
Organized DH goes away?


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
old news to those who frequent the DH, but a good post here.

Ive staied out of posting in those other threads as its not something that directly effects me, plus theres so much going on im sure my post would go unnoticed.

I just think snoqualmie when i read it. Dont think it will effect whistler. Enough people have already been killed or seriously hurt there. The most that will happen is stunts will get dummed down, and maybe prices will raise. It could effect the hopes for other resorts, but then again thats coming from cali. I could sue you there for sneezing in my direction and probably win 25 billion dollars.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Don't fell like posting in there. But it likely won't happen to whistler. Reading through the thread it looks like they were barely holding on as is with the people going there. If they were just breaking even then something like a big lawsuit screws them.

Whistler (and canada) in general have more strict laws about liability and definately NOT the huge returns you see in the states. In canada if you are an adult it is very very difficult to get a return on an injury. You really have to prove, wherever you got that injury, was liable. This would mean a new trail, with shoddy design and no sign explaining what the trail was or is (black diamond)...that is definately not the case in whistler. The number of peole coming here and bringing money to whistler as a whole has increased 5 or 6x in profit the past 5 or 6 years. A couple of liable hits here and there are like bumps. I am sure they expect it. Although an increase in pass cost should be expected. The work done and insurance costs...wooooooooooooooo

Oly, you make it sound like a death trap haha...1 death 2 years ago that I know of (weaing a stupid helmet I might add), did someone die this year?


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Roasted said:
Oly, you make it sound like a death trap haha...1 death 2 years ago that I know of (weaing a stupid helmet I might add), did someone die this year?
Well, i remember the one death and thought i heard of another. Maybe i was confussed. There are plenty of normal injuries though and some pretty serious..... In general though i feel safer at whistler than at our local DH stuff......


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
oly said:
Well, i remember the one death and thought i heard of another. Maybe i was confussed. There are plenty of normal injuries though and some pretty serious..... In general though i feel safer at whistler than at our local DH stuff......
I just wasn't sure. I didn't hear anything, just wondering if you did.

Yeah injuries are high, but I would be curious to see the per capita stat. Number of riders up who are injured vs a normal trail (an impossible thing I realize) I bet it is pretty average, we just get 1000's of riders :)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
I think Whistlers signage system is dumbed down. Green is like the pavement trail around greenlake. Blue diamond is a tame/semi tame xc trail. Then it goes straight to black with tame jumps. Then to Double black, which I can't imagine being the most extreme trails possible. (though they are fun because they're so empty and difficult.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Tell that to people who can't jump. Sorry but from a dhillers experience this may be true. But black diamonds are very difficult for average riders (even intermediates), and the jumps on them are very intimidating as well (I realy don't think people who jump often realize how intimidating a jump is, they forgot, or never knew what it was like to not be confident in the air). As it is we have problems keeping newies off of hard trails, no need to make it worse by making whistler DH a blue run.... Sounds like you have the same type of opinion of the shore kids, which is unfortunately, wrong. The injuries would go up expedentially if we marked things the way shore kids ride haha

You must be riding some really difficult trails. Because Ho Chi Min and golden triangle are blue as well as angry pirate and those aren't like any semi groomed xc trails I have ridden (ok ho chi min is to a point, but original golden triangle had the duffman section on it. And angry pirate is steep for a blue (some here even mentioned it should be a black))