
Overtime policy at your company?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
My first job after college was salary + overtime. Travel time was considered work. I usually doubled my crappy base salary with 60+ hours/week.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Echo said:
We just got a memo here at Xerox that changes how we get overtime pay. They say it's because the current policy "exceeds what other companies offer" and they are just becoming more in line with what's standard. So the question is, for monkeys who are eligible for overtime pay:

1) If you work a Sunday, do you get paid double time?

2) If you were to take 2 days vacation and then work 3 ten hour days in a work week, would you recieve 6 hours overtime pay?

3) What company do you work for?

If you aren't comfortable posting what company you work for, it would be cool if you could PM it to me. I am only interested in policies for specific companies, I won't tell anyone who you work for.
I personally don't get overtime, but I can try to answer for Sq-Earl.

1) no

2) no - all overtime has to be requested approved and billed according to the job and I believe it's time and a half. Also, because of his work schedule (9-80) his vacation time for those 2 days would have to be taken in 9 hour chunks (unless it were a Friday then it would be 8 hours) and he can only make up the lost hours for holidays (regularly scheduled and floating).


There was just some legal rumblings about casual overtime that lead to Sq-Earl getting a nice lump sum check right before Christmas. IF you want more details about it, PM me.