


took the red pill
I realize this should probably be in the politics section. However I wanted to get some good answers and insight to this topic in here.

What do you people think about Oil? What do you think will happen when the USA is going to have to pay $5 gallon for it?

I forget the economic lingo for it, but it has to do with some plateau or something to that effect?

Europe is already conditioned to paying $5 a gallon for gas, but we aren't. I'm not subscribing to any doomsday theories, and heck, I probably don't even know what I'm talking about. However I think I've read enough to realize that this is inevitable.

I can see visions of suburbans in driveways with licence plates off. No offense to any suburban owners either. I'm guilty as well with a gas guzzling Jeep Gayberty. My wife drives it now. I drive the millenia.



Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
wow, dam i wish my brain was workin right now, i could have so much to say, but my brain hurts and my fiance is naggin me, so ill get back to this topic soon enough


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
$5.00 a gallon will just make people whine and complain and ask the government to make the prices lower. If Neocons still the run the joint they will just continue to subsidise an already profitable industry and the petro corporations will make more money.

That should launch things to the poli forum.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
can someone come hear and gag my fiance, but, its all about oil refineries, we havent built new ones in over 30 years, and we also have not really updated these facilities in over 20 years. but im just gonna laugh at people with there hummers and big ass suv's, with there 12 mpg


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
firetoole said:
Simple supply and demand

we will have alternitaves when it is demanded
Alternatives to fuel? I doubt. Americans will continue to demand a high supply of oil, but we'll cut out other optional purchases to offset the high prices. I can see it now, mac 'n cheese for eating out, bud light for guiness, etc.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
reflux said:
... bud light for guiness, etc.
We all know that Budweiser doesn't make beer.

On a more serious note, personally, I will whine and complain and then pay 5 bucks for fuel. I am trying to ride my bike more and depend on the car less.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
i take the bus mostly, i dont have a car yet, so i dont have to worry bout gas to much, i just give gas money to my fiance, but even then we dont drive around 2 much, we work at the same place, so that save on gas


took the red pill
Well I'm lucky, I don't drink anyhow. I wish I liked beer and alchohol. I find it funny that a bunch of mountain bikers like something that renders you useless. I like stuff that gives me energy. OXYCONTIN. Now your talking :dead:

Anyhow, I can't wait till everything is set back to ZERO. Wont bother me one bit. Wait, we're talking about oil, not armageddon right?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Well I'm lucky, I don't drink anyhow. I wish I liked beer and alchohol. I find it funny that a bunch of mountain bikers like something that renders you useless.
Actually, you should do some more reading. There is a lot of evidence that moderate drinking may be *good* for you - mind AND body.

Let's face it - the Italians do it, and *they* know how to live..... :thumb:



took the red pill
Yeah I know. Well perhaps you aren't like me. I drink and 2 hours later I can't keep my eyes open. That's fun? I don't get it. I'm no pillar of good health, believe me. I just don't understand alchohol. I don't smoke sh*t either, use to, can't handle that either.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Knuckleslammer said:
Yeah I know. Well perhaps you aren't like me. I drink and 2 hours later I can't keep my eyes open. That's fun? I don't get it. I'm no pillar of good health, believe me. I just don't understand alchohol. I don't smoke sh*t either, use to, can't handle that either.
Must be - I like to have a glass or two of wine with dinner. Then an espresso after dinner. Seems to work pretty well. :thumb: Balance, Grasshopper.

Smoking's just dumb. ;)
