
Office Pranks


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Tenchiro said:
Back in the day when I worked for Apple, we used to switch people keyboard mapping to use the German settings. The only difference was the Z & Y keys were swapped. It was very subtle but drove people absolutely nuts.
I had a little script that would auto shut a Mac down, which was fun as a startup item...


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Echo said:
A little scotch tape over someone's mouse ball can usually cause a call to the helpdesk.
Unplug it first, it will drive them just a little crazier after theythink they got it fixed but it still won't work.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
I've had limburger cheese applied under my desk.......it stunk of smelly feet for a day or two before I narrowed down the cause.

One co-worker of mine took a small brim he caught and duct taped it under a fellow co-workers chair.............in about 5 days the whole place reeked of rotting fish........


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
This one is a classic.*

druber said:
Ok...since there is already one thread about pranks, here is one Craig (billy_goat) and I pulled on our old boss.

Our boss had a nice window office overlooking the hill country. We were located in the building next to Z-tejas on the 3rd floor. We had just finished a big project that most considered not possible on an impossible schedule. We had a little bit of down-time and our boss was out of town on tour (he's in a band too).

Here is what we decided to do:

...and after he got back...

Basically, we built some walls outside on the loading dock. Took them up in the elevator and placed them in his office. We taped the joints, painted the walls, added edging, added tile and populated with common janitorial items. We basically turned his 12x12 office into a 4x6 janitor's closet.

We also mounted a small camera in the wall to get his reaction when he went in. He was pretty amazed. We did all this in just a couple of hours over a couple of days. We got some pretty funny looks when we were carrying sections of wall up through the elevator. Other manager in the company were coming by and giving suggestions and stuff. It worked out pretty nicely.

*I had nothing to do with it.