
Oh, look what they finally figured out (related to bad driving)


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
Report: Cell phones pose crash risk
Upcoming government study reveals wireless devices to be key factors in a variety of auto mishaps.

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Cell phones and other wireless devices contributed to the most automobile crashes, near-crashes and other incidents, according to a published report of a government study due to be released later this month.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the study done by Virginia Tech for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration videotaped 100 cars and their drivers for a year, covering about 2 million miles and 43,000 hours of driving.

The use of wireless devices were involved in what the report said were 644 "events," which includes crashes, near-crashes and having to take evasive maneuvers. There were six actual crashes while drivers in the study were on the wireless devices, according to the newspaper's report.

The majority of those occurrences, including all crashes, happened while drivers were on the phone talking and listening, rather than dialing a phone number.

The next-biggest distraction, with 411 events, came from "passenger-related" issues, including talking to a fellow passenger and placating children in rear seats.

A spokesman for the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association questioned the report, saying its findings were out of line with earlier studies.

"Acknowledging that cell phone use in a car can be a potential distraction ... we've been very clear on that," a spokesman for the industry's trade group said. "At the same time, cell phone use is one of what appears to be a number of behaviors in there."

The newspaper said another NHTSA study that looks at driving and phone usage, presented at a traffic-safety conference last week, raises questions about the added safety benefits of using headsets and other "hands-free" devices.

Drivers kept both hands on the wheel only about 13 percent of the time when not on the phone, according to the Journal. While those with "hands-free" phones kept both hands on the wheel about the same percentage of time, it fell to only 1 percent for those on the phone without such equipment, according to the report.

But the newspaper said that the NHTSA, while it can make regulations about some auto safety equipment, does not have power to set rules about cell phone use in vehicles.
People are stupid... and they complain when they get in wrecks.

Wow, they followed 100 people for a year, logging 43000 hours of driving....That equals about 18 days of driving for each person...


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
so im sure they will attempt to ban cell phones while driving and ignore that passengers and children create a large problem as well. I guess it all depends on what side your on.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Your are more likely to get in a crash because your are eating,or messing with the radio than you are talking on a cellphone


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
im waiting for the people that crash while picking songs on their iPod. i believe this is the most high risk thing out there...


Sep 19, 2004
the FC
yeah, ipods in cars are suchhh a bad idea, my mom just got a new MINI with the i pod hookup, first of all its in the glove compartment, which is good cuz its so out of the way that sum people wont bother, but its also close enough and the cord is long enough where u could still do it, so its stupid. i have a wireless i pod hookup in my car and never touch it, although at stoplights, i am often honked at while tryign to change a song. the best idea would be to put it in the trunk, or not have it at all music def causes the most accidents, at elats with cellies, ur looking up...
Peteydag said:
yeah, ipods in cars are suchhh a bad idea, my mom just got a new MINI with the i pod hookup, first of all its in the glove compartment, which is good cuz its so out of the way that sum people wont bother, but its also close enough and the cord is long enough where u could still do it, so its stupid. i have a wireless i pod hookup in my car and never touch it, although at stoplights, i am often honked at while tryign to change a song. the best idea would be to put it in the trunk, or not have it at all music def causes the most accidents, at elats with cellies, ur looking up...
mack alert... :blah:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
dwaugh said:
People are stupid... and they complain when they get in wrecks.

Wow, they followed 100 people for a year, logging 43000 hours of driving....That equals about 18 days of driving for each person...
Why is someone who doesn't drive yet ranting on bad drivers.... :confused: :sneaky:


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
when radio decks started coming out with remote controls, i thought that was such a bad idea, or at least a stupid one. However, when I first got my XM Roady installed in my Jeep, I was driving all over the road trying to adjust the thing. I then picked up a home kit which came with a remote and its made my life (and driving) so much easier. dont have to look down to see whats playing or what channel the dumb thing is on.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
Skookum said:
Why is someone who doesn't drive yet ranting on bad drivers.... :confused: :sneaky:
And I dont plan on driving anytime soon either. :cool:
How about those screens on the dash that have maps on them to show you where to go? Cant that be bad too? Trying to study the map while driving, because you dont have to pull out a map and stop along the road to look at it.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
F'ing hate drivers on cell phones. I can almost count on the lousy driver, who just pulled some dumb s**t in front of me, to be on a cell phone. Every day when I drive home from work, some idiot pulls out in front of me, cuts me off, almost hits me etc., and they're almost always jabbering away on their phone.

Of course, it might just be that people who talk on their cell phones all the time are generally just higher up on the moron scale, and their driving simply reflects that :blah:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I can't comment on other cities but here in L.A. everytime I am stuck behind some idiot driving 45 on the freeway while everyone alse is going 70 they are on the phone. I would love it if they banned phones while driving.

Though the worst was when I was stuck behind some guy doing 45 - 50... I change lases to pass him and the guy is READING A MAGAZINE!!!! I was astounded.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
There should be a big led sign on the back of your car with your phone # on it.

Then when you're talking on the phone and blocking traffic I could call you and tell you to hang up and drive.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Ive never been in an accident where a cell phone was involved. But I have been hit by a woman who was trying to find her lighter in her purse. I was hit by a guy changing CD's. I was hit by a guy who's burger splashed ketchup on his pants. I was hit by a woman who was feeding her baby (not breast feeding thank god, though I have seen it done). And, I was once hit by somone who was in the midst of an arguement with his wife.
Talking on a cell phone is no more distracting than any of the above. The bottom line is that when you are in the car you should be driving and thats it.

Years ago the german car manufacturers didn't put cup holders in their cars and had a hard time understanding why Americans wanted them. This illustrates why the fatality rate on the Autobhan and Autostrada is far lower than on US highways. Because German and Italian drivers are driving when they are in their cars and not mucking about with a big gulp.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Damn True said:
Ive never been in an accident where a cell phone was involved. But I have been hit by a woman who was trying to find her lighter in her purse. I was hit by a guy changing CD's. I was hit by a guy who's burger splashed ketchup on his pants. I was hit by a woman who was feeding her baby (not breast feeding thank god, though I have seen it done). And, I was once hit by somone who was in the midst of an arguement with his wife.
Talking on a cell phone is no more distracting than any of the above. The bottom line is that when you are in the car you should be driving and thats it.

Years ago the german car manufacturers didn't put cup holders in their cars and had a hard time understanding why Americans wanted them. This illustrates why the fatality rate on the Autobhan and Autostrada is far lower than on US highways. Because German and Italian drivers are driving when they are in their cars and not mucking about with a big gulp.
:stupid: And the laws are already on the books as "careless/reckless" driving statutes. I think instead of wasting time "creating" new legislation, states should simply adopt and inform people that if you're on your phone whilst driving you are subject to a moving violation in the form of a careless/reckless driving citation.

Drivers: do us all a favor and focus on *driving* when you're in the car.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
dh girlie said:
I've seen more drivers around here be braindead idiots with no cell phone, or shaver, or make up, or ipod, or food, etc. Amazing how people that drive so sh!tty can get a license...
The worst is the the '80 chevy pickup with two lawnmowers, a weedeater, a leafblower and those big burlap bags of yard waste in the back going 45mph on the freeway because the driver dosen't have a CDL or insurance.

...and anyone else notice a disproportionatly high level of bad driving exhibited by drivers in minivans?

dh girlie

Damn True said:
The worst is the the '80 chevy pickup with two lawnmowers, a weedeater, a leafblower and those big burlap bags of yard waste in the back going 45mph on the freeway because the driver dosen't have a CDL or insurance.
...and anyone else notice a disproportionatly high level of bad driving exhibited by drivers in minivans?
doh! I was on southbound 280 right around the winchester exit one day and all that crap, except for the burlap bags of yard waste fell OUT of the back of the truck all over the freeway...I was shocked that there were no accidents because of this...the dudes in the truck pulled over and got out to collect their stuff that was strewn across 3 or 4 lanes and they were laughing...nice going dickwads...real funny.

On another note...because the driver dosen't have a CDL or insurance. You ever see that Dave Chappelle skit where he is the phone psychic? :D


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Damn True said:
The bottom line is that when you are in the car you should be driving and thats it.

Yup. You hit it right on the nose. People are so used to driving that they seem to forget that it takes skill and attention. You are in control of a 2000+ pound mass of steel moving at 50 mph... you better damn well be paying attention to what you are doing.

Thankfully I have ever only been in two accidents while driving. One was when I was 15 and should not have been driving. I hit a parked car and then bounced into some poor guy trying to turn. The other was (In my opinion) a set up. The took off from the stop sign, I moved forward stopped then went and BAM! I rear ended her. The driver and passenger got out grabbing their necks and backs... ouch ouch ouch... whiplash! I told them I had no insurance (I really did) and I never heard from them again.

I have been in accidents while a passenger. Sucks but I have never been seriously injured. (Knock on wood)

dh girlie

DRB said:
How many photos as dhgirlie posted that she has taken from her car?

I can take pictures, eat, drink, give myself a pedicure, and talk on my cell phone all at once while driving on the freeway and I've never been in an accident...backed into a phone pole, yes...but there is a bad blind spot in my jeep...seriously. And it's not like I rammed the pole...I was backing up and bump! If you notice where the rack is bent...the damage was all the way to the right...right under the blind spot.