LOLZ, yes. I love how the local teabagger crowd is playing a 5 year, .1 percent tax increase that can only be spent on schools as a "Bail out". That's disingenuous at best.
*edit: I'll bet you a 4 pack of Ten Fidy or Gubna it doesn't pass.
Better idea, keep taxes the way they are, and make rich people pay their fair share. I've crunched all sorts of numbers, and doing that, with bringing our boys home, and if we end all the tax breaks for yachts and corporate jets as well as closing loop holes we will generate hundreds of billions a year.
Better idea, keep taxes the way they are, and make rich people pay their fair share. I've crunched all sorts of numbers, and doing that, with bringing our boys home, and if we end all the tax breaks for yachts and corporate jets as well as closing loop holes we will generate hundreds of billions a year.
The top 20 percent of all income earners pay a substantial majority of all federal taxes. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in 2006, the latest year of available data, the top 20 percent of income earners paid almost 70 percent of all federal taxes. This share was 4 percent higher than in 2000, before the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts.
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]." - Margaret Thatcher
The top 20 percent of all income earners pay a substantial majority of all federal taxes. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in 2006, the latest year of available data, the top 20 percent of income earners paid almost 70 percent of all federal taxes. This share was 4 percent higher than in 2000, before the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts.
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]." - Margaret Thatcher
Funny cause the top 10% controls half the wealth, and the top 20% controls 90% of the financial wealth and 85% of net wealth. So with 20% paying 70% of the taxes, I see NO fairness. That's not even the flat tax you have such a hard-on for. That's called a regressive tax. (not to mention a progressive tax being what we need)
1: no kidding that's not enough, that's one of thousands of tax breaks/ loop holes that need to be closed.
2: We keep giving tax breaks to the rich, I still see no more increase in buying, OHHH WIAT!!! Rich people buy a small fraction of their income based on income. Soooo giving tax breaks to the poor $ for $ will cause more spending
When you're worth 100 million dollars it's hard to spend more. You just tend to start accumulating for the sake of keeping your family rich for a thousand years
Heres a radical idea...contol govenrment spending by spending responsibly, not like a sailor on a 3 day binge. I cant throw about numbers like some of you fvcks, but I can say from 20+ years of military experience that the gubbmint throws around money like no bodies business. Why we use US taxpayer money to build schools in Whothe****caresiztan (Instead of investing in our own childrens futures...) I dont know. Throw in few $9K hammers on top of the mix, and a few idiotic Congreffional fact finding junkets on top for flavoring and we have a budgetary mess. The govenrment should be held to the same budgetary statndards as Joe Average Citizen is. Just a thought...
GFF, dont argue with he who spouts Tea Bagger talikng points. Its like talking to a wall...only less interesting and you dont want to punch the wall in the face afterwards.
GFF, dont argue with he who spouts Tea Bagger talikng points. Its like talking to a wall...only less interesting and you dont want to punch the wall in the face afterwards.
Maybe because the "47%" dont use their Congresional clout and well paid lawyers and lobbyists to avoid paying taxes. They simply struggle every day to get by...
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