
Official Confirmation


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
My car is done!!! :D yayyyy best news I've had all week!

Pretty new paint, new pieces and parts....yayyyy

Oh - anyone watch the channel 4 news last night, I think it's Komo -
Riding to work yesterday a bunch of the woods I ride by was cordoned off with that yellow police caution tape, and there were two cop cars with their lights off watching the area...

Last night riding home there was a Komo 4 news van just setting up their cameras pointing towards the woods...

Apparently a couple of little boys Tuesday night stumbled across a body (person)...:eek: and apparently it was fairly close to the road...no wonder I always got the heebie jeebies riding through that section - nothing to do with the sketch industrial plants at 5:30 in the morning ;)

edit: sorry - re-read my post and realized the number of 'likes' scattered throughout made my blonde roots start to resemble that of, well, like a valley girl! :help:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Like oh my god! that's totally gnarl to the max!

Green River killer dumped a few bodies at S. Seatac years and years ago which contributed to the area being closed down, that is until recently of course.

Oh and congrats on the car.... :p


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
oly said:
Wouldnt that suck if your favotire little rock bump to catch air on was really an old skull?
Ewww.......nasty :nope:

Congrats at getting you're car back JrB :thumb: It seemed like it you were without forever!!


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Yeah tell me about it....however the humiliation of a perfect new front end on her compared to the rest of her made me ask what it would cost for a proper all over paint job...more than a pay check I'm fraid....;)

As for the dead people...I'm kinda glad I didn't take advantage of my own desire to go check out those walking trails on my bike....that whole area however, always did strike me as creepy....my coworkers of course, are all in a tizzy that I've been riding my bike round a dead person for a good while now...


Aug 26, 2003
They call us walking corpses/Unholly living dead/they oughta lock us/put us in they're British hell :dead: