
On change engendered by homo sapiens


Artisanal Tweet Curator
heh, "pyrocene". Pretty apt. That takes an overly ecological bent on the fires that occur here though IMO. Very few of them are NOT human-caused. I guess that's part of the ecosystem though.

-Flat tires on cars going to rims that start sparking
-tow chains on trailers dragging
-idiots that I still see tossing lit cigarettes around
-reece witherspoon wannabes from boston who don't know how to put out their campfires on the PCT
-those poor poor power companies who can't "afford" to put their lines underground in high wind zones.

Regardless of climate if those things weren't happening, neither would most of the fires. It's not like a fire epoch is just some naturally occurring state.

I like anthropocene better. It's more holistic. I'm not sure what happens in CA these days has much to do with anywhere else though. Maybe nevada but rock doesn't burn easily.

Of course this kind of shit never helps
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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
When doing SoMo shuttle runs back in the day I had someone behind me say they saw sparks fly from my pedal when I bashed some rocks. Improbable, but definitely possible.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Magnesium does that like a champ

It's a thing. Steel pins too but not as drastic. Every once in a while house can catch it on a world Cup broadcast
throw a aircooled vw engine in a fire.....wheeee