
Once upon a time, BV posted an XP tweak tool


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
He was quite fond of. I know of TweakXP, but I'm fairly sure the one posted was free (and better)...halp?


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Tuneup! That's it!

Mostly just want to change the location of my "my docs" stuff. It's all on my slow media drive, and XP has the folders and shortcuts on the itty-bitty Raptor.

erf...TuneUp couldn't do it, but TweakUI did. Danke.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
It just relates to 64 bit processors. 64 bit processors process data in bigger pieces than 32 bit processors do, so ideally - if the software is written for it - it will perform faster. 64 bit processors can also address huge amounts of memory.

Right now the difference is pretty small, since most desktop apps are not written to take full advantage of 64 bit processors, the 64 bit operating systems are not yet widespread, and the chips are not designed as full 64 bit chips (there are concessions made in chip design to ensure they still process 32 bit instructions quickly).

Everything is slowly moving there, though. Vista actually has a couple very cool security features written for 64 bit chips, I wish everything would hurry up and get there. Still not great driver support and 16 bit programs will not run AT ALL in Vista/XP x64.