
Olympic XC track


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
So in fitting with the opening day of the Olympics I just stumbled across this video of the XC race course. I kind of knew it was going to be lame but I was surprised at just how lame. With the exception of a few stacked rock obstacles it appears to be more or less just buffed dirt IMBA trails.

Is this purely an access for TV kind of thing? Or has XC gone all dirt roadie since I stopped doing the occasional race a decade ago?

To be perfectly honest I was hoping for some rock gardens or wet rooty sections that would actually test bike handling skills as well instead of a more or less all out fitness contest.



sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
What was the format? Short-track? If so, it makes sense. Short-track is more like cyclocross in my racing experience, at least how they hold it up here, and the course looks similar to that. If that is supposed to be the "XC race" though, that's pretty lame.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
What was the format? Short-track? If so, it makes sense. Short-track is more like cyclocross in my racing experience, at least how they hold it up here, and the course looks similar to that. If that is supposed to be the "XC race" though, that's pretty lame.
I can't find any details other than they have one men's race and one women's race. No specifics on how many laps, how far, nothing other than its a mass start.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I watched the whole lap. Bunch of smooth dirt but there are a few features in there to make it not a road race. I think it's ok, and those dudes are seriously fast.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
To be perfectly honest I was hoping for some rock gardens or wet rooty sections that would actually test bike handling skills as well instead of a more or less all out fitness contest.
If it were just all out fitness it would be more like a time trial, the course may not seem challenging in a recreational sense but it does look like skill and strategy will be involved, if not against the trail at least against other the other riders. I expect that course to be crowded.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Sterile and synthetic but enough features and loose flat corners that power will win it, but a skill-less hack will lose time. I assume the wide straight sections are for passing, which can be damn near impossible with a large similarly strong group.


¡Mira, una ardilla!
Haha! What an abortion of mountain biking.

Might as well just have a treadmill contest.
What, don't you like flip flops? C'mon, everybody loves flip flops!

Rio Oliympic CXO track said:
Rocky obstacles in the shape of footprints. The riders jump off the big toe on to the inside of the foot, throwing them forward and creating a flow between the feet. “I wanted to come up with a Brazilian flavour and flip-flops are something that everyone in Brazil has,” said Floros. “You need to give the course its own character and a bit of local identity, and balance that with something that works well for the riders.”


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
wasn't short track, although the laps were on the shorter side.

it did rain for the men, which made it interesting.

not a super tech course, but were some sections where they had to remember they weren't on drop bars and slick tires.

the course was fully constructed to allow it to be televised.

from that perspective, they did a really good job of televising the event. probably better coverage than any other race i've seen (yes, including DH) they had helicopters and those camera rail track things and were able to cover essentially the entire course.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
I'd put $5 on that course being way more technical in person than it appeared on the broadcast. While watching the race I thought the course was pretty cool, pretty technical, and also agree that for a purpose built tv and spectator friendly course it was well executed.

DH Courses don't always look real technical or difficult on TV either....even watching the pro's ride windham in person I was surprised by how challenging it became when it was my turn.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
my wife actually liked watching it with me (she's not a rider), so i'd call it a win i guess. i think it maid the race event and format a lot more accessible and enjoyable to more of a mainstream (ie not core mtb enthusiat) audience