
>>>OOOOOH yeah Friderp<<<


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Baby Hazel arrived late last night, after 20 hours of labor and 2.5 hours of active pushing. Girl made a dramatic entrance. Both mom and baby are doing great, just exhausted from the long labor.

Now i guess we all just hang out together for a few days before going home :confused:


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Got beat up a bit during my presentation this morning.

Leaving for Portugal tomorrow for house hunting. Resignation letter is written...
What are you doing in Portugal. High on the list of countries to visit.

Back at the office. Leaving soon. Cold beer in the fridge and then hitting the beach.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Oh, hai frens!! I've got 8 of the next 10 calendar days off from work starting today. 10 of 10 would be better but I'm not going to shit in my cornflakes here. Slept 10 hours left night to get started. I guess I should go do stuff...

Also, the new Suicide Squad movie cracked me up. Best DC movie yet, although that bar is admittedly low.

Colonel Angus

Feb 15, 2005
land of the green chiles
What are you doing in Portugal. High on the list of countries to visit.

Back at the office. Leaving soon. Cold beer in the fridge and then hitting the beach.
I will retire there as soon as we find a house we like in a town we like. They are offering 10% tax on our retirement income and they have amazing weather. Their residential architecture leaves a lot to be desired, but the newer construction is more normal.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Wow, coffee yesterday afternoon paired with post work beer sure made for a shitty restless sleep.

Work and then.... ?


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I will retire there as soon as we find a house we like in a town we like. They are offering 10% tax on our retirement income and they have amazing weather. Their residential architecture leaves a lot to be desired, but the newer construction is more normal.
Brilliant, remember room for guest ;-)


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
present. beer and wings after dealing with the flooded basement all day resulted in me passing out on the couch for the first time in a while. oh well. sunny and cool. half day of work today. might go ride the rail trail and assess the damage by the river, will see how far it is dry.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Congratulations, Tim! Tell your wife the labor for subsequent kids will be shorter. :D

/me is working. I did not bring my red stapler with me, but I did bring my own keyboard to use at this PACS workstation. Ain't nobody got time for the spongy, vague keystroke-feel of the standard keyboard on this computer that I gravitate to on most days when actually here.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I got new glasses and nobody even noticed :(

looks like w00dy and I will head to le monster state forest for 10-15 miles of suffering. I can't wait. Sunday morning for noonbeers. @StiHacka how you doin?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Firstly congrats!

Secondly, Uber Eats/Doordash some real food for you and the wife. That was perhaps the most solid nugget of advice we got from our tour of the Labor and Delivery area before having our kid. Hospital food is not what you need to recover from 20+ hours of L&D.
And home made tea/coffee if you can manage it.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Firstly congrats!

Secondly, Uber Eats/Doordash some real food for you and the wife. That was perhaps the most solid nugget of advice we got from our tour of the Labor and Delivery area before having our kid. Hospital food is not what you need to recover from 20+ hours of L&D.
when we had our daughter, there was a wood fired pizza place that opened like 2 blocks from the hospital. i went there to get pies for us, they had Maine Beer Lunch on draft. so i had 2 pints while I waited.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Firstly congrats!

Secondly, Uber Eats/Doordash some real food for you and the wife. That was perhaps the most solid nugget of advice we got from our tour of the Labor and Delivery area before having our kid. Hospital food is not what you need to recover from 20+ hours of L&D.
this. Grab her favorite items she couldn't eat during pregnancy and bring em up. Italian subs and sushi...

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Hello monkeys. I stayed up too late last night fiddling with the remote lockout on the hardtail, I tightened the cable which seemed to improve engagement. I'd like to remove it but the default position is locked when the cable is removed. A lockout is not useful to me; I find it annoying that I can't remove it without replacing the top cap assembly. :monkey:


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
@Adventurous FTW

Here. Still working on garage storage install. Company just sent me a touch screen monitor for if I ever go back to seeing people in person. Just forgot to tell me about it. Very confused when received.