The 456 is listed as On-One's freeride hardtail. Generally, I am very happy with this bike. It's a nice, burly chunk of steel with decent XC manners for what it is.
The problem?
I have always felt too far forward on steap stuff. I changed the 80mm stem to a 40mm. Better.
AttheGates was clearing out some old bike stuff *cough*moved in with GF*cough* and he had a semi-ragged out 24" rear wheel that needed a new home. Cha-ching!
The problem?
I have always felt too far forward on steap stuff. I changed the 80mm stem to a 40mm. Better.
AttheGates was clearing out some old bike stuff *cough*moved in with GF*cough* and he had a semi-ragged out 24" rear wheel that needed a new home. Cha-ching!