
On the other side of the coin


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
I would like to thank all the monkeys that attended Sea Otter. After my rant yesterday about the people that don't support their local riders I do want to thank the one's that do. When I did my race run on Sunday and went into the first jump section I knew I was on home turf. In seven years as a racer I have never heard cheers soooooo loud. My lady was clear down at the flat sectin before the logs, and she said she could hear you all cheering for me way down there. Thanks everyone... it's that kind support that drives me. Alot of you know what I've been through with my health, a few have even called me the Lance Armstrong of mountain biking. Well to all of you that believe in me thanks for all the support... you rule! I can't wait for Mammoth... home turf again, and one of my favorite mountains. I want that race more than anyone else, and hope to be U.S. Champion. So be loud monkeys!!!