
Ok now Arnold S want`s fvck the natives again


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
Yep Old arnold S want`s to tax the natives for their buisness`s WTFIHT ,they spend their money all of their employees pay income taxes like evry body else ,and just wait So Cal monkeys your property taxes will be tripled and remember prop 13 the bill will be thrown out the window along with your right`s to marry some one of the same sex :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ,Please don`t vote for him people don`t realise that I would rather pay car tax 3x VS property taxes 3X cause you forget but your car taxes go down every year but property taxes stay the same ;) ;) ;) :devil: ,so this means your fricking rent will go up

Repubican =:devil:


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
:dead: :dead: THE GRAY GOES AWAY ON TUESDAY!!! :dead: :dead:

I am not an Arnold fan, but Gray and Cruz really do need to go. There's just no denying that they are at best dishonest, but I would say much worse.

Yo Shocktower - your property tax won't go up if the gov't controls spending! I know that's considered a radical concept in CA these days! McClintock's spending increase numbers have been well documented. All the threats of losing fire and police services if we cut spending is such a sham! There are 1000 places that we can cut spending (start with the park rangers that want to ticket us for riding the "fun" trails!). It is such an unbelievable insult that they try to scare people with "if we cut spending, we might not have any police or fire service..."

There's so much to beef at Davis for....
We already recognize international driver's licenses, so we don't need to give them the only document they really need to be able to vote here (or get on an airplane, etc.). If Davis hadn't deserved to be recalled before this move (though he did for lying about the deficit), he should just for signing that bill that has less safety controls in it than the 2 he vetoed before (based on security concerns!). It's a matter of national security because just as honest people come here looking for opportunity, others come here to pull off 9/11. Mexico has their military on their southern border, why can't we? I am NOT RACIST, I would be in favor of a well-monitored guest-worker program. But without borders, we are not a country! The CA legislators (democrats!)are even talking about a bill that would give FREE community college tuition to ILLEGALS! This while having just increased the rates for CITIZENS! Why the heck am I a citizen?! And why the heck should I pay for illegals to go to college?! Your property tax wouldn't go up if we didn't give so many benefits (that Mexico DOES NOT give to their resident aliens!) to the illegal aliens. Your car insurance would be lower, and on and on....

And let's not even get started on the energy crisis he created by not allowing any power plants to be built, then hiring lobbyists for the power industry to "negotiate" our power contracts....

As for the casino money - why should they be the only businesses that don't have to pay taxes? Don't go letting your liberal heart go bleeding to me about the wrongs done to the "natives" (even that term is debatable if you do the research), they wouldn't even be able to build their casinos without the infrastructure and customer base we provide. Are they using all their new-found wealth to help "their people"? NO!! They are spending it on being the most well-funded and powerful special-interest group in California!

Gray Davis' dirty politics ARE finally going to catch up with him.
Republicans are not the :devil: Anyone who puts politics and ambition ahead of the security and the rights of citizens (and has no morals to boot!) is the :devil:

For the record - I am not a registered Republican.
I have no party affiliation/registration.
I am a conservative who thinks that we (CA and the US) need to stop heading towards socialism get back to the principles that the country was founded upon. We need to take care of our own citizens first! We need to get out of the UN!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by DaKahuna
:dead: :dead: THE GRAY GOES AWAY ON TUESDAY!!! :dead: :dead:

I am not an Arnold fan, but Gray and Cruz really do need to go. There's just no denying that they are at best dishonest, but I would say much worse.

Yo Shocktower - your property tax won't go up if the gov't controls spending! I know that's considered a radical concept in CA these days! McClintock's spending increase numbers have been well documented. All the threats of losing fire and police services if we cut spending is such a sham! There are 1000 places that we can cut spending (start with the park rangers that want to ticket us for riding the "fun" trails!). It is such an unbelievable insult that they try to scare people with "if we cut spending, we might not have any police or fire service..."

There's so much to beef at Davis for....
We already recognize international driver's licenses, so we don't need to give them the only document they really need to be able to vote here (or get on an airplane, etc.). If Davis hadn't deserved to be recalled before this move (though he did for lying about the deficit), he should just for signing that bill that has less safety controls in it than the 2 he vetoed before (based on security concerns!). It's a matter of national security because just as honest people come here looking for opportunity, others come here to pull off 9/11. Mexico has their military on their southern border, why can't we? I am NOT RACIST, I would be in favor of a well-monitored guest-worker program. But without borders, we are not a country! The CA legislators (democrats!)are even talking about a bill that would give FREE community college tuition to ILLEGALS! This while having just increased the rates for CITIZENS! Why the heck am I a citizen?! And why the heck should I pay for illegals to go to college?! Your property tax wouldn't go up if we didn't give so many benefits (that Mexico DOES NOT give to their resident aliens!) to the illegal aliens. Your car insurance would be lower, and on and on....

And let's not even get started on the energy crisis he created by not allowing any power plants to be built, then hiring lobbyists for the power industry to "negotiate" our power contracts....

As for the casino money - why should they be the only businesses that don't have to pay taxes? Don't go letting your liberal heart go bleeding to me about the wrongs done to the "natives" (even that term is debatable if you do the research), they wouldn't even be able to build their casinos without the infrastructure and customer base we provide. Are they using all their new-found wealth to help "their people"? NO!! They are spending it on being the most well-funded and powerful special-interest group in California!

Gray Davis' dirty politics ARE finally going to catch up with him.
Republicans are not the :devil: Anyone who puts politics and ambition ahead of the security and the rights of citizens (and has no morals to boot!) is the :devil:

For the record - I am not a registered Republican.
I have no party affiliation/registration.
I am a conservative who thinks that we (CA and the US) need to stop heading towards socialism get back to the principles that the country was founded upon. We need to take care of our own citizens first! We need to get out of the UN!


Well put.


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
seeing that I am such a new contributor. But oh well, whatever you do - go big or go home!

The fury may only be delayed by the late/early hour....

Nice that the first reply was friendly.
Thanks for the welcome!

Speaking of going big or going home....

:p :p GO HOME GRAY DAVIS! :p :p

I couldn't resist ;)

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by DaKahuna
seeing that I am such a new contributor. But oh well, whatever you do - go big or go home!

The fury may only be delayed by the late/early hour....

Nice that the first reply was friendly.
Thanks for the welcome!

Have ya got a PM from Shirly yet askin' for a picture. Hint- get dressed in a dolphin suit to make a good impression;)