
****Official Secret Santa 2007****


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001

* This is open to all Monkeys who have registered on RM by August 1st 2007.
* The minimum you need to spend on your ELF is US$25 but we recommended US$30. You can go over but thats up to you. You decide whether you want to include shipping in the $25 cost of the gift.
* Pairing will be totally random.
* The person you send to will NOT be the person who sends you a gift.

How To Enter

* To enter, send an email to rmsecretsanta@gmail.com
* Please provide your Username, Full Name, Address and a Cell number or home phone.
* Wish List - Must List at least 3 to 5 items, under US 25/30 dollars with your SIZE or other important info where required.

* YOU MUST note in your e-mail whether you are willing to ship international. We will have 2 groups this year, one group for all US residents who don't want to ship international and the other group of non-US residents and US residents who are willing to ship international. If you live outside the US you have to be willing to ship international not just within your country.


* We want all emails with wish lists in by Nov 20th.
* We will send off the paired information by Nov 25th.

* Gifts MUST reach the recipient by xmas eve, Dec 24.
* The banning policy will be for any participant NOT sending a gift will be banned for month.

Packaging Requirements

* The packaging must be work safe. Feel free to stick another box inside with the usual RM stuff, but the outside of the box needs to be work friendly.
* You must provide tracking numbers to me at rmsecretsanta@gmail.com !!!!!!!
* I will be giving out a small gift after Christmas for the best package decoration!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (make sure you take a picture of your package before you send it.)



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Would you people please re-read the directions and RE-SEND omitted information.

I think at this point it only applies to Stinkyboy and MMCG.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
I'm making this post to determine if I'm eligible or not- Not sure when I signed up.