
Our top 50 tonight

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
I wonder how many big names will get nailed:clapping:

this ought to be good

Targeted riders to be informed by UCI
UCI president Pat McQuaid
Photo ©: Gregor Brown
The International Cycling Union (UCI) indicated on Sunday that it will target a list of 50 riders who have shown abnormal results under the UCI's biological passport program. The UCI had revealed on Wednesday that it would be taking disciplinary action against a previously undisclosed number of riders.

At the final stage of the Dauphiné Libéré on Sunday UCI president Pat McQuaid said that the first of the targeted riders and their teams would be informed this week. McQuaid also expressed his own reservations about riders, named in the list, being included in their team's Tour de France squads.

"We [have] targeted research on a fifty riders," said McQuaid, according to L'Equipe. "Federations, teams and riders will gradually be informed in the coming days. I can not imagine that teams [will] bring riders covered on the list to the Tour de France."

The UCI's action against riders will be a firm test of the UCI's biological passport program. However, McQuaid indicated the UCI was confident that evidence provided by the program will hold up to examination.

"We worked with experts. We are ready to defend these results before the court."


Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2008
Methuen, Mass. U.S.A.
of course they had to do it before the TdF. the UCI/ASO battle continues. and the UCI makes it even more of a ball buster by not saying right away who the magic 50 are but that teams will be notified over the next few days. so now the teams get caught in the middle somewhat. the UCI didn't say the riders couldn't attend the TdF, just that they would be surprised if teams didn't take them off the TdF team. so, do the teams leave off riders to make the UCI happy and piss off ASO? what if it's a popular rider? what if it's a popular FRENCH rider? considering the races ASO runs some teams may take that into consideration. i wish cycling would get their s*it together. Valverde can't race the TdF because he's under suspension by CONI. granted they are the Italian federation and the race goes into Italy for what... something like 60 miles http://velonews.com/article/93368/valverde-s-tour-future-uncertain. now that's just crazy. whether he's guilty or not what difference does it make that he's racing for that little amount of time? this is why i think the UCI fails as a sanctioning body. if Valverde is guilty then he should be banned from every competition in every country, not just Italy. there's too many cooks in the kitchen.