
out of office, office partys


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
it's that time of year I guess.

every year they have a damm party, usually at the bosses house. I am always busy, of course........why do I want to go hang out with the jerks that I work with on my own time?


anyone else have this crap happen?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Yeah, my boss does the same freakin thing at his house too.

I've never been to one. Everyone comes back talking about playing pool or cruising around on his lake. Whippee f'n do. I keep thinking to myself...hmmm no x-mas bonus or yearly raise, do I really want to watch the big screen I PAID FOR. :nuts:

dh girlie

Government employees don't get parties. We get an employee appreciation picnic that we do the planning and then we sell raffle tickets and with that money we buy prizes to raffle off. Kinda like we pay for the prizes, but that's cool. I don't mind the picanic cuz it's on company time...I could either sit in the office with all these a holes or sit in a park with em...:D

dh girlie

DVNT said:
Yeah, my boss does the same freakin thing at his house too.

I've never been to one. Everyone comes back talking about playing pool or cruising around on his lake. Whippee f'n do. I keep thinking to myself...hmmm no x-mas bonus or yearly raise, do I really want to watch the big screen I PAID FOR. :nuts:

Oh oh!!!! you SHOULD go this year...and bring the hot secretary that he didn't hire cuz his wife said no way! Now THAT would be a hoot!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
My boss takes us and our significant others all out to dinner at a fancy resturant for dinner. We have to call it our end of year dinner though because of religious conflicts with one of the employees.


dh girlie said:
Oh oh!!!! you SHOULD go this year...and bring the hot secretary that he didn't hire cuz his wife said no way! Now THAT would be a hoot!
And you claim you ain't catty. :rolleyes:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
oh man, in the day we would have some kick ass parties!!!
I doubt if we will even have one this year, not that I woould go anyway.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
douglas said:
oh man, in the day we would have some kick ass parties!!!
I doubt if we will even have one this year, not that I woould go anyway.
My GF got invited to her Principal's christmas party. Get this it's on SUNDAY!!! WTF is the reason to even have a party if your intention is to not have fun?


stosh said:
My GF got invited to her Principal's christmas party. Get this it's on SUNDAY!!! WTF is the reason to even have a party if your intention is to not have fun?
I am amazed by the stupid things you feel compelled to type some days. :confused:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
dh girlie said:
Oh oh!!!! you SHOULD go this year...and bring the hot secretary that he didn't hire cuz his wife said no way! Now THAT would be a hoot!

Yeah, than I could fit in with all the other monkeys.
I'll save it for the penthouse forum.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
stosh said:
My GF got invited to her Principal's christmas party. Get this it's on SUNDAY!!! WTF is the reason to even have a party if your intention is to not have fun?
that is what day they are planing ours. the funny thing is, my boss lives like 2 miles from me. so I could easily ride my bike, drink heavily and ride home but I would rather not see my co-workers unless i'm at work....


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
stosh said:
My GF got invited to her Principal's christmas party. Get this it's on SUNDAY!!! WTF is the reason to even have a party if your intention is to not have fun?

Wait... is she IN school or just WORK at one?

dh girlie

DVNT said:
Yeah, than I could fit in with all the other monkeys.
I'll save it for the penthouse forum.
HAHAHAHA! Sweet! I could just see it now...

we arrived at my bosses house...me, debonair in a silk smoking jacket and ascot...she, a ravishing beauty in a red satin evening gown slit up to here and cut down to there...she slipped away to the horderve table during the sing along around the baby grand...she caught my eye as she sucked olives off of the end of each of her fingers, and coyly beckoned me to the table. I managed to slip away between the first verse and the chorus of Deck the Halls...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
I'm a hermit, would rather be mountain biking, and don't drink so I'm always a no show for the work party........


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
loco said:
I am amazed by the stupid things you feel compelled to type some days. :confused:
Seriously though if you are going to have a party the first thing you do it have it on a day when you dont' have the work the next day. It's like rule #1. See maybe you simply not knowing common unspoken rules has kept you from ever having a threesome.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
dh girlie said:
HAHAHAHA! Sweet! I could just see it now...

we arrived at my bosses house...me, debonair in a silk smoking jacket and ascot...she, a ravishing beauty in a red satin evening gown slit up to here and cut down to there...she slipped away to the horderve table during the sing along around the baby grand...she caught my eye as she sucked olives off of the end of each of her fingers, and coyly beckoned me to the table. I managed to slip away between the first verse and the chorus of Deck the Halls...

Your imagination scares me sometimes. :blah:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I wish my boss was that cool! The best thing is he's always late so we go and drink for a 1/2 hour on his tab. :)


dh girlie said:
I prefer to think of that little tidbit as more of a humorous jab at some of our e-don juans on rm...:D
That would have included her wearing guarders and being bent over the baby grand while they all lined up to hit it like balls over the fence. Of course, their actual girlfriends would all be laying aroung making out like mad. It would be so nasty, Hustler wouldn't even touch it. It would be a sea of....nevermind.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
dh girlie said:
I prefer to think of that little tidbit as more of a humorous jab at some of our e-don juans on rm...:D

the scary part is that it sounds like some of them.
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
Our holiday party is(feigning snotty Brit accent) Oh So Civilized, you know. String quartet playing in the background, everyone gets dressed up, nice buffet, the sound of subdued, polite conversation. Then in we come and head straight to the raw bar. We start slurping oysters and slugging champagne until the hubby makes an offhanded comment to some poor schlub who's a vegan and before you know it he takes a swing at the Mr. and the benches empty! Last thing I saw was my love shoving a piece of sirloin at this guy and yelling "What are you un-American? Got something against the meat industry?"

Then the cops came in.

It's the same every year. Gawd I love the holidays!

The Cheese


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
loco said:
That would have included her wearing guarders and being bent over the baby grand while they all lined up to hit it like balls over the fence. Of course, their actual girlfriends would all be laying aroung making out like mad. It would be so nasty, Hustler wouldn't even touch it. It would be a sea of....nevermind.


dh girlie

DVNT said:
the scary part is that it sounds like some of them.
I know...wayyyy long ago, bdvnt and bl-g, there was a thread that someone started, about telling a story about scoring when you didn't expect it...the stories were hysertical...I was imagining some of these guys typing with their toes...I came in with a really good story about me and Cedric and a time I wasn't expecting it with him...it really happened...I SWEAR!


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Ours are freakin hilarious. We all go to a really nice place & get absolutely trashed and are not invited back to the same place every year. The dubious lampshade award to the most drunk. My date is last years runner up ;) Its gonna be interesting!