SO therefore, please guide me. From where should I order an Azonic Headlock?
I can't seem to keep my headdest tight. I rode Bomont today (for a short time....crikey it was hot), and my headset was creaking pretty badly. I have a spankin' new star nut in my steer tube. But when I changed it out, I noticed that the inside of the steer tube was a little magané. Not badly, but I'm thinking that maybe a Headlock would be a better idea at this point.
Alors, d'ou est-ce que je commande ma patente, tabarnac??
I can't seem to keep my headdest tight. I rode Bomont today (for a short time....crikey it was hot), and my headset was creaking pretty badly. I have a spankin' new star nut in my steer tube. But when I changed it out, I noticed that the inside of the steer tube was a little magané. Not badly, but I'm thinking that maybe a Headlock would be a better idea at this point.
Alors, d'ou est-ce que je commande ma patente, tabarnac??