard drive shuffle", I finally pointed out, he will lose half of the backup (in case of fire). I still remember the look on his face. I quit a couple weeks later, and he begged me to be a "consultant" and show his accountant (you heard me) how to use the Mac, so the accountant could start doing the design work...


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
MudGrrl said:
-Rearranged the keys on office mate's keyboard

Office mate blamed 'stupid foreigners' for manufacturing the keyboard incorrectly.

-Dialed office mate's phone number into fax machine, made it redial, left work, came back next day.

Office mate had about 100 fax messages.

-Switched left and right keys on office mate's mouse.

-Signing up office mate for Victoria's Secret catalogues to arrive at work

This is all the same office mate, btw.
Swapping m & n keys usually does the trick


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Back in the day when I worked for Apple, we used to switch people keyboard mapping to use the German settings. The only difference was the Z & Y keys were swapped. It was very subtle but drove people absolutely nuts.