
Ouachita recap


Apr 4, 2002
This weekend I rode the Ouachita Challenge, my second year in a row. At 15 hours the drive is too long though, so next year I've resolved not to go. Either that or I'll ride both days, the tour on Saturday and the race on Sunday. ;) This year I again rode the tour and the course was the opposite of last year. I liked it better I think. The climbs, mostly at the end this time, were still brutally painful, but they'd be that in either direction and this year I got to enjoy the Womble trail before the real suffering began. I basically missed it last year because we hit the sweetest part about the time I was bottoming out. I came back around but by then the fun was over.

I also planned things better this year. Last year I got hung up in the early climbs behind granny ringing gearies, and that burned a lot of energy early on. Not this year though. I'd pre-ridden the early part of the course on Friday so Saturday I knew what was coming and positioned myself accordingly. The other planning improvement over last year was the long road section in the middle. Last year I waited for the food stop before eating. That was bad, but what was worse was that they'd moved the food stop five miles down the road. Recovering from that took time. This year as soon as I hit pavement I started stuffing my face and only stopped at the food stop for additional supplies. The climbs at the end still sucked, and I walked more than I wanted to, but I rode a lot too and the downhills were great. No crashes, no flats, no mechanicals. Not a bad day at all.


Womble goodness. I spent the first 15 miles with these guys, then we got separated and I didn't see another tour rider on the trails all day.

Friendly volunteers. These folks don't give a hoot about bikes or bikies, but they rock anyway.

Ouachita side of the course, one of the spots where the rocks were beside the trail instead of in it. Overall the Ouachita side was a tire and derailleur killer.

Money shot from up on Blowout Mtn somewhere.



Apr 4, 2002
Heidi said:
Very nice, very nice!

Are those big cookies on the aid table? YUM!
Bagels. I wish they hadn't cut them all in half though. After they'd spent an hour in your jersey pocket they were hard to keep together when your hands were bouncing around on the bars. :dancing:


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
wooglin said:
Bagels. I wish they hadn't cut them all in half though. After they'd spent an hour in your jersey pocket they were hard to keep together when your hands were bouncing around on the bars. :dancing:

I can't eat bagels in long races...I find I have to chew too much.


Apr 4, 2002
The Toninator said:
awesome, i was a nanosecond from being talked into going but i had other plans. if it was this weekend i'd go.
Everyone you know went I think. Hell, you couldn't swing a cat without hitting a Texan. :D

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I missed out on all the "fun" this year... :D

I still have nightmares of Blowout Mt a year later... :p

We had a dozen riders from NWLa head up there and our resident 29" SSer said he hated spinning the road sections so much that he was actually glad to see the climbs.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
wooglin said:
Everyone you know went I think. Hell, you couldn't swing a cat without hitting a Texan. :D
pretty much, heres my hero's race story:

(Will Black)

It was fun to do a road trip, I had some great traveling partners which made the drive up and back go by super fast. The race was fun and since I wasn't really prepared I suffered the last hour or so. We did a controlled roll out from the high school to the start of the dirt road climb. Once there we re-grouped got some words of encouragement from the promoter, " lets see some carnage, my wife knows CPR." He instructed us to let him get a few hundred yards up the road and then he would give us the signal, that way we wouldn't get dusted by his truck. So much for that, he rolled about 10 feet and we were off. We quickly formed a double pace line and just kept it steady for the first few miles. Just before the single track there is a longish climb and that is were it split up a bit. The guy who ended up winning got a gap on the small group I was in so I moved to the front of the group to close it down. Shortly after entering the singletrack I had caught the leader and rode with him for the first 45 min or so. At one of the first real rocky sections I broke a spoke on my rear wheel so I jumped off the bike to remove it so it wouldn't do more damage. I managed to bridge back up to the leader and rode with him another 30 min. or so. He was hitting all the climbs pretty hard so I would let him get a gap, then reel him back in on the descents and flats. About 2.5 hours into the race we came to a un- rideable rock garden and while I was off my bike I realized my seat bag had come un zipped and all my stuff had fallen out. My first instinct was to just keep going but I realized that I had a long way to go soI figured I better go back up the trail a bit in case it had just fallen out. Well I walked 50 yards or so back up the trail with no sign of my stuff so it was back on the bike with the thought that I still had at least 2 hours to go and no more flat stuff. Obviously the leader was out of sight, but I thought that if I keep it steady and push it on the flats I may bring him back. I rollled into the 2nd feed stop and was given a gap of 3 min. or so, I re filled my water bottles and resigned my self to just ride at a steady pace as I don't think I am going to catch the leader. After one of the long road sections as I am entering the woods I look back down the road to see 2 guys working together, I knew it was only going to be a matter of time until they caught me. I was 3 1/2 hours into the race and I was running out of gas, I guess those 2 hour rides with Ellie werent' enough. I manage to hold of the first guy for another 25 min. or so but when he catches there is nothing I can do, no way I can raise my pace as we still have to far to go. The next guy cathes me at a fire road crossing, we both came to a stop to try to figure out which way to go. Once we get on the correct trail I stick with him for 10 min. or so then let him ride away. So I am now in 4th, my best guess is I have 30-45 min. to go and I am way past done. I get on the last section of fire road where I am told "just one last long climb then it is gravy from the top". It was all I could do to keep from dropping it into my granny, my pride kept me turning over the middle ring. After cresting the top of the climb it rolled all the way back onto a paved road and after a couple of miles you popped out a 100 yards or so from the High school. I think I came in just under 5 hours, all I could think was man what I wouldn't give to have the fitness I had 2 years ago when I did Leadville, I could have chopped an hour off my time. Oh well there is always next year, Ellie will be heavier so maybe I will be in better shape. I guess it also wouldn't hurt to do some long rides and maybe even ride my mtn. bike off road every now and then.