
Ok who`s the dumb as** road weinnie who want to test my brakes

Do you feel lucky punk ,to run a red light on you touring/road bike

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Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
Ok today after being at my other house in town i deside to go home well I`am cruising to an itersection where i have a GREEN LIGHTand it`s been green for a while so i try to go throught and low and behold some moron blows the red light on his bike :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: ,and he yells at me :nope: :nope: :nope: ,after I don`t hit him ,he would have been un-buttered toast what a dick I wish he would have atleast washed out so I would have seen him get some road rash ,that would have made ME feel better :evil:


ass rainbow
Jul 12, 2005
I've seen plenty of idiots hell bent on proving laws don't apply to them.

I wouldn't run them over unless you want to get a flat.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Have you ever done something stupid and tired to recover by turning the tables and acting like someone else is the idiot when actually you are in denial of your own stupidity?


ass rainbow
Jul 12, 2005
jdcamb said:
Have you ever done something stupid and tired to recover by turning the tables and acting like someone else is the idiot when actually you are in denial of your own stupidity?

But I generally only do that during car on car confrontations.


Too bad there's no, "this thread sucks" option.

*I do hate when people run lights and stop signs in front of cars.


Jun 10, 2002
i hope i hit a hippie biker who runs a stop sign or red light.

i did come about a foot from hitting some guy riding against traffic, on the sidewalk, as i was making a right turn.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
jdcamb said:
Have you ever done something stupid and tired to recover by turning the tables and acting like someone else is the idiot when actually you are in denial of your own stupidity?

How was this shocktower's stupidity?


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
I almost got nailed that way on my roadie the other day. My fault though, and I apologized to the lady I cut off, who was in full form yelling at me.

Kinda cool that I basically hockey-stopped my road bike. Some of that MTB balance coming to use. :D
I selected "I`am unfricking breakable" but with reservations.

I do run lights if there is absolutely no conflict with traffic.
I do go backwards on one way streets with the same qualificatiion.
I try to stay off sidewalks always.

Respect for other riders, drivers, and pedestrians is the key, whether in a car or on the bike.

The person who yelled at you is a dork. Take a Valium and don't bother joining him.



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Barbaton said:
I assumed he was referring to the behaviour of the rider... :think:
americans don't use extraneous letters in "behavior"


(i run red lights on my bike, but not against traffic!)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
johnbryanpeters said:
Patently false as a general statement.
thad is my riding buddy. i am allowed to bust on his spelling foibles :D


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
I do see the double standard here. As a cyclist, I feel I am in the right, but I generally obey most traffic laws including stop signs and traffic lights.

When I'm in my car and I see a cyclist blatently blow through a stop sign or red light at an intersection, it makes me mad, not that he or she didn't get hit, but that they did something that made the rest of the cycling community look more like the idiots we are viewed to be.

On a side note, I almost took out a pedestrian who decided to cross Route 1 last night in a very poorly lit area. It was raining and the person was wearing mostly black. The car in front of me went to pass the car in front of him and changed lanes. Just then a person appeared in that lane that had been crossing. No one saw them until the last second and we all slammed on our brakes. I wish these people would learn. I'm constantly hearing about people getting hit on the streets around here. Doesn't anyone use the crosswalk anymore? (especially in the rain at night?!!!)

And fellow cyclists, STOP MAKING US OUT TO BE IDIOTS!!! Vehicular traffic already has a poor opinion of cyclists, there is no reason to give them more ammo. How many radio shows have we heard in the past couple years where the DJ goes on about hitting a cyclist with his door or something.

I don't have any sympathy for a cyclist who gets hit by a car when he is in the wrong.


Turbo Monkey
peter6061 said:
I do see the double standard here. As a cyclist, I feel I am in the right, but I generally obey most traffic laws including stop signs and traffic lights.

When I'm in my car and I see a cyclist blatently blow through a stop sign or red light at an intersection, it makes me mad, not that he or she didn't get hit, but that they did something that made the rest of the cycling community look more like the idiots we are viewed to be.

On a side note, I almost took out a pedestrian who decided to cross Route 1 last night in a very poorly lit area. It was raining and the person was wearing mostly black. The car in front of me went to pass the car in front of him and changed lanes. Just then a person appeared in that lane that had been crossing. No one saw them until the last second and we all slammed on our brakes. I wish these people would learn. I'm constantly hearing about people getting hit on the streets around here. Doesn't anyone use the crosswalk anymore? (especially in the rain at night?!!!)

And fellow cyclists, STOP MAKING US OUT TO BE IDIOTS!!! Vehicular traffic already has a poor opinion of cyclists, there is no reason to give them more ammo. How many radio shows have we heard in the past couple years where the DJ goes on about hitting a cyclist with his door or something.

I don't have any sympathy for a cyclist who gets hit by a car when he is in the wrong.
Here here, I'm w/ you 101%. I follow traffic laws when I'm in a car, as I do when I'm on a bike. A bike on the road is considered just as another vehicle and can be cited as such, including BUIs. So if a dickhead on a bike feels like the law doesn't apply and wants to play chicken w/ a 2000 lbs fast moving hunk of steel and plastic, I say have at it. But you know who's gonna win that confrontation. And if the little bitch survives, he/she is gonna whine and sue everybody. So I say if you're gonna hit a cyclist because they're not obeying traffic laws, kill 'em and do everyone a favor (incase you can't tell, this is sarcasm).
I have hit a cyclist before, and w/ a cop behind me of all fortunes. I pulled fwd to go at a green light and a guy on a bike came blazing across the intersection, on the sidewalk, at night, w/o a headlight, and against his light. At that point, I wasn't moving very fast, maybe 5 mph or so. My front bumper knocked him down and his flesh skidded on the ground from his own speed. I jumped out of my car to make sure he was ok and to get him out of the street so other cars won't hit him. Do you know what the cop said to me first thing? "Was your car damaged; do I need to file a report?" 100% the cyclists fault. Addressing WestCoastHuckers post, it's not that I advocate stooopid cyclists get hurt/killed on the road by cars. But it's like they (and I've noticed many pedestrians too - j-strolling across a busy road thinking it's their right, not looking, being stoooopid, and having no respect for something that can make you very DEAD) think they're "better" than cars and lack ANY respect for what a car can do to them. Hint: you're not gonna be able to sue if your dead, and a car can make you VERY dead!
There was a post about a frame builder who was killed blowing a stop sign a few days ago in either the Louge or the Road Biking forum. I didn't post anything there, but my immediate response was: if he purposely blew a stop sign w/o checking, then he had it coming. Kent Erickson does that all the time, and thus far, has been lucky. But I've known him to yell at autos for his stooopidity in near misses. So who's the "ugly bastard" in situations like that? If he was hit in a situation where it was his negligence or lack of respect for traffic laws and what a car can do, I'd say he had it coming as well.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Barbaton said:
That's what I get for being half chinese... :think: :rolleyes:
unless you were educated at a British school in HK then you have no excuse :D

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Sure I run them, but like others, when there is no traffic. I do sometimes accelerate through a stale yellow light though.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Barbaton said:
I assumed he was referring to the behaviour of the rider... :think:

I was. Have you ever pulled out into traffic a little late so that someone had to slow down because of you? Have you ever accidently not held a door open because you weren't paying attention and have that door come back on someone? Have you ever not hit the open door button on the elevator and had it close on someone in a hurry? I am not an asshole and would normally not get into situations where the above would come into play. But sometimes when I am distracted I make mistakes... Couldn't the rider have made a mistake and felt foolish and tried to vainly cover it up by putting it on the other party? Ease up folks. Life can outpace most folks these days. I think that most folks are losing the ability to roll with the punches and seek out confrontations as a outlet for other personal issues.

PS I run red lights because that is the safest way to control folks in cars that can't see you. I assume everyone can't see me. In some urban situations stopping is never a good idea.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
If you don't obey the rules of the road, but nevertheless expect the protection of the law, you are a hypocrit.

I'm no angel and I sometimes blow stop signs and lights. But I never do it if there are cars moving in the same direction as me. I drive too, and when I see people on bikes blow a light that I am waiting for, it makes me want to run them down even though I am a cyclist. I can only imagine the rage it raises in someone who is not a cyclist.


Jun 10, 2002
WestCoastHucker said:
wishing bad on a fellow biker, how lame..... :nope:
not lame. asshole didn't stop. wishing bad on a law violator.

am i the only one who actually stops at all stops signs (ok, i don't put my foot down most of the time, which is by law, a true stop on a 2 wheeled vehicle, but i hold track stands)? ok, almost all. i ran one on campus at 2am coming back from Relay for Life.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
johnbryanpeters said:
I can't imagine stopping at all stop signs. Stored energy is a precious resource.
Uh whatever dude. Personally sometimes I ride purely to get rid of stored energy, and regardless that's a pretty lame excuse.

"Well yes officer, I did just blow that stop sign, but you see I am protecting my stored energy."

Like I said before I am no angel, but I don't try to justify rolling a stop sign on my bike any more than I do when in my car. It's illegal and dangerous and it gives bike riders a bad rep, there's no way around it.


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
Look peoples it was a rant and I really want a Human hurt ,also I do not wish the burden of killing some one,because of their stupidity cause I would still feel bad about it . I drive a big 4X4 and it has a buck proof bumper and it would kill him .The rest of the stuff is just Babble and my cheap humor to let the stress go free :eviltongu :eviltongu :eviltongu


shocktower said:
<snip>The rest of the stuff is just Babble and my cheap humor to let the stress go free :eviltongu :eviltongu :eviltongu
ahem....the rest??? :think: I think you have mistaken that for ALL.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
shocktower said:
Look peoples it was a rant and I really want a Human hurt ,also I do not wish the burden of killing some one,because of their stupidity cause I would still feel bad about it . I drive a big 4X4 and it has a buck proof bumper and it would kill him .The rest of the stuff is just Babble and my cheap humor to let the stress go free :eviltongu :eviltongu :eviltongu

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
i always make sure to watch for cars that have the right of way and am wary of cars that might pull out in front of me when i have the right of way but i dont stop at every stop sign. if im turning right and i dont see any cars coming in that direction i go, but other than that i stop and wait until its safe to cross.