
Oh man...this dude at my work is SO done!

dh girlie

I work for the City Public Works Dept. and one of our guys got in an accident yesterday...a 4 year old girl ran out into the street and he hit her in the big huge truck. She is ok, other than a broken leg. Thank god it was nothing more serious, and the parents even admitted that she ran right out into the street.

Problem is, homeboy was supposed to get drug and alchol tested after that. The lead worker that responded to the accident has just gone through a major tragedy in his life where his 20 year old son was in a serious car accident that killed his 19 year old gf (the son's gf, not my coworkers) and he is still recovering himself over that shock, and felt really bad for the guy who hit the little girl, so he was more concerned with getting this guy in touch with the employee assistance program to deal with it.

Welllll...he was supposed to take him to the clinic for testing but the guy said he'd have his wife take him...our Risk and Insurance manager called my boss at home and said...HE NEVER SHOWED...so this morning...the guy is MIA...no calls...no showing up at work...he's been here for 16 years and has pissed dirty once...you'd think he'd learn. Too bad, man...nice guy, with a nice little family of his own, the accident wasn't his fault, but you toke after work when you know you're not supposed to...you're dancin with the devil!

Oh...they don't think he was drunk or stoned at the time, it's just when you drive a city vehicle, regardless of the circumstances, drug and alcohol testing immediately. STOOPID!


Stupid way to let the candle blow out, but some peeps just won't ever get it.


Yeah - too bad.

*go to the it could be worse thread. Mention of the elusive hoodie is taking place.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
loco-gringo said:
illusive hoodie

Main Entry: il·lu·sive
Pronunciation: i-'lü-siv, -ziv
Function: adjective

Main Entry: elu·sive
Pronunciation: E-'lü-siv, -'lü-ziv
Function: adjective
: tending to elude: as a : tending to evade grasp or pursuit b : hard to comprehend or define <an elusive concept> c : hard to isolate or identify <a haunting elusive aroma>

Thank you, please come again.


binary visions said:

Main Entry: il·lu·sive
Pronunciation: i-'lü-siv, -ziv
Function: adjective

Main Entry: elu·sive
Pronunciation: E-'lü-siv, -'lü-ziv
Function: adjective
: tending to elude: as a : tending to evade grasp or pursuit b : hard to comprehend or define <an elusive concept> c : hard to isolate or identify <a haunting elusive aroma>

Thank you, please come again.

You're a mean bastard. :D