
ok, now I know a lot of you think this didn't turn out well.....

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Because this time they were SPANKED hard by the electorate. Not only did a majority of Americans vote Bush back into the White House but they also rejected liberal canidates in House and Senate races, reinforcing the Republican Majority's hold.

In short they were OWN3D hard and nobody likes to be that...



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Damn True said:
Oh c'mon.
You know the left wouldn't have a single complaint about the count or Diebold machines if Kerry had won.
um, no? since i'm not a liberal i can't speak for all of the "left" but i and similarly minded people have been raising a ruckus about diebold and co. for quite some time now. it's wrong, no matter who benefits from it.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
N8 said:
The irony is your liberal media allies got it wrong and basically announced a Kerry victory before 5PM on election day based on really bad info.

read my link. there is no irony: the exit polls did show kerry to have leads, where the final count was significantly different.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Damn True said:
True, I would not call Toshi far left at all (he thinks too much for that). I was refering to the far left and the media in my comment, not to Toshi.

My bad... I often mistakenly think of Toshi and Silver as being the same person...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Damn True said:
But, 59,106,230 Americans say you are wrong.

Why not accept it with some class and dignity like your candidate did?
I'll try to curb the profanity, so you goody-goody people might even read this post.

I said screw it, ban me for all I care, I'll flame at will. In fact i asked to be removed. RM won't eliminate my user name, and because I have respect for you, I'll answer this one. I've been on RM a long time, but it sucks here now. I'm over it. I said goodbye to RM for awhile after the war started, I couldnt take all the bloodlust. I stuck around the last few months to hopefully be a voice against the war mongering and lameness. Didn't work then, doesn't work now. I cant see one more lame ass N8(hate) post.

I am not "wrong" for thinking this did not turn out well. Sour grapes? Hell yes - too sour to swallow.

59,106,230 Americans that voted Bush beat out the ones who voted against. The rest of the Americans who didn't get to the polls to bring him down are just as much to blame for Bush winning as the 59,106,230 Americans that voted him in.

Not enoough people cared, and Kerry wasn't enough to make them care.

Could Kerry have stopped it all? No. He could have at least tried to turn it around though and that was worth my vote.

I told people off today on RM, and I still feel the same way. If you voted for Bush, you voted to continue the downward spiral. You voted to have the war in Iraq continue, with no plan to get out. You voted to have more Americans put in harm's way. You voted for the bank accounts of a few very rich men over the good of this country. You voted to be a "war country" run by a "war president". You voted with your bible, not your mind. You voted against our environment, and against our kids.

That's lame, so my comments were valid, if you ask me. I'm not alone in my feelings here. This wasn't a vote for high school class president here, this election has some very grave consequences.

Many more people are going to die for $$$$$$.

Call me a hater, call my childish, what ever. This is a very sad day, and in my opinion, you guys suck. We had a chance to make a great country in big trouble be a safer, better place, and you and the apathetic asses that didn't vote, blew it.

Nite, I'm gonna go home and hug my kid.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
bomberz1qr20 said:
Call me a hater, call my childish, what ever. This is a very sad day, and in my opinion, you guys suck. We had a chance to make a great country in big trouble be a safer, better place, and you and the apathetic asses that didn't vote, blew it.
Well I guess there's only one response I can give to that :(

0wN3d!!!! :nuts:

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Your comments are absolutely valid and I respect them. Furthermore I respect you for being a man of conviction and passion. You know I have never called you or anyone else stupid, ignorant or anything else for having and stating their beliefs. [The stupid and ignorant are the ones that spray w/o understanding and simply mimic the opinions of others.]
....and you are right Kerry was not enough. The mandate to the left is clear. You have to offer a real candidate, not a plan "b".

Hug your kid for me too.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
BurlyShirley said:
Well I guess there's only one response I can give to that :(
0wN3d!!!! :nuts:

Dude, that isn't cool.
Show some respect for a man who actually understands what he believes even if you don't agree with him.

One of RM's first commandments:
You can disagree. But you can't be disagreeable.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Damn True said:
Dude, that isn't cool.
Show some respect for a man who actually understands what he believes even if you don't agree with him.

One of RM's first commandments:
You can disagree. But you can't be disagreeable.
The dude knows Im messing with him. We do it all the time. Quit being a wuss.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Damn True said:
Dude, that isn't cool.
Show some respect for a man who actually understands what he believes even if you don't agree with him.

One of RM's first commandments:
You can disagree. But you can't be disagreeable.
I expect no less or no more from BS.

I get his sense of...(what's that word?....) oh yes, "humor"

We got owned. All of us. Me, you, BS, N8, everyone. We got owned, and we have been HAD.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
bomberz1qr20 said:
I'll try to curb the profanity, so you goody-goody people might even read this post.

I said screw it, ban me for all I care, I'll flame at will. In fact i asked to be removed. RM won't eliminate my user name, and because I have respect for you, I'll answer this one. I've been on RM a long time, but it sucks here now. I'm over it. I said goodbye to RM for awhile after the war started, I couldnt take all the bloodlust. I stuck around the last few months to hopefully be a voice against the war mongering and lameness. Didn't work then, doesn't work now. I cant see one more lame ass N8(hate) post.

Jesus Christ... how many time are you going to leave RM today?

I contend, you ain't going anywhere and that you'll be posting again tomorrow and the day after, and the day after the day after....

Remember there will be another election in 4 years, and no matter what... Pres Geo Bush can't win that one. Not to say that America won't elect another Pres Bush, as in Jeb Bush, though.

Buck up, it's not your fault Kerry lost the election it's the DNC's. Kerry managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victory.

I got your PM and I chaulked it up to the passion of the moment. No biggie and I don't think less of you.

So cheer up, ride your bike and post on RM later.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
ioscope said:
%50 of any group is below average. In fact, I'd wager a bet that democrats are %15 smarter IQ wise.
actually you'd lose your bet. democrats get the stereotypical college kid demographic, but also draw much of their support from the union workers, minorities, urban poor, all groups that are traditionally poor, uneducated and not fond of iq tests.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I hope that I am wrong but the thing that really burns my britches is that the whole election was never really about the important issues. It was Kerry talking about Viet Nam, who cares. Bush calling Kerry a flip flopper and a liberal, who cares. Swifties, who cares. Gay marriage, who cares. There was never any real discussion about the deficit, paying for the baby boomer retirements, unemployement, an effective strategy on terrorism. It was all about baseless spin, but I guess that is nothing new.

If I felt that Bush was re-elected because people were voting on the issues I would probably be happy. But from the people I have talked to, they voted for him because of a feeling of patriotism left over from 9-11, not because they thought he has done a good job. But again I could only argue against him and offer that Kerry wasn't as bad. Either way it was a game of spin and the Republicans did a much better job.

What really scares me now is Bush feels he has a mandate and may go to even further extremes.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Damn True said:
But, 59,106,230 Americans say you are wrong.

Why not accept it with some class and dignity like your candidate did?
Because I'm not like others who are going to roll over and play B*tch for someone just because everyone else is. I grew up a punk rocker/hardcore mosh pit junkie in a suburban town... I've never thought too highly of the ‘majority’. I always was and still am an angry person by my nature (don’t know why). While all the other 16-18 year olds were trying to feel up girls and find a way to get drunk, I was on a train going to the city to see some bands and let some of my pent up rage flow. Mob mentality is not always good thing, and you should challenge it when it's wrong.

If you can show me that I am wrong, I will change my mind (A N8 cut-n-paste parade will not achieve this...). But no one has proven to me that I am wrong, so I will continue to dislike this president and keep my opinion that he is a liar and a cheat.

I agree with bomberz1qr20 that people did not vote with their minds. People go to church and are told what to believe without a reason or proof, and call it faith. If they were to challenge it, they are told they are evil and will be punished for eternity for it. So they have raised people who are conditioned to not challenge authority figures... they hear something and they take it for truth. Even when those authority figures do bad things, people are willing to let it slide or hide it so that they can keep the image of infallibility (Church abuse scandal…). When confronted with evidence that proves that the leader told a lie, they refuse to accept it b/c they are conditioned that way.

The GOP knows this and uses it to their advantage… just look at how often Bush cites god. Religion was a huge issue in this campaign… it was a tool used by the Bush team. As I have said before – based on his actions and teachings, Jesus Christ would be a very left liberal. So why it is that someone who claims to be such a follower of his so far right?

Silver said:
I'm far left? News to me...
Compared to N8, everyone is far left... even Bush is probably a little left of him. :evil:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Echo said:
He's already got Republicans slapping him down for using the word "mandate".
Like high five slapping him for pronouncing it correctly or shut up we're trying to keep this LOOTocracy a secret?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Slugman said:
Because I'm not like others who are going to roll over and play B*tch for someone just because everyone else is. I grew up a punk rocker/hardcore


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Slugman said:
As I have said before – based on his actions and teachings, Jesus Christ would be a very left liberal. So why it is that someone who claims to be such a follower of his so far right?
Interesting................please cite some examples..........................


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Andyman_1970 said:
Interesting................please cite some examples..........................
I can think of a few.

I mean, whenever he came upon that chick about the be stoned, he was like "Naw, dont kill the b!tch" so he may be against the death penalty, as he's all about some forgiveness.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Changleen said:

Who did you vote for AndyMan?
Dude asked a legitimate question, and did it politely without flaming or insults. Plus, he didn't ask you. So if you don't have any useful info why do you feel the need to pipe up?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Echo said:
Dude asked a legitimate question, and did it politely without flaming or insults. Plus, he didn't ask you. So if you don't have any useful info why do you feel the need to pipe up?
Same question to you. If Andyman has a problem with me he can take it up with me.