
Once again (Wintergreen)


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Once again it looks like I will be going to Wintergreen while everybody else is at Snowshoe. My wife and I are meeting her sister and bro-in-law at WG this weekend. I'll be riding most of the day Saturday (9/9). If anybody is interested in coming out, let me know. Not that I mind riding by myself, but some company would be nice.

dan wask

Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2006
B-More Maryland
We might be coming out again as well. My parents evidently love the whole wine tour thing so they'll probably drop me off and go do their thing.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Dan, I'm glad your parents found something fun to do down there. Hope you can make it. I'll PM you my cell number and identifying features. Though, if the crowds are anything like last time I was there I shouldn't be hard to find.

Mud. I suspect that I'll be pretty beat by the end of the day. That and I don't have any lights. But hey depending on how much screaming my sister-inlaw's baby does I might be up for a night ride sans lights. :dead:


Feb 12, 2006
Option B:

I get off work at 6pm on Saturday. I have a small commute from Charlottesville and can meet up at 7pm at Sherando to shuttle the Slacks Run>White Rock trail DH. This is a fast, flowing 6 mile DH that we can rip just before the sun goes down. A must ride for the area without question. We'd be back at the car by 7:40ish.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Option B:

I get off work at 6pm on Saturday. I have a small commute from Charlottesville and can meet up at 7pm at Sherando to shuttle the Slacks Run>White Rock trail DH. This is a fast, flowing 6 mile DH that we can rip just before the sun goes down. A must ride for the area without question. We'd be back at the car by 7:40ish.
The lift closes right at 6 so I might be able to do this. Then again I might have to eat dinner with the family. Let me find out and get back to you. How long a drive is it to get there from Wintergreen. Sherando is just over the hill right, other side of the Parkway?


Feb 12, 2006
Sherando is just over the hill right, other side of the Parkway?
Yup, basically you cross straight over the parkway at reed's gap where the road comes up from wintergreen. You'll wind down to the bottom of the other side, take a right at the T section, drive 50 feet and pull into Sherando.


Feb 19, 2006
outer limits
Hmmm, day trip to wintergreen, this may just be doable.......
I'll mark that as tentative, i.e. I'll know at the last possible minute.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
To anybody that may show up, I'm Dave and I'll be the guy riding a black hardtail, wearing a black helmet and orange jersey. I'll probably be riding from a little after noon until the lifts close at 6. It looks like the weather should be stellar.

dan wask

Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2006
B-More Maryland
This weekend probably isn't going to be able to happen, my dad is going to be in chicago for buisness and I don't want to make my mom drive the 4+ hours up there for her to sit around by herself.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Mud - as tempting as your offer is, I think I'm going to stick around WG and do the family thing (after the lifts close of course). Sometimes you just have to swallow the small turds. (what they don't tell you though, is that they are all small turds).


Feb 19, 2006
outer limits
ifins I can conjure up the petrol fees to transport myself up there I'll likely make it. Keep and eye out for the squirrely little guy on the black hardtail with no common sense.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
the mid-west armpit!
Birdy, that day at Reddish knob sucked more for you then the rest of us. But the day we rode with BikeMike sucked for everyone because BigMike had something like 13 flats in one day because he has an inner ear balancing problem that makes him steer into the sharpest object possible. And since BigMike had to ride the little yellow school bus to school while growing up, none of us left him in the woods to fend for himself, thus causing us all to wait evey time he got a flat.

And just so you know BigMike is the one in the pics throwing the sign of the devil


Feb 19, 2006
outer limits
If I go I'll be on the hardtail which has DH tubes and tires, rather than the 29er XC bike I was on last time. I do have spares though. Don't need any extra derailleurs, single speed.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Good times this weekend. I didn't see any Monkies with black hardtails besides myself.

Flat's abounded though. Some guy I met up with had 4. Three on the long shuttle trail alone. We still made really good time down though (45 minutes with all the flats). That's a fun trail for a trail bike. Ernesto reeked havoc on it though. There was a river flowing down the trail for about 100 yards and one of the other trail crossings was unrideable / unavoidable and over knee-deep. That was pretty interesting.


Feb 12, 2006
Good times this weekend. I didn't see any Monkies with black hardtails besides myself.

Flat's abounded though. Some guy I met up with had 4. Three on the long shuttle trail alone. We still made really good time down though (45 minutes with all the flats). That's a fun trail for a trail bike. Ernesto reeked havoc on it though. There was a river flowing down the trail for about 100 yards and one of the other trail crossings was unrideable / unavoidable and over knee-deep. That was pretty interesting.
That whole ridgeline along the AT at the top has a lot of ground water pockets. Everytime we get heavy rain, the ground water comes up and creates a river that may have never before existed.


May 3, 2004
What day are most of you shooting for? Maybe able to make it. I want to try out some new parts.(replaced my granny ring with a plate to turn it into a single ring only),an replaced my middle ring.


Feb 14, 2006
I was there this past Saturday, too bad I didn't read this post first. It was my first DH experience, pretty fun. The biggest perk was that there were probably only 10-14 riders there all day at most.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I was there this past Saturday, .

What were you riding? I was there on a black hardtail and orange jersey. I rode with some people from Richmond, guy on a blue Kona Coiler (Allen?) and a girl (Lessa??) on a SC Juliana, for most of the day. The girl was taking pictures on some of the stunts. I gave her my email but she never sent them to me. :rant: