
On The Turning Away...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I wonder if other boats see these floating nightmares and just ignore them like we do the homeless folk who peer balefully into our car interiors at stoplights. :think: :confused:

Food Ran Out for Dominican Migrants

NAGUA, Dominican Republic (AP) - Migrants lost at sea for nearly two weeks without food and water said Wednesday more than 40 people died during the trip, and at least one woman who refused to give breast milk to passengers was thrown overboard into shark-infested waters.

Many of the 86 people crammed into the wooden boat, about 30 feet long and 10 feet wide, bound for the nearby U.S. territory of Puerto Rico became hysterical when provisions ran out after three days, said Faustina Santana.

Santana was one of 39 migrants found alive Tuesday near this small fishing village, not far from where the boat originally departed.

``People just jumped off,'' Santana, 27, said from the hospital. ``They were going crazy.''

Survivors said at least 45 people died during the journey. Of the survivors who were found on Tuesday, eight died in the hospital and many more are in critical condition.

Three women were seen crying on Wednesday, slumped over the body of 24-year-old Johano del Orbe, who died of dehydration in the hospital.

The boat left the Dominican Republic on July 29 and it had almost reached the Puerto Rican island of Desecheo in two days when its engine failed. It was then that the captain abandoned ship, getting on another passing migrant boat and saying he would return with help.

The migrants said they paid $450 for the trip. The captain never returned.

The boat began drifting out to sea and by the third day all of the water and food - chocolate, peanuts and sardines - had run out. The passengers shared one coconut they found floating in the sea but panic had already started to set in.

Many people - mostly older men - began dying on the fifth day, the same day the men began demanding that women, even those who were not lactating, provide breast milk.

Two lactating women offered their breast milk to passengers. One who refused to share her milk was thrown overboard by male passengers, Santana said, although some survivors said the woman was pushed overboard after she was already dead.

``One woman refused to give breast milk and the men aboard grabbed her from behind and threw her overboard,'' Santana said. ``They told me to give milk, and I said I couldn't.''

The survivors interviewed by The Associated Press said there were no children aboard.

Vernanva de La Cruz, 19, was one of the women who offered her breast milk to more than eight people. She left her two children, one of whom is six-months-old, at home to make the trip.

The other woman who gave up her milk died after helping nearly a dozen people. ``People started biting her everywhere to get at her nipples,'' de La Cruz said from her hospital bed. ``She had bruises everywhere when she died.''

It was unclear when or how the woman died, said de La Cruz, who did not know what happened to the third woman who Santana said was thrown overboard.

Rafael Emilio Chalas, director of the Antonio Yapor Hospital in Nagua - 112 miles northeast of Santo Domingo and about 30 miles from El Limon where the boat left - told a Dominican radio station Tuesday that some people said they resorted to cannibalism to survive.

One survivor, however, said the migrants decided against it.

``Some wanted to eat the dead bodies, just their ears, but others of us said 'no,' and if we're going to die, we'll all die together,'' said Ramon Ballano, 40, another survivor.

Worried relatives notified authorities when they did not hear from their loved ones in the days after they left. The journey to Puerto Rico can take a day in good weather.

Dozens of relatives filled hospital corridors Wednesday looking for their loved ones. A funeral for some of the victims was planned for Wednesday afternoon.

The wary father of one passenger entered Santana's hospital room, showed her a picture of his son and asked if he was among those who jumped. She looked at the photo and shook her head, saying the man jumped overboard but couldn't say when.

``It's way too many lives lost needlessly,'' said Lt. Eric Willis, a spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard, which sent cutters and planes to search for the migrants. ``And they keep coming.''

There has been a huge influx of Dominican migrants to Puerto Rico in the past year as inflation in their Caribbean homeland has topped 30 percent, unemployment has reached 16 percent and blackouts plague the nation.

More than 7,000 Dominican migrants have been detained trying to reach wealthier Puerto Rico since Oct. 1, more than twice the number for the previous 12 months.

``What I earn doesn't give us enough,'' said Ballano. ``I had no future here.''

At least 60 migrants have been confirmed dead in the Mona Passage, a shark-infested and rough channel between the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. But the number of fatalities are likely higher, Coast Guard authorities say.

There were nine confirmed migrant deaths in the Mona Passage last year.

The migrants' boat, called a yola, had no seats and no oars. After the engine failed, passengers put up a makeshift flag made from a white T-shirt, hoping that other passing boats would stop to help.

On Monday, the Dominican Navy rescued 19 boat migrants stranded at sea for two days after their outboard motor failed. They were treated for dehydration.

08/11/04 18:51
© Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It’s not enough just to stand and stare

Surely there were others to see a boat with a white flag floating by..?



Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Lefty said:
Hmmm... lol ..i did not read the whole story, but lkoolkeg, are you turning in to the new "N8" . While he is away, you do his job.
Oh, I am but a numbered lithograph compared to the original and would never seek to replace him...in fact, I didn't realize he was away. If we are alike, it is in that we both draw ire forth from those left of center. I have just as many conservatives that long for my disappearance, though, so I take second spot on the podium of distaste to nobody.

Anyhow, I only post newsy-type $hit when it catches my eye. Unfortunately, every time I log into my work 'puter, a bunch of IM-spawned pop-ups appear to vie for my sleep-starved attention and sometimes I take the bait. The part about the men throwing the nursing woman overboard was what drew my gaze, probably because my wife is currently nursing my 2-month old. It just really made me sick to think that some "men" revert to such brutish animals when starved, dehydrated and sunloco. They must be as floating trash to passing ships, perhaps that way climbing into the refugee boat or made so by the Odyssean journey. Maybe only lashing the men to the mast beforehand would have saved the nursing mothers from their Siren-song madness. :confused:

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
binary visions said:
No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It’s not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream
that there'll be
No more turning away...
