
opinions on z1 blown cartridge options??


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
I blew the compression cartridge on a 00 Z1 CR QR20, just like everyone else that ever had one. My options as far as I can tell are:

1) sell it as is for cheap and buy a new fork
2) get a new 00 compression cartridge from Marzocchi for $80
3) get a new 02 HSCV damper from Marzocchi for $110
4) run it with a blown compression cartridge since most people drilled theirs out anyway...

5) anyone know of any others???

I think I'm just going to shell out for the 02 damper, and have to mess with the rebound damping to get it to run correctly with the '00 rebound cartridge I still have in the other leg. I'll then have a 5" Z1 with great damping, 20mm axle, and removeable arch, maybe even ECC (am I right?), which will be pretty sweet. What do you all think?


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
It's not blown seals, it's a blown cartridge body. The whole side of the cartridge bulged and ripped open from the internal pressure.

Apparently it was a common problem on the compression damping cartridges Marzocchi put out that year.

Anyway, I ended up ordering a 2002 ECC damper, and the Zoke guys assured me that the two rebound dmapers provide enough compression damping side by side that the fork will feel good.

So now I've got a 20mm 5" single crown that can take 3" tire (pre-cryofit arch) and has ECC. Pretty sweet.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
naaa the warranty is only a year, even for zokes...

and if I were an animal I would have killed it while it was still under warranty and then the fix would have been free...

oh well. coulda been worse. I'm glad marzocchi has kept their bomber line compatible all these years (hint hint RS, manitou...)


Devil Goat Boy
Aug 12, 2001
Woodland Hills, CA
that set-up works just fine, that's the fork I have. i traded compression for ECC & have been very happy (eventhough the gen 1 ECC that i got detonated & was replaced for free). just adjust the compression feel with the preload and the oil height. removable brake arches are keen, they allow you to work on one leg at a time too :D