
Open mouf...insert foot! HAHA!

dh girlie

Jeez...this guy just came in here for a meeting...an outside visitor, not a coworker...anyway...I sit far from the reception area and I could smell this guys cheesey cologne from where I sit...anyway, someone passed my window and I caught it outta the corner of my eye, thinking it was that dude and I yell across the room to my coworker...Jeebus! You think that guy had on enough salsa club cologne? And he was still standing at the counter...:o: That was just a little embarassing.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I bet he was as embarrassed as you. "Oh man, I guess I have on too much of the smell good juice!" Hey it could be worse... it could have been powerful B.O. Then you would have yelled, "Did that guy just reek or what!?".

Was he a "guido" lookin guy? They tend to bath in the cheap cologne.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
Jeez...this guy just came in here for a meeting...an outside visitor, not a coworker...anyway...I sit far from the reception area and I could smell this guys cheesey cologne from where I sit...anyway, someone passed my window and I caught it outta the corner of my eye, thinking it was that dude and I yell across the room to my coworker...Jeebus! You think that guy had on enough salsa club cologne? And he was still standing at the counter...:o: That was just a little embarassing.
There is a guy who works in our building like that, you can smell him 2 floors up.

dh girlie

Ciaran said:
I bet he was as embarrassed as you. "Oh man, I guess I have on too much of the smell good juice!" Hey it could be worse... it could have been powerful B.O. Then you would have yelled, "Did that guy just reek or what!?".

Was he a "guido" lookin guy? They tend to bath in the cheap cologne.

Yeah...he had black hayer slicked back...but he reminded me more of a salsa club latin guy.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
dh girlie said:
Jeez...this guy just came in here for a meeting...an outside visitor, not a coworker...anyway...I sit far from the reception area and I could smell this guys cheesey cologne from where I sit...anyway, someone passed my window and I caught it outta the corner of my eye, thinking it was that dude and I yell across the room to my coworker...Jeebus! You think that guy had on enough salsa club cologne? And he was still standing at the counter...:o: That was just a little embarassing.
Did you offer up a sympathy date to him? Just think if you dated him for a while you could improve him with little suggestions enough to make him more appealing to the rest of the world. Sometimes all it takes is a good women......


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
dh girlie said:
Jeez...this guy just came in here for a meeting...an outside visitor, not a coworker...anyway...I sit far from the reception area and I could smell this guys cheesey cologne from where I sit...anyway, someone passed my window and I caught it outta the corner of my eye, thinking it was that dude and I yell across the room to my coworker...Jeebus! You think that guy had on enough salsa club cologne? And he was still standing at the counter...:o: That was just a little embarassing.
Why do men do this? Can they not smell?

Okay sorry, I'm sure some women do it too.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Snacks said:
Ding Ding Ding! Why do you think I asked you last night if you wore cologne!! :)
Actually I liked the automatic air freshner we have in the men's bathroom at work so much, I just got a smaller version for around my neck. It spritzes my cologne every 20 minutes or every other flush, which ever comes first. :eek:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Most times I have come across someone wearing too much fragrance, it is either:

1) A hospital nurse

2) A car salesman

3) A fool who believes that bathing and wearing cologne are mutually exclusive concepts

#3 is by far the worse because the application of cologne is in 2:1 proportion with the number of days since any acts of bodily hygiene have been performed. They routinely believe that they can hide any amount of scrotal/pitfunk with a generous enough dousing of cheap fragrance. The reality? In the words of Les Claypool, they "smell like a dancing mule" that has wandered into a musk factory and been driven from the premises by a hail of thrown product containers.

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
Most times I have come across someone wearing too much fragrance, it is either:

1) A hospital nurse

2) A car salesman

3) A fool who believes that bathing and wearing cologne are mutually exclusive concepts

#3 is by far the worse because the application of cologne is in 2:1 proportion with the number of days since any acts of bodily hygiene have been performed. They routinely believe that they can hide any amount of scrotal/pitfunk with a generous enough dousing of cheap fragrance. The reality? In the words of Les Claypool, they "smell like a dancing mule" that has wandered into a musk factory and been driven from the premises by a hail of thrown product containers.
HAHAHA! I was in the grocery store the other night and I smelled this awful stench that could have been onions (which was my first guess since the only person around me was about 15 feet ahead of me) or horrific BO. Well, I turned up another aisle and didn't smell it till I got within another 10 feet of this dude...I have never in all my years smelled someone with such bad BO. His clothes were filthy, and I'm not talkin filthy like he just finished riding or working in a garden...I'm talking filthy as in old, worn for weeks, possibly months without washing filthy. I was all the way over in the self check out and this guy was in the line across from it...It was so bad I almost gagged...even the thought that I was walking in the aftermath of his stench nearly made me vomit...I almost just left my items and left the store.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
HAHAHA! I was in the grocery store the other night and I smelled this awful stench that could have been onions (which was my first guess since the only person around me was about 15 feet ahead of me) or horrific BO. Well, I turned up another aisle and didn't smell it till I got within another 10 feet of this dude...I have never in all my years smelled someone with such bad BO. His clothes were filthy, and I'm not talkin filthy like he just finished riding or working in a garden...I'm talking filthy as in old, worn for weeks, possibly months without washing filthy. I was all the way over in the self check out and this guy was in the line across from it...It was so bad I almost gagged...even the thought that I was walking in the aftermath of his stench nearly made me vomit...I almost just left my items and left the store.
Was the shopping cart he pushed overflowing with plastic bags full of personal effects? Maybe he was homeless and spending his day's alms.

If you were walking in the swath of his stench trail and smelling it that strongly, you undoubtedly got his airborne doodie/BO particles in your mouf. Nothing so bad as a reek you can taste, too! :barfsmilie:

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
Was the shopping cart he pushed overflowing with plastic bags full of personal effects? Maybe he was homeless and spending his day's alms.

If you were walking in the swath of his stench trail and smelling it that strongly, you undoubtedly got his airborne doodie/BO particles in your mouf. Nothing so bad as a reek you can taste, too! :barfsmilie:
Thanks...I'm starving and I was about to eat lunch. :dead: bastard.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
dh girlie said:
She wears the new Paris Hilton scent which smells horrific and cheap...kinda the way Paris looks! hahaha!
Oh that's the "La toilet de stanky ho" its the latest in her fragrance line of My daddy's rich and I'm a slut.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Brian HCM#1 said:
Oh that's the "La toilet de stanky ho" its the latest in her fragrance line of My daddy's rich and I'm a slut.
Better name. To quote Al Swearengen from the show Deadwood call it "Cum Ditch"


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
llkoolkeg said:
Most times I have come across someone wearing too much fragrance, it is either:

1) A hospital nurse
Oh man, I'm so horribly offended. I don't wear anything but for some deodorant. Well, and my scrubs.


I can't explain it; some of the ladies I work with must bathe in the stuff. Ack.
Oh yeah, your bit above, about Paris? Spot on!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
laura said:
me too, but i am not particualrly bothered by the smell of BO. TN calls it mojo.
usually i'm not, but sometimes there are exceptions, based on the pungency. two examples immediately spring to mind.

at college, i had an engineering class in a room where the previous course being taught was some PhD-level math class. of course, most of the students didn't bother w/ any sort of personal hygiene, and the room was soaking in a disturbing melange of rancid BO, sour kim chee, and curry powder.

the other instance was some eastern european guy who sat in front of me on a cross-country plane trip. his BO was bad enough to give me a headache.



Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
narlus said:
usually i'm not, but sometimes there are exceptions, based on the pungency. two examples immediately spring to mind.

at college, i had an engineering class in a room where the previous course being taught was some PhD-level math class. of course, most of the students didn't bother w/ any sort of personal hygiene, and the room was soaking in a disturbing melange of rancid BO, sour kim chee, and curry powder.

the other instance was some eastern european guy who sat in front of me on a cross-country plane trip. his BO was bad enough to give me a headache.


when i was 16 i worked at steak escape, one of those fast food places where you stand over a grill and make peoples steak sandwiches fresh. anyways. the manager was this huge dude who probably weighed 400 pounds. he loved to g out clubbing every fri and sat night and then come straight to work, sans sleep and probably still drunk. his drink of choice was gin, and when he started sweating he smelled like toxic gin and BO. it was so bad that the sizzling steak and onion could barely cover it up. that was almost unbearable.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
llkoolkeg said:
Most times I have come across someone wearing too much fragrance, it is either:

1) A hospital nurse
What kind of hospital are you going to? The hospital I work for does not allow health care workers (doctors, residents, nurses, etc) to wear cologne and purfume because patients could be allergic. It's ok for me to wear cologne though because I am in the finance building on the other side of town (I don't wear the stuff anyway).


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
laura said:
...TN calls it mojo.

when i was 16 i worked at steak escape, one of those fast food places where you stand over a grill and make peoples steak sandwiches fresh. anyways. the manager was this huge dude who probably weighed 400 pounds. he loved to g out clubbing every fri and sat night and then come straight to work, sans sleep and probably still drunk. his drink of choice was gin, and when he started sweating he smelled like toxic gin and BO. it was so bad that the sizzling steak and onion could barely cover it up. that was almost unbearable.
Don't bust on the poor guys mojo! Then again, good thing his drink of choice wasn't Jagr or Uzo.

BTW, TN will be thrilled to know that now everyone on RM thinks he stinks. Then again, maybe he could care less! :D


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I Are Baboon said:
What kind of hospital are you going to? The hospital I work for does not allow health care workers (doctors, residents, nurses, etc) to wear cologne and purfume because patients could be allergic. It's ok for me to wear cologne though because I am in the finance building on the other side of town (I don't wear the stuff anyway).
Fairfax on Gallows Road just outside the DC Beltway

Children's in DC

Johns Hopkins in Baltimore

UMD Trauma in Baltimore

FMH in Frederick

Carroll General in Westminster

There is always at least one nurse who applys it with a watering can. Oddly enough, the guys(if they smell) rarely reek of anything other than a mix of antibacterial hand foam and/or mild BO.