Bonds hit 176 with the Pirates playing mostly in Three Rivers which is huuuuuge!
Bonds hit 270 with the Giants from '93-99 playing mostly in Candlestick and other large parks.
The small park thing started in about 95 with Camden Yards whichis an AL park anyway. But the Giants moved to Pac-Bell in 2000. Since then Bonds has hit only 174 runs.
If the juice helps, and a smaller park helps shouldnt he be hitting MORE than he was before?
In fact he averaged 45 per year in Candlestick and 43 per year in Pac-Bell, he averaged 26 per year with the Pirates.
He was better in a worse park w/o the juice than he is now in a small park with. So how does it help?
Bonds hit 270 with the Giants from '93-99 playing mostly in Candlestick and other large parks.
The small park thing started in about 95 with Camden Yards whichis an AL park anyway. But the Giants moved to Pac-Bell in 2000. Since then Bonds has hit only 174 runs.
If the juice helps, and a smaller park helps shouldnt he be hitting MORE than he was before?
In fact he averaged 45 per year in Candlestick and 43 per year in Pac-Bell, he averaged 26 per year with the Pirates.
He was better in a worse park w/o the juice than he is now in a small park with. So how does it help?