
on a ride have you ever wondered if your Buddy got vaporized ?


Nam I am
well That is what Happeneded to night ! toward the end of our ride , a storm was moving in, the sky was flashing and rumbling and getting closer. we were high tailing it out and I was at the top of the last hill with Csharpdev ( just before the decent home ) and Berkshire_rder and Old&slow were coming up the hill and were about 150 feet from us when a Flash and crack that struck Between us ! Csharpdev and My self grabbed our Bike and rode like hell down that Hill! on to the road , then the heavens opened up with rain and Lightining stikes all around us for the 1/3 mile ride of road home . we made it , and a couple minutes later Old&slow and Berkshire_rider came and Joined us! quite an Ending to a Fun ride! Also proving to us that they were not turned into a Pile of ash. But I'll tell you , if I was n't soaking wet as I was , all my hair would have been standing on end after that Lighting stike ! it was that Close !

But lets start from the begging, it was thursday Night ride time , and we had quite a crew tonight !
here isthe crew from left to right

Csharpdev, old&slow, Kevin Montgomery, SloMoJo, Ben-O , with Evil:bota Right behind him, Ocron, CP, MCD, quo_fan and IF_rider . ( not pictured , Splat, Bdee and Berkshire_rider ) .

Evil:Bota on the New Iron Horse MK III climbing a rock

The gang ridng down some rocks

cp, Kevin Montgomery, Quo_fan, Csharpdev and MCD

evil:bota Continues on. Unfortunatly a little later Evil would take a couple of hard crashes and call it a night maybe he was hte smart one , I think he beat the rain!



and for some reason , my camera has suddenly decided at night it doesn't need a flash , but during the day it works great ???????

any way here is my last one for tonight

Ocron navigating a rock garden in the dark .


Nam I am
johnbryanpeters said:
Nice pics, splat, maybe in the fall? Thanksgiving?

that sounds doable.

I Are Baboon said:
Glad to hear you didn't get fried, Splat! We need you next weekend. :D

How's the new trail?

The New Trail Is awesome ! has some areas that still need work, and needs some riding to pack it down. but it is fun.! then The guys who did the jump line at the end said they were smooth as Butter! I just wished my flash had gone off to get a picture of them jump between the 2 trees.


Nam I am
Skookum said:
Definately photo shop. NOBODY would paint there house that ugly yellow color.... :think:
yeah it was white till last year . we need to think about re-painting our house too. I was thinking a Black velvet style murail of Elvis on the side of the house , that has no windows and faces a Neighbor who doesn't really like us may be in order.

I wonder if DH_girlie would approve ?