
Ok, so you don't believe Michael Moore...


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
bomberz1qr20 said:
Trying to convince a Bush supporter that Bush is wrong and dangerous for this country is pointless. The right is deaf.

It's like trying to convince a retarded child to write computer code.
The left hears so clearly? :rolleyes: Please self bask in your own self proclaimed glory elsewhere Downsysndrome boy.

Trying to question a Bush Basher using speculation as gosspel is like trying to pet a rabid pittbull while they are eating in a small room. You are going to lose an arm before they go back to eating the same old sh!t force fed them in the name of "facts"

I'm done with it. Kerry has my vote. Hopefully he will do some good for the USA, and not for some other sh*thole country who doesn't give a rat's ass about us. I'd like to see things improve. Maybe little things like, I dunno, the economy, education, health care, etc...

Anyone remember that stuff?

Bush forgot.
Wait, don't leave.....temper temper

A vote for Kerry is a blind vote based on the faith he has to be better than Bush, so far. Hopefully he will have real ideas and some details at the convention...I will be waiting...but I am not holding my breath.

Hmm Clinton left the economy in time....not that Clinton could stop what was happening...or was the reason for the boom. Maybe if Clinton did soemthing earlier about Iraq we wouldn't be in teh mess we are in? What will Kerry do about Iraq? hand control over to the UN? Hmmm seems Bush is doing that....or asking to do it. I hope the UN is up to it.

I guess we all see things thru rose colored glasses when we want to.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
the article stated that it was about the "Bush administration's optimistic statements this year that Iraq's oil wealth, not American taxpayers, would cover most of the cost of rebuilding Iraq". then it continues, mentioning, "Now, as the Bush administration requests $20.3 billion from Congress for reconstruction [in 2004]".

reconstruction == "rebuilding Iraq", no? in other words the administration hoped to use iraq's oil revenue to pay for a cost that the american taxpayers are bearing instead due to the administration's ineptitude and unfounded optimism.



find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
RhinofromWA said:
What will Kerry do about Iraq? hand control over to the UN? Hmmm seems Bush is doing that....or asking to do it. I hope the UN is up to it.

I guess we all see things thru rose colored glasses when we want to.
I don't think the UN is all that interested, especially after Bush pulled a Cheney and told them to go fvck themselves.

That's one thing I'm sure Kerry will be better at. A ham sandwich could do a better job (except with Israel, perhaps.) than Bush with foreign relations. Bush's current foreign policy seems to be to act like a brain damaged Texas cowboy and then sit back and bask in the respect and support he gets from the rest of the world.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Toshi said:
the article stated that it was about the "Bush administration's optimistic statements this year that Iraq's oil wealth, not American taxpayers, would cover most of the cost of rebuilding Iraq". then it continues, mentioning, "Now, as the Bush administration requests $20.3 billion from Congress for reconstruction [in 2004]".

reconstruction == "rebuilding Iraq", no? in other words the administration hoped to use iraq's oil revenue to pay for a cost that the american taxpayers are bearing instead due to the administration's ineptitude and unfounded optimism.

Countries have footed the bills to rebuild their own countries in the past it is normal practice.

NO WHERE does it say that the US is profiting in even a slight handed way. What is saying is that they thought Iraq could pay for its own rebuild almost fully....but they can't yet so we need to help them out.

So you are wrong solely in the fact that you equate Iraq paying to rebuild itself (not unsusual, done before) and profiting...which the US is not. There is no conspiracy here....just par for course.

It is simply false...most likely not intentional on your part, but the article does not say even in the loosest sense that the US is benefiting from Iraq oil other than to help rebuild Iraq (wich is std proceedure in the past) We are definately not "profiting" or planned to

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
bomberz1qr20 said:
Trying to convince a Bush supporter that Bush is wrong and dangerous for this country is pointless. The right is deaf.

It's like trying to convince a retarded child to write computer code.

I'm done with it. Kerry has my vote. Hopefully he will do some good for the USA, and not for some other sh*thole country who doesn't give a rat's ass about us. I'd like to see things improve. Maybe little things like, I dunno, the economy, education, health care, etc...

Anyone remember that stuff?

Bush forgot.

Just how much is the rent in the dreamworld you live in..?

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
bomberz1qr20 said:
blah, blah, bush blah blah...

I'd like to see things improve. Maybe little things like, I dunno, the economy, education, health care, etc...

Anyone remember that stuff?

Bush forgot.
With the economy chugging along at an annualised 3.9 percent growth rate and some 1.4 million jobs added since August, US voters are clearly feeling better in the pocketbook. The incumbent is the main political beneficiary.

The Times/CBS survey showed approval for Bush's handling of the economy up four points over the past month to 40 percent. Gallup gave him a six-point gain to 47 percent.

Perhaps more significantly for the Republican administration, the polls point to changing perceptions among Americans about the state of nation.

The Times/CBS survey showed the percentage who feel the country is on the right track, a key barometer of a president's re-electabilty, rose from 30 percent to 36 percent since May. The "wrong track" numbers fell from 65 percent to 57 percent.

Fifty-eight percent of those interviewed rated the economy as being in very good or fairly good shape, up from 52 percent a month ago and 49 percent in March.

Frank Newport, an analyst for the Gallup organisation, said the latest survey findings on the economy were "positive news" for Bush as he seeks a second four-year term in his November showdown with Kerry.

"This economic rating puts Bush close to the economic ratings Bill Clinton received at this point in 1996 -- 49 percent -- and much better than the position of his father in 1992, when the elder Bush's approval rating on the economy was right around the 20 percent level," Newport said.

Bush appears determined not to make the same mistake his father did in failing to sufficiently trumpet signs of an emerging economic recovery.
Yahoo ^ | 6/30/04 | AFP
"What students pay on average for tuition at public universities has fallen by nearly one-third since 1998, thanks to new federal tax breaks and a massive increase in state and federal grants to most students and their families. Contrary to the widespread perception that tuition is soaring out of control, a USA TODAY analysis found that what students actually pay in tuition and fees — rather than the published tuition price — has declined for a vast majority of students attending four-year public universities. In fact, today's students have enjoyed the greatest improvement in college affordability since the GI bill provided benefits for returning World War II veterans."
Dennis Cauchon, "Tuition Burden Falls By A Third," USA Today, 6/28/04

"More U.S. residents than ever have high school and college diplomas, although rates still vary greatly by race and ethnicity, the Census Bureau says. Among those 25 and older last year, 84.6 percent had graduated from high school, up from 84.1 percent the previous year, according to bureau estimates being released Tuesday. The share of people with at least a bachelor's degree from college also inched up, from 26.7 percent to 27.2 percent, continuing a decades-long rise."
Genaro C. Armas, "More People Graduate High School, College," The Associated Press, 6/29/04

In total, student aid for higher education – through grants, loans, and work study -- would increase to more than $73 billion -- a $4.2 billion (six percent) increase over 2004. Almost 10 million students and parents -- a 426,000 increase -- would receive one or more grants, loans or work-study awards.
"President Bush Proposes Record $57 Billion for FY 2005 Education Budget," U.S. Department of Education Press Release, 2/2/04

In addition, the number of Pell Grant recipients has risen by approximately one million since 2001 to 5.3, while the maximum grant has increased from $3,750 in 2001 to $4,050 in 2005.
"President Bush Proposes Record $57 Billion for FY 2005 Education Budget," U.S. Department of Education Press Release, 2/2/04
Health Care
-All seniors will be guaranteed access to affordable prescription drug coverage under Medicare. In December 2003, President Bush signed into law legislation that will make Medicare prescription drug coverage available to 40 million seniors and people with disabilities. The new benefit will become available on January 1, 2006. Beginning in June 2004, beneficiaries will have access to Medicare-approved prescription drug discount cards, which will save them 15% - 30% off the retail price of most brand name drugs, with even deeper discounts on generic drugs. Low-income beneficiaries also will receive $600 this next year to help them purchase their medicines.

-All seniors will have more choices and better benefits under a strengthened and improved Medicare program. In addition to helping seniors afford their prescriptions, the legislation the President signed enhances basic Medicare coverage by providing better preventive care. Beginning in 2006, seniors also will get the same kinds of choices that Members of Congress and Federal employees have to select the coverage that is best for them, including the choice of keeping their Medicare coverage just the way it is.

-All Americans will benefit from lower prescription drug prices. The President has implemented a new rule to strengthen competition between generic and brand-name drugs, which is expected to save American consumers more than $35 billion in drug costs over the next 10 years. The Medicare legislation that he signed into law last December includes generic drug provisions that will further benefit consumers.

-Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) will improve the way Americans get help with out-of-pocket medical expenses. The Medicare bill President Bush signed into law establishes new tax-free savings accounts for individuals and groups who purchase low-premium, high-deductible health plans. These tax-free, portable accounts will help families pay routine medical expenses and provide a tax-preferred means of saving for future health care needs.

-Millions of low-income Americans have been made eligible for health care coverage. From January 2001 through December 2003, HHS approved waivers and state plan amendments that will make an additional 2.6 million low-income children and adults eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP when fully implemented.

-Federal funding of state high-risk pools, which provide safety net health insurance to individuals with serious medical conditions, will make coverage more affordable. High-risk pools in 30 states make coverage available and more affordable to these individuals. In December 2002, President Bush signed into law legislation that will make $100 million available to states to establish and support high-risk pools.

-Doubling the budget of the National Institutes of Health will lead to better health care for all Americans. President Bush fulfilled another commitment by completing the historic doubling of the NIH budget by 2003. He also dramatically increased medical research to $28.6 billion in his FY 2005 budget to speed cures and treatments for the diseases that plague our Nation and the world.

-Increased funding for biodefense preparedness is strengthening our homeland security and improving public health surveillance. The President has provided over $4.4 billion to states, local governments, and hospitals for preparedness against a bioterrorist attack.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
RhinofromWA said:
So you are wrong solely in the fact that you equate Iraq paying to rebuild itself (not unsusual, done before) and profiting...which the US is not. There is no conspiracy here....just par for course.
consider who is rebuilding the country. yes, it's the same crew that contributes so heavily to the gop's campaign coffers each year. and yes, they make a profit on this "rebuilding". qed.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
N8 said:


Health Care


Polls don't mean a damn thing, they are open to perception, not reality.

The education I'm talking about is making sure that teachers are paid well, and schools are in good repair with enough supplies. You apparently don't have a kid in the public school system right now, so you don't see how f*cked it is. Your quotes don't mean anything to those kids.

The prescription drug benefit is a handout to the drug companies.



Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
fluff said:
I don't normally insult people Rhino, but for that you are a fvcking tool.
Relax, I indirectly called right wingers retarded children, so he's just flingin it back.

I've been called worse.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
fluff said:
I don't normally insult people Rhino, but for that you are a fvcking tool.
Oh please.....
in response to:
Trying to convince a Bush supporter that Bush is wrong and dangerous for this country is pointless. The right is deaf.

It's like trying to convince a retarded child to write computer code.
He brought up challenged people as a slam on a group.

It was simply a tongue in cheek response to bomberz1qr20 post.

So as far as insulting people, go spread the love. Or shut the fVck up. While you are at it get some thicker skin.

The fact that you take offense to that shows me how screwed up this word is.....PC to a fault. :help: for my fellow :monkey: 's please.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Toshi said:
consider who is rebuilding the country. yes, it's the same crew that contributes so heavily to the gop's campaign coffers each year. and yes, they make a profit on this "rebuilding". qed.

Um, tosh, mr. harvard, dont you remember that big@$$ debate awhile back about us letting other countries in on the bidding to rebuild? We even decided to let canada in on it.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
RhinofromWA said:
Oh please.....
in response to:

He brought up challenged people as a slam on a group.

It was simply a tongue in cheek response to bomberz1qr20 post.

So as far as insulting people, go spread the love. Or shut the fVck up. While you are at it get some thicker skin.

The fact that you take offense to that shows me how screwed up this word is.....PC to a fault. :help: for my fellow :monkey: 's please.
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid you are.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
bomberz1qr20 said:

Polls don't mean a damn thing, they are open to perception, not reality.
kind of like "facts"

The education I'm talking about is making sure that teachers are paid well, and schools are in good repair with enough supplies. You apparently don't have a kid in the public school system right now, so you don't see how f*cked it is. Your quotes don't mean anything to those kids.
off topic, I know.

I can only speak for the local school districts in my area Edmonds and Marysville...both LARGE districts in WA state.

The teachers are not paid poorly. They have great benefits. I will say schools are over crowded....:( But then we havent been able to keep up with the population boom in the Seattle area at all is seams. The system is screwed up because the teachers aren't allowed to teach and the parents won't parent....for the most part.

How do I know this....I spent over half a year assisting in a school district accounting office doing temp work. I knew how much teachers were making straight out of school...I knew what I was making before doing temp work and going full speed at a public accounting firm. They didn't have a raw deal...beleive me.

It is all in how you look at it.

I don't know if you are a teacher/wife is a teacher/friends with a teacher, but from the research I have done it wasn't great but it was by no means bad....I looked into it because my buddy married a teacher and she would always complain. Just wanted to know if she was just complaining or had a raw deal like she claimed. I blame unions ;) *derailing statement*


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
BurlySurly said:
Um, tosh, mr. harvard, dont you remember that big@$$ debate awhile back about us letting other countries in on the bidding to rebuild? We even decided to let canada in on it.
see, it is used against me nearly all the time... oh well :D

anyway, this article makes its seem like the contracts are still largely in american hands: http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=aBMO_.5mHUOE&refer=us

if you have a source that shows that republican contributors AREN'T dominating the rebuilding business, please post it. :nopity:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
RhinofromWA said:
The left hears so clearly? :rolleyes: Please self bask in your own self proclaimed glory elsewhere Downsysndrome boy.


If you are going to call me Down Syndrome Boy, please spell it right.

Thank you.
