
oops my DHX 5 is injured


Mar 12, 2005


yesterday i decided to remove all parts from my '05 turner dhr
clean everything
then re install everything...

on the dhx 5 i have just noticed that the little +/- pro pedal blue knob was like there-is-mud (or sand behind the knob)

so i took the allen key to remove it
1/ i loose the little ball bearing installed on a spring (that thing that allow you to have the 14 clicks)

2/ i find one ball bearing on the ground => i was happy :)


when i tried to compress the shox (without spring on it)
i was very hard ...
only half a inch with my hand !


then reinstalling the shock + spring on the bike

the shocks make a little noise
like when you walking outside with wet mud on the grass
splicchhh splicchhhh

and the bike feels strange now

and doesn't have the same compression than before

the pressure and the the rebound are the same than before

did i broke something when removing the little blue pro pedal knob ?

Can anybody help me ?

ps: sorry if its difficult to understand me !
i'm french and my english leassons are so far ;-)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
It sounds like something got messed up with the propedal..... unless you have a fox service center near you sending it back to fox is the only option I can think of.