
Oral sex lessons to cut rates of teenage pregnancy

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Oral sex lessons to cut rates of teenage pregnancy
Mark Townsend | Sunday May 9, 2004 | The Observer (UK)

Encouraging schoolchildren to experiment with oral sex could prove the most effective way of curbing teenage pregnancy rates, a government study has found.
Pupils under 16 who were taught to consider other forms of 'intimacy' such as oral sex were significantly less likely to engage in full intercourse, it was revealed.

Britain's teenage pregnancy rate is the highest in Europe. In 2002 there were 39,286 teen pregnancies recorded. The government has spent more than £60 million to tackle the problem but so far failed to halt the rise.

A sex education course developed by Exeter University trains teachers to talk to teenagers about 'stopping points' before full sex.

Now an unpublished government-backed report reveals that a trial of the course has been a success. Schoolchildren, particularly girls, who received such training developed a 'more mature' response to sex.

The study by the National Foundation for Educational Research found youngsters were 'less likely to be sexually active' than peers who received traditional forms of sex education, dispelling the fears of family campaigners who believe such methods actually arouse the sexual interest of teenagers.

Now the government will recommend the scheme, called A Pause, to schools throughout England and Wales following the success of the trial in 104 schools where sexual intercourse among 16-year-olds fell by up to 20 per cent, according to Dr John Tripp of the Department of Child Health at the University of Exeter, who helped to design the course.

Teachers who sign up to the course are primed to deal with queries from pupils on all kinds of sexual experience. Those behind the course stress the scheme does not suggest teenagers experiment with oral sex. Instead they say A Pause promotes the message that other forms of physical intimacy are safer than full intercourse.

'It teaches people assertiveness skills and that they should be only as intimate as they feel comfortable with,' said Tripp.

A Department for Education and Skills spokesman said the report's verdict would be made available to all schools. 'All teachers respect peer-reviewed material, and this will help influence their decision,' he said.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Originally posted by N8
Britain's teenage pregnancy rate is the highest in Europe. In 2002 there were 39,286 teen pregnancies recorded. The government has spent more than £60 million to tackle the problem but so far failed to halt the rise.
Having a socialist health care doesn't really help with trying to make people act responsibly either...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by sshappy
I wonder how it compares with teenage pregnancy rates in the US and Canada?
A minute or two on google got me this:

" Adolescent childbearing is more common in the United States (22% of women reported having had a child before age 20) than in Great Britain (15%), Canada (11%), France (6%) and Sweden (4%); differences are even greater for births to younger teenagers. A lower proportion of teenage pregnancies are resolved through abortion in the United States than in the other countries; however, because of their high pregnancy rate, U.S. teenagers have the highest abortion rate. The age of sexual debut varies little across countries, yet American teenagers are the most likely to have multiple partners. A greater proportion of U.S. women reported no contraceptive use at either first or recent intercourse (25% and 20%, respectively) than reported nonuse in France (11% and 12%, respectively), Great Britain (21% and 4%, respectively) and Sweden (22% and 7%, respectively)."


Apr 20, 2004
Middle of Nowhere
Originally posted by Silver
A minute or two on google got me this:

" Adolescent childbearing is more common in the United States (22% of women reported having had a child before age 20) than in Great Britain (15%), Canada (11%), France (6%) and Sweden (4%); differences are even greater for births to younger teenagers. A lower proportion of teenage pregnancies are resolved through abortion in the United States than in the other countries; however, because of their high pregnancy rate, U.S. teenagers have the highest abortion rate. The age of sexual debut varies little across countries, yet American teenagers are the most likely to have multiple partners. A greater proportion of U.S. women reported no contraceptive use at either first or recent intercourse (25% and 20%, respectively) than reported nonuse in France (11% and 12%, respectively), Great Britain (21% and 4%, respectively) and Sweden (22% and 7%, respectively)."
Damn that socialized medicine!:evil:


Oct 17, 2002
on behalf of all guys... woohoo! Bring on the suckage :devil:

On behalf of all fathers of girls -- which I hope to be someday -- WTF? Don't go encouraging my (future) daughter to go down on her b/f at such a young age.

Just seems like boys will use this to convince girls to do something they might not be ready for yet. "But everyone says it's 'ok' and everyone's doing it and the school's encouraging it." :rolleyes:


Mar 30, 2003
in the 303/720
I think this "study" was done for the benefit of the future generations, at least the males. ;)

It seems to me that if your getting/giving a "mouthful," that the trip to full on sex is not much further off.

Hey but I'm all for more BJ's.



I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Originally posted by LordOpie
on behalf of all guys... woohoo! Bring on the suckage :devil:

On behalf of all fathers of girls -- which I hope to be someday -- WTF? Don't go encouraging my (future) daughter to go down on her b/f at such a young age.

Just seems like boys will use this to convince girls to do something they might not be ready for yet. "But everyone says it's 'ok' and everyone's doing it and the school's encouraging it." :rolleyes:
I'd rather kids know to do something like this, rather than full sexual intercourse at 13 or 14 and teen pregnancy at young ages.

But I mean, if you enjoy grandfather hood early in life, well then, by all means, let's leave the kids uneducated in the ways of sexual intercourse, consequences to their actions, and without the knowledge or ability to physically enjoy themselves any other way.

I think what this program is doing is acknowledging that preaching abstinence like crazy isn't going to prevent kids from being sexually active at very early ages.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
High protein...low carbs...improves the complexion and softens the skin...what's not to love. :D
Umm, something you want to tell us? Perhaps you're getting a new protein supplement? ;) :D

Remember when the doctor/teacher (i forget) advocated masturbation and was nearly stoned to death? Now we're advocating oral sex? Very strange. Are they still teaching about masturbation? What the heck is so wrong with a boy or girl exploring and understanding their own body. Start there before going down on somebody else.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Originally posted by LordOpie
Umm, something you want to tell us? Perhaps you're getting a new protein supplement? ;) :D

Remember when the doctor/teacher (i forget) advocated masturbation and was nearly stoned to death? Now we're advocating oral sex? Very strange. Are they still teaching about masturbation? What the heck is so wrong with a boy or girl exploring and understanding their own body. Start there before going down on somebody else.
We were never taught about masturbation, but I recall a girl doing an English report on the benefits for masturbation (we were learning how to debate controversial topics in writing).

She got an A for her paper, but if I recall, she was often quite frustrated at the lack of materials available for her to use in the school library for research.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
We were never taught about masturbation, but I recall a girl doing an English report on the benefits for masturbation (we were learning how to debate controversial topics in writing).

She got an A for her paper, but if I recall, she was often quite frustrated at the lack of materials available for her to use in the school library for research.
That is what the public library is for.....:rolleyes: :)

That and Kuma Sutra books....or so I have heard. :)
Apr 29, 2004
culpeper VA
I always said my kids would know everything, so they could be well educated consumers, however, not as easy as I thought with an 8 year old girl. The real problem, is that sex is such a hush, hush topic. If it wasn't so embarrassing for kids to ask questions, they probably wouldn't be experimenting so much. Or they could get dependable awnsers, instead of well mikey said that this should be like this. I also think it would help them as adults