
Ohh the luxuries of consuming headaches


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Well, my mp3 player broke and the insurance is paying up 5500SEK (devides with exactly 7 for USD's) and I'm thinking about taking that dosh and adding some to get me a new computer. My money is limited but I'd rather put in a little extra and get it right, than regret my self later for having purchased an insufficient product.

I will mainly use it for listening to music, surfing (of course) downloading, watching film, burn, and maybe play an occasional strategic game. I tend to have quite a few programs running at the same time so it will need quite a lot of memory.

Demands/wishes/questions I have are:

* Some type of Win XP. No Win Vista! (A guy told me today to use www.ubuntu.com so cheapest O.S., like XP home or XP media center, possible would be desireble).

* Some type of energy effective Mobile prossesor. Do I need a AMD Turion 64 X2 mobil teknik TL-50 1.6 GHz or will a AMD Turion 64 mobil teknik MK-36 2 GHz do it for me?
I've been told that the of the operative systems of today only Vista will be able to use some of the potencial that Dual Core has, but I've also been told by another guy that since I use a lot of programs simultaniously the dual core will be usefull.

* At least 1GB memory, but I'm thinking of upgrading to 2GB. The cheapest notebooks I look at come with 512MB. Should I save that and add 1GB or sell it at ebay and get 2GB? Is that cost effective?

* A 120GB HD would be preferable over an 80, or should I get the 80 and sell it on ebay and then get a 160-200 from an online shop? Again, is that cost effective?

* I've been told a 256MB grafics card is needed if I'm going to play some games and watch fast sweeping bike movies. Will 128MB do?

* Dual Core is unnessesary as them dvd's are too expensive? Is an external HD a better and cheaper storage place?

* Is there any noticable difference in the type of memory used; DDR or DDR2?

* What's the difference between AMD Mobile Sempron, AMD Turion 64, Infidel Celeron M?

A big question is, buy cheap and upgrade memory, HD and grafics, or cough it up all at once? Unlike with bike parts I hear it is cheaper to buy the parts online and sell the unwanted stuff on ebay for half of their new price!??

Now, my new purchase is limited to this one shop and they only carry notebooks and no stationarys, but I will ask them about that on monday.
Here's the link to the shop if you care to help me take a pick: http://www.technistore.se/ I can only link it to their first page but look for the dark red box to the left where it says Produkter, click on Dator and then the submenu Bärbar. Hope you're still with me.. :rolleyes: :D

The ones that I find a bit more interesting are (but I'm open to suggestions) listed by price:

* 6299:- ACER ASPIRE 5101AWLMi LX.ABH0J.191

* 6990:- ASUS F2HF-5A015H

* 7495:- ACER ASPIRE 5102WLMi LX.ABH0J.262

I know I'm asking a lot but if you have the energy I'd apreciate it a lot as it is all a blur to me...


Oct 17, 2002
wait, your MP3 play cost US$785?

And your insurance covers that?

I couldn't read the rest of your post cuz that's just mind boggling!


Oct 17, 2002
Man, I think I'll buy a bunch of $100 MP3 players, smuggle them in, and retire!

Gotta be less jail time risk than drugs, yeah?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Man, I think I'll buy a bunch of $100 MP3 players, smuggle them in, and retire!

Gotta be less jail time risk than drugs, yeah?
Set up a front and call it L'Opie Realty Co and just ship that yayo in, you'll make a ton of volvo's! If you get cought you can start a riot in the prison, screaming "LIBERTA LIBERTA", and call your self a political refugee. ;)

But yeah, $785 was what my iRiver IHP-140 cost three winters ago. Same price went for the equivalent 40GB iPod. Now I saw the 80GB iPod with lcd-TV go for $474!!!
Prices sure are higher over here. Our national tax on material stuff is 25%. Then there's the import fee of which on bike parts is ~5%, while if you import a complete bike it's ~15%. I think that's it but I might have forgotten a smaller fee... But hey, at least we got public health care. That isht cost money.

About the insurance company, they said they would cover an equivalent product. Will call them on Monday and check what that means in $$$ and if I can upgrade to a notebook.